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[I really was gonna update sooner, but then I had the urge to go to the store and buy a shit ton of plant stuff and now I have two pots that are sat on my window with seeds planted. I feel proud😌.

On another note.. this chapter kind of pricked at my heart. And before you get mad at Draco, you have to understand that he just wants Coraline to be happy.]

"I just don't know how you do it

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"I just don't know how you do it."

Draco was sat on his balcony while his friends were inside.

His balcony was through his bedroom, and as far as he was concerned his friends were all in the living room. They were currently waiting for Romilda to show up, but all Draco could think about was giving her a taste of her own medicine.

He wasn't going to tell her to end herself- he wouldn't ever tell anybody that because his father used to say it to him all the time. He would have nightmares about it all the time- but oddly enough, as soon as the night Coraline fell asleep in his arms he hadn't one since.

But he definitely wanted to tell Romilda off. He wanted to curse at her- hex her into a wall- hire a hit man and let them murder her themselves. That was his anger speaking, but his body was retaliating itself and making his brain want to do everything he was thinking.

Curse at her.

Hex her.

He tried to shake the fact that he was there that night in the library. Him, Pansy and Theodore had snuck out of astronomy class, and walked into the library on Romilda telling Coraline that.

And Draco defended her.

Because all Coraline was doing, was curled up on the couch reading. She was such an innocent little girl in hogwarts before Draco graduated. she didn't deserve what was told to her- nothing at all.

So Draco tossed a book at Romildas head.

She didn't know it was him that did it- but it definitely drove away her attention from Coraline. It baffled him how he didn't remember that she had done that to his witch.

When the screen door to his balcony opened, he didn't even have to look up to see who it is. He knew by the way they didn't hesitate to open the door- how they didn't stammer in what they had said as a greet to him.

"Hey loser," Pansy took a seat at the small little table on his balcony. Draco had a small little cup of vodka- he was running out.

"I know how you feel, Parkinson." He told her gently, a soft sigh leaving his lips. "I just don't know how you do it."

"There's not anything I can do, Draco." She fumbled with her hands sadly. "Theodores dumb- he hasn't fully matured yet. And I won't take that away from our friendship- once I say something about my liking to him, it becomes serious and I'm terrified of that."

Dracos breath caught in his throat, because he felt the same way. He didn't know how to act around Coraline- even when they were hollering at each other's throat back in hogwarts and even now, when she felt the random to urge to be by him.

She would always catch him off guard with what she did. When they were in the car, and she pushed her lips into his first, that took him by surprise. When she walked out of his bedroom the next morning in his shirt, nothing underneath and her bed hair a mess- it made his heart stop.

He picked up his cup again, taking his last sip. "I'm going to buy her a flat," he mumbled loud enough for Pansy to hear. "She needs to find someone better than me-."

"Don't you dare, Draco Lucius Malfoy." Pansy glared at him across the table. "That wouldn't be right- not after you keep falling in love with her more and more everyday-."

"Falling in love has nothing to do with it-."

"It has everything to do with it." Pansy pushed her elbows onto the table, holding her face with her hands. "Me and Theodore don't have history- you and her do. And I'm not stupid- you love her-."

"How do I love someone, when I don't even know what love is?" He snapped at her, making her voice dial down abruptly.

Because that was entirely true.

He didn't have a clue what love was. All he knew was that ever since he met Coraline that four letter had been implanted in his brain. It made him want to go outside and tell the stars that his heart had finally found who it belonged to. It made him want to tell the entire world that he finally found someone who wouldn't just want him for his money.

It made him want to say it out loud.

But he never did- he wouldn't dare. Because as soon as him and Coraline stopped talking, he never wanted to say it again. He blocked it out of his mind completely, building a new wall inside of his mind. He never wanted to think about having that emotion with anybody else but her.

But then she re-entered his life all over again, making that word blossom like a flower. It made him want to jump around like a child, tell his mom he finally found her again- the girl who made him feel everything he'd wanted to feel in one conversation.

"That's just not fair Dee." She spoke up, looking down at the city below her. "You have a chance- and although you haven't told her, you've told me how guilty you are."

He leaned his hand against his face, pushing down and looking out at the city to. She was right, he was more guilty than anybody he'd ever seen- and it drove him crazy. But he was so afraid that if he brought it up, she'd run and never come back.

He would to.

"And if you really want her to move on, than you need to do it as soon as possible before you end up hurting the both of you." Pansy continued, making his heart throb in his chest. "Because your falling deeper than you expected, babe. You bought her an entire bag full of blue jelly beans- and they don't even sell them in separate colors."

"She deserves better," he mumbled, the city noises just about giving him a headache. "Pansy if I bring it up then she won't want to talk to me again. I am a horrible person. Even if I did deserve an ounce of love- it definitely shouldn't be hers."

"Your right." Pansy snapped, standing up harshly. Draco snapped his head towards her, his eyes widening. "Is that what you want to hear? Than fine. Your right, Draco. You don't deserve her- she's to good for you. She deserves someone better than you, someone way better."

Draco felt his heart crack- for the millionth time.

"But do you even understand how hard it was," she took a step closer to him. "To hear your best friend feel so guilty that they say they don't deserve to be alive? Do you know how badly I wanted to cry right then? But I didn't. Because instead, you were crying in my lap while I took care of you- when the girl your in love with was aleeep on your bed."

Pansy got closer to the patio door, getting ready to open it. Draco didn't want her to go- he wanted her to stay and comfort her like she usually did but he knew he was getting the tough love that came with Pansy.

So he only watched as she opened the door, looking back at him one last time.

"And I'm sorry, but if you think she won't forgive you, your terribly wrong."




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