|𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽|

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Coraline felt like there was a knife in her heart.

It didn't go away- the pain that's was evident in her heart from what had just happened. She couldn't process it in her mind- she didn't want to believe it was him but if it was polyjuice potion he wouldn't have sounded exactly like him when he spoke to her and told her to leave.

And the though of him and Astoria having sex when she left- it only broke her more. She'd sobbed and sobbed, she'd drank and drank, she'd slept and showered and cooked and done anything to get her mind off of that boy.

What made it worse was that the gut wrenching feeling in her stomach didn't go away. It didn't disappear, it only rose up to a vile in her throat thay eventually began to grow to much for her to handle. Coraline simply didn't understand.

He'd touched her body- he'd genuinely felt every single inch of her skin. He made her feel different, and not just because he made her cum. He made her feel different about her body because Elliot never used to treat it like it was prize. He just simply fucked her, and although he tried to make himself seem good by wanting her to cum, he never actually admired her body like Draco did.

Because Draco certainly made her feel good about her own body. He admired the way she was shaped, he admired every curve of her body and even if she wasn't perfect he made her feel like she was. His eyes always glistened when he got the chance to make her feel good, they always had a certain glint in them when he watched her face twist in pleasure. And then he'd cuddle her afterwards, stroking her arm or her back, her head laying on his chest as he hummed occasionally.


She'd hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep, hadn't been able to because all that she ever saw when she closed her eyes was Draco kissing Astoria. And again, her stomach twisted with an unpleasant feeling, her eyes watery and it wasn't just because of her sobbing, it was because they were bloodshot red from rubbing them so much.

Coraline didn't recognize that voice yet, she was still hazy and still half sobbing while half wanting to laugh.

This is so stupid.

My life was perfect without him-

Perfect in fourth year. It was perfect before she stepped onto that train in fifth year, and stumbled upon a compartment which she thought was empty, but it was indeed filled with seventh year slytherins. Before they all turned to her, and she froze up like a stick because she was embarrassed.

Her life was perfect until Draco Malfoy came along.

Because when he did, her life felt like it was more than perfect. Like it belonged to the stars because that's how unbelievable good it was, and how her heart was completely owned by a certain blonde boy who was no doubt in love with her too.


She was being grabbed, her body sitting upwards from laying on her stomach on the bed. What was worse about this whole situation was that Draco bought her this flat- he provided somewhere for her to live.

"Babe- what the fuck happened?" Pansy's voice rung in her ear, making her wince because it was very loud.

Her hands rubbed her eyes again, another tear leaking out of them. Did she ever stop crying? Pathetic. Her nose was red, her cheeks the same color and she didn't have her glasses on- they completely broke when she sobbed. Because she'd laid head first into the bedsheets, and once she heard them crack she took them off and slammed them against the wall out of anger and sadness.

"Coraline- breath, please. I'm calling Draco- is that what you want-!"

"No-," she choked out, her breath completely gone because she hadn't spoke in hours. She'd only sobbed and her throat hurt, it sounded croaky. "I hate him- I hate him, I hate him, I hate him-." She sobbed out repeatedly, feeling her chest tighten and more tears falling down her porcelain skin.

"Fucking hell," Pansy groaned out, before going to get Coraline a glass of water.

Coraline let out a hiccup, trying her hardest to calm down and not completely break down again. But it seemed like she was still in the process of breaking down, like she was still in the midst of wanting to scream.

Her heart needed to be fixed- but the one person who could, was the same one who had broken it.

Pansy came back into her room, a glass of water and some blueberries in her hands. "I figured you'd need to eat- and I'm not taking no for an answer."

Coralline stared at the blueberries. Her shaking hands took ahold of the water, before bringing it to her lips and finally drinking something, drowning out that dry feeling in her mouth. And she wanted to eat the blueberries- she really did, but she didn't think she could bring herself to eat right now.

"Please tell me what happened," Pansy mumbled, but before Coraline could mumble anything her phone began to ring. She picked it up, bringing it to her ear. "Not now, Theodore."

Coraline could hear him on the phone- and she could hear how worried he sounded.

"I think- I really think you should get to Dracos." Theodores shaking voice rung in Pansy ears. "There's so much blood- he's lost his mind, Pans."

Coraline froze- she completely went stiff at the mention of blood.

It scared her- she really didn't want Draco to hurt himself. She needed him, mad or not she wouldn't be able to live with herself knowing that he hurt himself over her. Especially after what his father put him through, it made her whole body start to shake again.

She brought her knees to her chest, trying to muffle her sobs as she continued to listen to the conversation.

"Theo, your scaring me." Pansy mumbled, looking around nervously. "What's going on? I need you to stop breathing like you just ran a fucking marathon-,"

"Look I get it," Theodore cut her off harshly. "Your angry with me, but that's really not important right now. I'm telling you now, to bring your ass over here because this- this is bad."

Coraline was praying he didn't hurt himself, praying he didn't do something that made her regret what she did. But how could she not walk out on him? After seeing the person she loved kissing someone else, anybody wouldve walked out too.

"Is Draco okay?" Pansy sounded genuinely worried, her face plastered with concern. "Why is he bleeding-,"

"It's not his blood."




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