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[sorry I haven't updated in a hot minute, felt like I failed my fucking test and now I've been wanting to cry.]

"She just wanted a child,"

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"She just wanted a child,"

Draco scrunched up his face in disgust.

It was definitely- absolutely- clear that they had just had sex. And Coraline was only wearing his shirt that went down to her knees but it still alerted every single fiber in his body that it was the only thing she was wearing.

And Elliot scanned her body like she was a joke.

It made him want to lunge at Elliot- for showing up here and having the nerve to look at her. But he only watched as Elliots face twisted in pain as he saw the state they were both in- Dracos body towering over hers behind her.

"Lena," Elliots voice rang in his ear- and it actually pissed Draco off even more. Because that was a nickname that he'd given her back in hogwarts and now Elliot had the audacity to call her that. "Can we please talk?"

She shook her head, backing away and stumbling into Draco. "No- I don't want to talk- don't call me that-." She was babbling her words, because seeing him was a red flag in her mind.

Draco pulled his shirt down further, bending down to grab his sweats that she was wearing and mumbling for her to lift her feet. He wouldn't watch her cry- not when she wasn't dressed and he didn't trust Elliot one bit. So she slid her feet into the loops, and he pulled the pants up watching as Elliot scolded them.

"She can dress herself," he snapped at Draco and this only caused him to smirk.

"She can undress herself to," his voice was deadly, sending shivers down Coralines back. "But it seems like I did that for her too."

Elliots face suddenly paled, his eyes tracing back to Coralines. "Tell me you didn't- tell me the only reason your barely dressed is because you were showering-." His eyes filled with tears, making Coralines do the same.

Her lower lip quivered. "You don't get to be angry at me," she tried to keep the tears falling, biting her lip and her nose burning from trying to hold them in. "You cheated on me Elliot- you wanted to get me pregnant and take my own child. Do you know how- how screwed up that is?" She cried.

And again, Dracos heart cracked for the girl in front of him.

He tried to tell himself he didn't want to bundle her up and cradle her in his arms while he calmed her down from crying. He tried to tell himself he didn't feel a pant to his heart as soon as those hot salty tears poured down her face on her delicate skin. He tried so hard.

But no matter how much he did, it was a lie. Because hearing Elliot call him the nickname that Draco gave him rattled his anger. But it also made a wave of sadness over take him- the thought of Elliot calling her that as a regular name made his stomach hurl and a vile rise in his throat.

"She just wanted a child," Elliot mumbled, trying to step closer. This only caused Coraline to back away so far her whole back was pressed against Draco, trying to get away from Elliot. "Coraline please-."

He was slapped across the face when he took a step closer.

And Coraline started to sob. She didn't stop hitting him, her small fists balled together and repeatedly hit his chest, colliding with his skin creating Elliots chest to tighten. He tried to push her back- it was no use.

"You used me!" She sobbed, hitting his chest again and by now they had traveled out of the doorway and into the hallway. "You chea- cheated on me," she whimpered, Elliots back hitting the wall.

Draco wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her up and carrying her away from Elliot who was now to shocked to say anything.

Draco slammed his door harshly with his foot, locking it.

He didn't want Elliot anywhere near his witch, not when he put her in a position to where she could hardly breathe from crying so hard. Not when he caused her so much pain that her eyes couldn't stop producing tears and her cheeks became so tear stained that it made Dracos heart wand to collapse right there.

He carried her to his bedroom, sitting himself down and pulling her into his chest. It was always nice to have her on his chest- but when she buried it deeper and sobbed even more, he was completely lost in the fact that she was so hurt.

It broke his heart.

"Is it because I'm ugly?" She whimpered against his chest, "Was it because I'm truly not lovable?"

Draco actually felt his heart shatter.

Because that was exactly what he had told her that night he rejected her in his seventh year. He told her how she'd never been lovable, along with picking at her insecurities and telling her that she was ugly.

His eyes watered.


Coraline was asleep on his bed, while Draco was crying on his couch.

Pansy was with him, running her fingers through his hair and telling him it was okay. He felt guilty, he felt so disgusted with himself that he felt the need to leave Coralines life. To let her find somebody else- someone who doesn't have anger issues and who hadn't hurt her in the past.

"You didn't- you didn't hear her," he cried in Pansy's shoulder. "I broke her- and it's not fair. Because she is- she's lovable and I'm.."

His heart stopped when he thought it about.

"I'm not."

Pansy only stroked his hair longer, trying to calm her best friend down. But he couldn't- not when he heard those words escape her lips and he knew it was from him. He knew he was put that into her mind and now it had probably sunk into her mind that she was ugly.

It was a total lie.

"Draco shes here- with you-."

"I don't know why," he whimpered, his eyes watering again. "I don't understand why she let me touch her- I don't deserve to have someone like her touch me- not when I'm a terrible person, Pansy."

He felt his eyelids drifting off to sleep, but he continued to cry. He didn't cry a lot- but hearing those words from her mouth completely shook him up.

"I feel like I don't even deserve to live."




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