|𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓽𝔀𝓸|

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[i just love writing about this damn dog 💀.]

"You hurt her-

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"You hurt her-."

Draco was in his kitchen, cooking breakfast.

He'd woken up in Coralines arms, all cuddled up to her just like he wanted. He had given her a bath last night, cleaning her body up and he didn't care to heal the marks he left on her body.

There was at least 28 marks total.

But he felt proud to put them on her body, he felt like he did what he wanted. He marked her body as his, he told her that she wouldn't ever go to another man and he meant it. And then he'd taken care of her, cleaned her up and ever helped her shave before they settled into his bed and curled up in her arms.

So here he was, in his kitchen with a spoon in his hand and making breakfast while Coraline showered. He didn't join her- only because he wanted her to eat and he wanted to be the one to cook for her- but he would've in a heart beat if he didn't feel that way about her eating. And she'd have breakfast when she got out of the shower, it was perfect.

And the dog- she hadn't said a word near Coraline but with Draco, she'd taunt him every chance she got. It creeped Draco out- because the puppy was currently staring up at Draco while he awkwardly cooked some pancakes. They'd settled for a name- Daisy, but Draco still found her weird.

He sighed heavily, looking down at Daisy and watching her give him the stink eye. "What the fuck now?"

"Give me some fruit to eat. Dog food tastes like poop." Daisy responded, before gritting her teeth and growling at Draco.

He only rolled his eyes and set the spoon down, done stirring the pancake mix and he began to flip the pancake- when Daisy took another step towards him. Draco didn't know how to act with this dog, he'd been trying so hard to think what he had done wrong to that potion.

Her paws settled on the ground again, now looking at him with her teeth showing through her fur. He awkwardly took a step to the side, now having to stretch his arms to flip the pancake.

Daisy took another step.

Draco took one back.

"You hurt mummy."

"I- what?" Draco furrowed his eyebrows, holding his hands to his hips. "I've never-."

"I saw bite marks on her neck." The dog got on all fours instead of sitting in a sit position. "Why don't I do that to you?"

"No no no-." Draco started to run away, while the small little dog chased after him. "If you'd let me explain-!"

He didn't get a chance to explain before Daisy sped up, causing Draco to jump onto his couch only to realize that she could easily jump onto there too. He didn't like this- he didn't want to be attacked but he knew he couldn't just throw the dog out because he didn't have an explanation and he didn't know how to explain to Coraline that he made the dog be able to talk.

"Coraline!" He shouted, a strained look on his face as he darted behind his couch and by now his pancake was burnt.

He didn't know what to do- he took his coffee table and pushed it in front of Daisy and by then she's crawled underneath. They looked like weirdos running around his living room but he was not getting bitten by a tiny dog.

It's always the small dogs.

"Listen it was a form of love-!" Draco threw a lamp, allowing it hit near Daisy but missed her. The next thing he threw over was the giant book shelf, that stopped on the wall and he climbed on top of it while he gripped his wand.

"You hurt her-."

"I'm not arguing with a damn dog!" He shouted, taking his wand and pushing it on top of bookshelf with magic. He climbed on top of the couch carefully, making sure it didn't cause everything underneath and below his body to collapse.

Daisy began to try and climb the bookshelf but due to her nails she just slid back down the wood. And it calmed him for a split second- he couldn't believe he was in this position, his arms spread out and trying to balance while running away from a dog.

But then she began to go faster- and eventually she bit the couch causing Draco to finally let out a gasp and grow even more scared.

Daisy was pulling herself onto the couch-

"CORALINE!" Draco let out a girlie scream, his shriek of terror filling the room and that's when Coraline finally ran out of his bedroom.

The first thing she noticed was Draco, on top of a couch that was piled onto the back of a bookshelf that was balancing on a wall and threatening to fall over. Daisy had stopped in her tracks, sitting down and giving Coraline an innocent look.

"Draco what the fuck?" Coraline furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at him, his face red and sweating from running around his living room and he gave her a scared look. "Your Draco Malfoy and your afraid of a dog?"

"It's a fucking devil!" He shouted, looking at her who was only in a towel and her curly black hair sticking to her skin. "Get her away from me-."

Daisy growled at him, giving him a look that he understood was a warning. And he backed away even more, squishing further into the wall and Coraline giggled.

"Babe, just try to pet her-."

"You don't think I've tried?" He cut her off, pure terror in his voice at the thought of a small dog attacking him. "She wouldn't stop chasing me- it was fucking mad-!"

Coraline rolled her eyes again, walking further up to him and Draco- for a split second- forgot about the dog and again, admired the work on her body. The work that he did, and how good he made her feel. His bite marks still lingered everywhere on her, turning into a deep purple and blue gashes while a hickey lay in the middle of the indentions from his teeth.

She brought out her wand, ignoring his stare and held her towel with the other hand. She levitated down off of the furniture before doing the same with Daisy, and eventually making the living room go back to normal.

"Your pancake is burnt." Coraline pointed out in a dull tone. "And I've missed my shower."

"You were in there for nearly an hour-."

"Yes, I was. And I still had an hour left to finish off the fake arguments and concerts, now leave me alone." She turned around, ready to leave and just as she was about to open his bedroom door-

"Sometimes I think she's got issues." That was not Draco talking.

And Coraline stopped dead in her tracks, going wide eyed.




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