|𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓽𝔀𝓸|

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[it was so hard not updating this story 😩.

TW, abuse.]


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Draco woke up with Coraline in his arms.

He'd forgotten everything that happened between them for a split second- everything was perfect. He felt so at peace, his heart felt completely contempt.

She just looked so beautiful in his arms- like she belonged there. Safe, and warm inside of her embrace as they laid in his bed. He wouldn't ever get enough of her, her whole being was just to perfect for him to let go of. He wouldn't dare- ever.

And he was glad that Coraline gave him a chance to speak, gave him a chance to explain everything he said to her. She let him have yet another chance with her- he was more than great full. It was making him want to hold her in his arms and stay that way forever.

He was definitely getting her a puppy, whether she wanted it here or in her flat.

And he didn't even want her to go back to the place he bought her. He wanted her here- but he could only hope that she wanted it too.

Draco fell in love with her everyday- more and more. She was like a drug- his drug- that he was addicted to at all times. If he didn't have her in his arms, he'd go crazy. Because he managed to get her one last time.

One. Last. Time.

So he refused to mess this up- refused to hurt her feelings. He knew it wasn't his fault that he told her all those things, but he couldn't help but feel like it was. If he hadn't let Astoria come into his room that day- if he hadn't let her even come to his penthouse she wouldn't have done whatever she did to him.

Draco slipped out from underneath Coraline, getting out of bed and stretching his legs. When his phone began to ring, he instantly picked it up, sliding on his boxers and walking outside to the balcony so he didn't wake up Coraline.

"Hey," he spoke to Pansy on the other line of the phone. When all he heard was silent sobbing, he began to grow worried. "Pansy?"

"He- he didn't say it back-." Was all he heard from the other like of the phone. "He doesn't- love me!"

"Pansy what did you tell-."

"I told him I loved him- Draco he didn't say it back." Pansy whimpered, her voice completely cracking and it even hurt Draco. He never heard Pansy cry, the last time he did was when she fell off her broom in fourth year during quidditch. "And your father- he's winning. He's buying me out of my own company and it's all I have-."

This only angered Draco.

He wanted to hurt his father for everything he did to him- but he couldn't. He couldn't because he would always cower in front of his father, he didn't know if it was the like of respect he was taught or if he knew that Lucius wouldn't hesitate to hit his own son.

"I'll talk to my father," he told her softly, his great crushing for Pansy. "But Theodore-."

"He doesn't feel the same way," she whispered. "He never did. I was stupid I-." She hiccuped and another sob came out of her mouth. "I was completely oblivious."

"I'll get my father off of you," he told her. "I promise. And I'm sorry about Theodore- if you want to come over later I'm sure Coraline would mind."

He knew exactly what he was doing today.


Draco was making his way back to Malfoy manor.

He'd been nervous about it all day- he told Coraline what he was going to do. But the only thing he's ever told her was that he was going to meet his father. She didn't know about the abuse when he was younger.

So here he was, dressed in a black suit and his hair did the way his father liked it. It's been so long since he saw him- Draco was actually scared.

He didn't want to be, but what his father put him through when he was younger was awful. It caused him to be the way he was- it caused him to grow up with a cold heart. He grew up without having feelings because of what his father did.

Caused him to snap at the girl he was in love with..

The door opened, and Draco sucked in a breath.

Lucius Malfoy.

A smirk appeared on his face- Draco wouldve done anything to wipe it off his face. But, nonetheless, he gave his father a small nod and a smile.

"Draco," his voice rung in his ears.

It alerted every single fiber in his body. It told him to run- told him he didn't need to be here. Told him to run, run as fast and far as he could because he didn't think it would hurt this much to hear his fathers voice. But Pansy- he needed to do this for Pansy.

"Father," he cleared his throat, walking into the manor as Lucius led him down a hallway.

They were sat a table, Dracos exact dining table that he had been hit. And all he wanted to do was tell his father about his experience at hogwarts- he didn't want to be abused. He wanted love, love from his father that he never got.

"I'd like to ask," Draco took a deep breath as Lucius raised an eyebrow at him. "Why are you trying to buy Pansy out of her buisness. She worked hard for that and- and-."

"Clearly it got you to speak to me," his voice was laced with spite- everything about him told Draco to run. "Now I'd like to ask why your avoiding your good friend Astoria."

Draco wanted to puke. The vile that was rising in his throat was nothing compared to the gut wrenching feeling in his stomach. His eyes stung- stung because the memories of what she tried to do to him fled his mind.

But he pushed it back down, shifted in his seat and watched as Lucius stepped closer to Draco, leaning on the table. "I- shes just not my interest anymore-."

"And who is?"

"Nobody, Fath-."

"Lies." His father seethed, his teeth gritting. "A girl named Coraline- she already sounds like she's not worthy of being a Malfoy-."

"Don't bring her into this-."

He was slapped across the face.

And he couldn't control how he reacted. His hands shook as his eyes stung even harder. He gently rubbed his palm over his cheek- it all brought terrible memories back to his head. But then-

Lucius slapped his right cheek, his face swinging to the left.

Draco scraped his chair against the floor, trying to get away but Lucius was to ahead of him- he pushed his body on the table and held him down.

"Do you honestly think that not speaking to me for years would get you anywhere?" Lucius seethed, pressing his nails into his back. "Your mother would be disappointed in you for going for a halfblood."


Mother would love her.

Draco nearly whimpered when Lucius' belt hit his back, his cheek pressing into the table harder as he gripped the edges. He had such hope that after years it would change- that he would be able to at least stand up to his father.

"Please-." The belt hit his back again- it hurt. It hurt to the point where he wanted to sob. But he would never give his father that kind of power. "I-."

"I taught you to never stutter." Lucius sneered, finally letting him go and backing away. "I want you to quit being weak and let that girl go. Astoria will do just fine."

Lucius walked away, leaving Draco to Apparate back by himself.




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