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[this chapter made me feel happy for some reason.]

"You don't even know-

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"You don't even know-."

Draco woke up with Coraline in his arms.

For a moment he didn't even want to believe it was real- he didn't want to actually think that the girl he was in love with was laying in his arms after they had gotten intimidate last night. It shocked him to the brim, the way she was moaning his name last night like she couldn't take it.

But now, she had shifted during the night and ended up directly on top of his chest. The feeling of her skin on his was driving him insane- he felt like somebody had lifted weight off of his chest just by her smooth skin on his.

It baffled him how in love with her he was.

The only problem was that he didn't know if she felt the same way. He didn't know if he ran in her mind all day like she did with his. He didn't even know if what they had done last night was something she intended on doing more or if to her it was just a one time thing.

But for him it meant everything in the world.

Because he hadn't touched another girl after her- when she stopped talking to him he never messed with a girl after that. So for him to feel that pleasure after not having it in so long- especially when it came from him- it meant a lot.

He slowly shifted her off of him, and gently laid her head on the pillows. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable- he wasn't sure if she meant to roll onto his chest completely or if it was out of her sleep and not knowing she did it.

He pulled the covers back up over her bare naked body, still trying to make her as comfortable as she could. He slipped his boxers and then some sweatpants and made his way to the kitchen just in time when he got a call.

Draco sighed deeply, picking up his cell that was sat on the counter and looked at the phone caller- Pansy.

"Yes, Parkinson?" He answered the phone, gripping it while he started his coffee.

"So, are you going tell me the details?" She squealed into the phone and he could hear Theodores voice in the background telling her to calm down.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed a mug. "You don't even know-."

"Draco Lucius Malfoy." Pansy groaned, "You weren't in the car when me and Theodore bruised up Elliot. Which means you either bought her a place to stay or she stayed with you and I know your penthouse only has one bedroom- so the chances of you two not shagging would be astronomical-."

"Pansy it probably meant nothing to her," his voice dialed down because he didn't want to wake Coraline up. "Are you forgetting our past? For her it was probably pure pleasure.."

The thought of it still made his gut wrench with sadness.

To think that she only used him for her own pleasure- but he told her she could. He felt like she had a right to use him because he drove her away so long ago and if he was going to at least try to fix it he might as well start now.

So he let her use him.

But the after effects it was giving him was making his heart feel like it needed to be wronged out with all of the feelings he has. He felt like he shouldn't be angry at the fact that it meant nothing to him, but he still felt the urge to trudge back in there and ask her if it meant anything to her.

"But for you," Pansy responded in his ear. "I know it meant a lot." Draco could practically feel her smirk through the phone. "So just talk to her about it-."

He was definitely not doing that.

"-you never know what the outcome could be."

He poured his cup of coffee and took a drink of it. What Pansy didn't understand was that he wasn't great with talking about his emotions. If he told her how he felt and she told him the opposite then he'd most likely snap at her- again- and lose her forever.

It just went an option for him.

This was his second chance, to make everything right. This was his final chance- to prove to her that he could treat her right and take everything back that he said about her in hogwarts. That he wanted a relationship, that he didn't care about his reputation anymore because she was worth it.

"Yeah, whatever." He put the mug back up to his lips tastier the bitterness of his black coffee. "I need you to cancel all my appointments today. I'm not going in today-."

"Yeah, cause you better get you some," Pansy beamed and Draco rolled his eyes for the fifth time today. "If you don't I will-."

"Parkinson, watch it-."

"Draco, have shower se-."

He ended the call.

Draco could usually handle Pansy's mouth, but definitely not this time. Not with the words she was saying, and especially not with how vulgar she was being towards their sex experience that happened one time.

When he heard his bedroom door open he tensed his shoulders and kept his back turned towards Coraline. He knew he'd have to turn around eventually but he didn't want to face her- not when all that was going through his head was bits and pieces of her small moans or how her face twisted with pleasure.

So he kept silent, and decided to look at her. He turned his body around and once there eyes connected his breath- yet again- was lost. She was wearing his shirt that traveled to her mid thighs and covered her up, her curls in a messy bun on the top of her head and she didn't have her glasses on.

His heart pounded through his chest.

"Good morning," she broke the silent, her voice soft and easy like it normally was.

"Good- morning." He couldn't take his off of her in his button up shirt, even when she started to walk towards the bar stool and took a seat, her thighs expanding as she did so. "Um- are you hungry? I could cook breakfast or- or we could go somewhere to eat- if you want to go with me-."

"Draco," she stared into his eyes, a hard expression on her face. "Stop being so awkward. What we did last night- wasn't anything I'm ashamed of. I just.. hope your not either-."

"I'm not," he snapped back trying to keep his mind away from how easily he could take her over his kitchen counter. "I've just never had a girl stay over night- never mind."

She looked at him like she never wanted to let him go after he said that.

"Tell me what you want." He looked into her eyes, and he could see her clench her thighs together with his mug still in his hand. "We can eat here or go somewhere. It doesn't matter either way."

Suddenly she got off the bar stool, his mouth gaping open as his shirt rode up her thigh and came back down. She walked over to him, his breath hitching into his face and when she stopped right in front of him he thought she was going to do something he never thought she would.

But she only grabbed his mug out of his hand and he let her- he'd always let her- and watched as she took a drink of herself. She gulped it down and handed it back to him, keeping eye contact as she did so.

"What if I said I wanted you?"




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