Chapter 1

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It was a full moons night, teddy was getting ready to go to the Potters to babysit the young Potter-Weasley clan and his nephew.  Teddy didn't exactly have happy childhood, because of the fact that he never knew his parents much as his dismay but often talked about with his god-brother Harry Potter and god-sister Ginevra Weasley nee Potter. 

His Acceptance letter came on the day of his birthday, he was happy yet he was in distraught at the same time, because of the fact his parents died there gave him a hard time accepting that he was going to Hogwarts, and well it was time to face it head on to move on with his life even if they are not in it. 

He packed his clothes, quills, inks, books, and even papers into his trunks before he left for his god-brothers manor in the highlands called Potter Manor, because it was mid-July and he only have a few months before attending Hogwarts. 

Upon arriving there in the manor by floo he was greeted by his best-friend Victoire Weasley who was 10 years old "teddy your here!" Victoire said "Where's Harry and Ginny? " the 11 year old questioned "oh. They left earlier because there was a charity ball being held by uncle Neville and aunt Luna they said they'll be back by midnight, and our parents was with them so yeah." she said. he quickly gave her the sweetest smile he can give to his best friend and quickly go to the living room where the rest of the Potter-Weasley clan is. 

He opened the door to see a 8 year old Dominique reading a muggle book with her 4 year old brother louis called Alice and Wonderland, while the 3 year old's Fred II, Roxanne, and James II were playing a muggle game called tag. Then he quickly turned to the 3 cribs in the corner, who were Albus, Rose, and Scorpius who were a month old quietly sleeping soundly with their cots and quidditch mobiles hanging on top of them .

He silently called Victoire to admire their cute baby cousins, and out of nowhere kreacher entered the room to tell them that it was dinner time, at this  teddy quickly nodded and told his cousins quietly that it was dinner.

But before they can even reach the door a sudden bang was heard on one of his god-brothers fireplace. kreacher went ahead to see the situation at hand, but at his return he was breathing heavily; teddy, Victoire, and dominique rushed to with worried eyes, kreacher upon seeing them with such dread in his eyes "Master teddy, mistress Victoire, and Mistress Dominique we must go quickly to the hidden passage behind the painting now!" kreacher said as if their lives depended on it, and with out a word Victoire to opened the back of painting and led the rest of the Potter-Weasley clan to the passages as he and kreacher go get Albus, Rose, and Scorpius carefully so that they do not wake.

After closing the painting shut with a lock charm done by kreacher they travelled down to the passages holding each other for protection with a torch at hand. "Mister Kreacher what did you see when you heard the bang?" asked Victoire sacredly clutching to teddy's shirt with eyes of worry "Death Eaters" in that one word the older kids paled as they clutched on their young cousins with worry and care because of the sleeping babies in their arms, they know for a fact that all the death eaters was sent to Azkaban after the war, but two death eaters in the manor was impossible because of all the protective wards around the manor, but the impossible has happened and now teddy was frozen in place fearing what will happen if they got captured knowing the fate of his parents, he was about to break down but he quickly composed himself and they kept moving through the passages until they found Harry's study where all his Auror stuff was placed. 

 Kreacher quietly rummaged through Harry's stuff and found a golden necklace with an hourglass in the middle, Dominique took notice of this and asked what it is but quickly dismissed by Kreacher as he turns to teddy with complete urgency "Master Teddy listen to me this device will  take you specifically to 1995 where the old order was, they will protect you until your parents get you back after the death eater problem had been resolved; I know its risky and they might be speculative about all of you but  I'm positive that they will warm up to you soon" as he said this he destroyed the time turner and then little by little puffs of smoke from device, but before they were completely covered with smoke they heard a loud bang from kreacher's back and found the 2 death eaters  about to attack kreacher, but before he can even save him the smoke completely enveloped the whole Potter-Weasley clan. 

After the smoke has completely disintegrates he can see Victoire, Dominique, Louis, Fred, Roxanne, and James lying on the floor while 3 oddly familiar teens was holding Albus, Rose, and Scorpius. He quickly felt dizzy and drained, almost unconscious. But before he can succumb to sleep he saw two figures that looked like his parents and said something softly but loud enough to be heard by others "Mom? Dad?" as he now succumb to sleep.

A/N: Hey Guys thank you for reading my first chapter, I am just started writing today, and surprise this is my first story, all of these characters are owned by J.K Rowling so don't report me, thank you for reading!!!

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