|𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓼𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷|

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[yeah, this chapter pissed me off.]


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Coraline was out with her mom, in hogsMeade.

Today was the day her mother was supposed to be meeting Lucius- but he canceled and said something came up.

Coraline couldn't stop thinking about Draco, he was the only person who ran through her head. It relieved her so much to hear him say he loved her- because her heart would always belong to Draco, and she didn't think she could take it if they were only together for sex.

But they weren't, and it made her the happiest women in the world.

The way he took care of her after sex, the way he showered her with love and she didn't even realize it. He'd been doing this whole time- and she never once took it as a 'he likes you,' gesture.

"So," her mother started. "Tell me, you've any love interests?"

Coraline smiled, ready to tell her mom about Draco. Although she hated to say it, she wished she had a father figure here to bring the news to also. She'd always wanted to tell her father when she got a boyfriend, the only one her mother knew of was Elliot.

"Well actually, yes." She sat her drink down, "But before we talk about me I want to know if you've been seeing anybody."

Her mother smiled, "No silly. I'm forty three- there's no hope for me."

Coraline rolled her eyes playfully, before setting her drink down and getting ready to tell her mother about Draco.

She definitely wanted them to be long term- she didn't want a small relationship. If they were going to be together in a long term, she needed to make sure that she wasn't the only one who wanted it like that.

And she hoped that by the way Draco spoke to her, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Because Coraline knew she wanted too- he was perfect for her. He was everything she could've hoped and now that she actually had him, she wasn't letting him go.

Because she was afraid- afraid that she would get put in the same position she was in at hogwarts. It angered her- terribly. But now that Draco had finally confessed his feelings, she hoped there was a way for him to manage his emotions. Because she hated when he got mad- he didn't know how to control his temper at all. And he'd take it out on her, or anybody around them.

"Well, we knew each other in hogwarts," Coraline started with a giddy smile and fluffed down her outfit from the wind.

She wore some jeans and a light blue T- shirt. It was a simple outfit, but she liked it because it didn't need to be stood out. It wasn't big- it didn't draw everybody's attention.

That's partly the reason why she wasn't ready to tell much people about her and Draco- the daily prophet would never let that go. They'd never stop talking about how Draco Malfoy finally found someone to keep.

Coraline was to keep.

"Oh, so like you guys were friends?" Her mother asked, taking another sip of her butter beer.

"Yes," she trailed off, trying her hardest not to think about her and Dracos argument. It ran through her mind often, nearly all the time. "His name is-."

She stopped when she saw a patch of platinum blonde hair, and what she saw completely completely broke her into pieces. If her mother wasn't in front of her- she would've lost it right then and there.

Because, right outside of honey dukes, was Draco kissing Astoria.

It felt like someone had ripped her heart out- for a moment she absolutely did not believe it was Draco at all but then he turned his head to the side, grinning at her and inter whining there hands together. Her heart shatter right there.

Don't cry.

Put a smile on your fucking face, Coraline.

"James," Coraline mumbled, her stomach feeling so sick that she could've throw up. "His name is James- I'm sorry, Mum I don't feel very good. Can I go home?" She hated to cancel on her mother, but if she didn't she seriously would've burst into tears.

"Of course, Sweetie." Her mother stood up as did Coraline, and pulled her into a hug. "I'll talk to you later?"

Coraline nodded, her face scrunching up as soon as her mother started to walk away. She couldn't help but let her eyes water, and she gripped her wand, apparating to Dracos pent house to get her stuff.

It was only her blanket.

That's the only thing she brought there that night he first took her there. She didn't want any other clothes he bought her- she knew where her nightgown was. So she threw his drawers completely out of the dresser, tears blurring her vision and she gripped her gown before stripping.

She quickly got changed into the thin material, before grabbing her blanket that was neatly folded on Dracos bed, and she was about to apparate- but the door to his penthouse swung open and all she could hear was giggles.

She didn't even have a chance to Apparate before his bedroom door opened, an even more hurt expression playing on Coralines face.

Draco had his arm around Astorias waist, kissing her lips while she giggled and once he noticed her he didn't pull away from Astoria, he only raised an eyebrow at her.

"Can I help you?" He asked her harshly, taking off his jacket.

"Draco please tell me this isn't-,"

"Oh, it is." Astoria cut her off, pulling away from Draco and walking towards Coraline. "You should know I always get what I want, and I knew he'd come crawling back to me."

Coraline let out another choked sob, before taking her fist, clenching it tightly and connecting it to Astorias face.

She couldn't care that Draco watched her, but Coraline didn't stop hitting her. Because Astoria stumbled back onto the ground, not giving her a chance to hit Coraline back before she continued to pound her fist to her face. She as angry- she had every right to be.

He told me he loved me.

Another punch, her nose broken.

He touched my body.

An even harder punch, Astorias eye turning black.

He made me feel like I was lovable.

Draco pulled Coraline off, slightly pushing her in the process and by now, Coralines cheeks were so tear stained it started to feel sticky. She hadn't cried this much until her dad died- but Draco really did have an effect on her.

She grabbed her blanket and wand, sniffling as she did. "I hope your happy," she muttered while gripping her wand. "Because I swear to god Draco- you will never have me again. Ever."

Astoria dropped her wand- and that's when Dracos face finally paled, while Coraline apparated.




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