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[the end of this chapter made me cackle-]

[the end of this chapter made me cackle-]

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Draco woke up by a cold bucket of water being poured on him.

His body jolted up- remembering everything that had happened in the last three hours. He'd woken up and told Coraline about the flat- she demanded him to apparate her to there so she could be alone. And then he'd fallen asleep with her scent lingering in his bed- but she wasn't there.

But now he was drenched in ice cold water. He opened his eyes, ready to be furious with whoever did that when he was met with a more angry Pansy Parkinson he nearly fell out of his bed.

"What the fuck-." She threw the bucket at his forehead, watching it bounce off and topple to the floor.

"You are such an idiot!" She screamed at him, looking at the mess in his room.

That was another thing he'd done before he went back to sleep- he destroyed his bedroom. The bookshelf's were thrown down, some of the books ripped apart and his lamp was shattered, his blanket off the bed and torn to shreds and his bathroom was completely broken off.

He made a mess- and not once did he regret a thing.

"We have to meet Theodore in an hour you fucking dumbass- get up." She demanded, grabbing her wand and fixing the room. "I can't believe you actually sent her away- she's alone. And I invited her by the way- to come with us."

Draco widened his eyes as he stood up off the bed, motioning for the bathroom. "That was a stupid idea." He muttered, but quickly shut up as soon as-

Pansy threw a book at his head.

"Your so infuriating." She continued to jinx the room, fixing it and hexing things back into place while they sealed back together. "Your a mess- Theodores a mess-."

"Theodore did that to himself!" Draco shouted through the bathroom, turning on the water and starting to strip. The bathroom door wasn't anywhere near his big bathroom, so Pansy couldn't see him- nor would she make a move to look at him.

"Oh, so you didn't lose Coraline to yourself?!" She shouted back, and Draco rolled his eyes getting underneath the water. "I don't understand what- hey! Did you talk to your father?"

"Seriously Parkinson?" He yelled, scrunching up his face while he started to shampoo his hair. "Were talking about me making a mistake on letting on her go and you bring up my father?!"

He didn't want to speak to his father, not after he had given him nightmares. Not after his father had treated him terrible during his hogwarts years and never once apologized for it. But he knew he probably should've, for his own best friends sake but then he'd have to actually speak to his father and it still made him cower down.

He conditioned his hair, massaging his scalp before washing off his body and then exiting the shower. Although it felt relaxing to have a shower- he needed to mentally prepare himself to see Coraline without him. To see her just like the first time he did when she showed up in his office.

"You literally just admitted it that it was a mistake-."

"It was," he huffed, wrapping a towel around him. "But that doesn't mean that she likes me like i like her-."


"Parkinson," he inhaled deeply, walking out of his room to get new clothes.

He took a look around and saw that she had cleaned his whole room up- all with magic, and now she was laying on his bed texting on her phone. He rolled his eyes for the fourth time today, grabbed some clothes out of his dressed and went back to the bathroom.

"Whatever," she huffed. "Maybe if you'd talk to her about it, then you wouldn't have to wonder if she liked you just the same as you do."

He quickly slipped on his black turtle neck, hugging his torso and then some black pants that weren't tight but not loose with combat boots. He slipped in his earring- his ears were pierced- and then walked back out of the bathroom to motion for them to get going.

Pansy wore a simple blue jeans and pink shirt outfit- highly unlike of her- but he didn't question it and only grabbed his wand and walked into the kitchen before grabbing something to eat. He was slightly hungry- so he settled for a small cup of blueberries and put a plastic lid on them, ready to apparate to the three broomsticks.

He grabbed pansy's arm, apparating them to hogsMeade. Their bodies twisted and turned, their vision going blurry. He always hated apparition, but it was the fastest way to get somewhere so he wasn't making a complaint.

When they landed, they stood right in front of the three broomsticks. Draco walked inside, holding the door open for Pansy, and once they stepped inside his eyes immediately landed on Blaise sitting at a table waiting for everybody.

"Hey mate," Draco approached the table, making Blaises eyes light up and smile.

"Long time no see," Blaise responded, giving Draco a big hug because he hadn't seen him in a while.

When the bell to the door rung again, he didn't look up to see who it was, but only took a seat with Pansy right next to him. But as soon as he got a hint of black curly hair in his eyesight he snapped his eyes up to meet the girl he dreams about.

"Morning, Coraline." Pansy greeted her, and Coraline smiled back taking a seat next to Blaise who had welcomed her.

"Hi pans," she giggled and then shifted her eyesight to Draco. He swallowed a lump in his throat as he looked at her. "Hi Draco."

He nearly fainted.

"H- Hi," he stammered and the only thing going through his mind was that he was embarrassing himself.

She looked gorgeous to him- and the one thing that stuck out to him was that she was wearing a pair of blue jeans with rips in them, but she still had his T- shirt on. Her converse that were strapped to her feet made it seem like she had baby feet- he remembered her foot size.

"When is Theo getting here?" Blaise asked, and Pansy shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know but I'm hungry, and by the looks of it Coraline just woke up too," Pansy responded. "I'm ordering something."

"I'll pay, just put it under my name." Draco told the girls, and he only watched as Coraline looked down at a menu that was already displayed on the table with a blush.

Her hair was in messy curls- she looked like it was brushed but it was still messy from something natural like the wind. It made Dracos heart pound out of his chest- again.

Draco started eating the blueberries he brought, and watched as Coraline just ordered a bowl of strawberry's with some vanilla crepes. He couldn't lie- it sounded very good to him to but he was so focused on her beautiful brown eyes that he didn't hear Pansy order.

"Draco? Is that you?"

Draco turned his body around, looking at whoever could've called his name and Pansy and Coraline did too. But as soon as he saw the certain brown haired girl who was so attached to him during hogwarts he nearly threw up.

"No, I don't know how Draco is." Was the only response he gave to Astoria.




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