Chapter 13

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After long hours of cleaning the Weasley clan, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Harry, Hermione, Teddy, Victoire, and Dominique plopped down on the floor of the living room from exhaustion "who would have thought that cleaning the muggle way would be so exhausting" Sirius whined while everybody groaned "Try living with my whale of an uncle and his family and see how I feel and believe me this is just a quarter of what they made me do in a daily basis in the summer when I come home to them" Harry said in exhaustion while they all groaned.

Molly entered the living room to announce that lunch was ready as she was leaving, everybody stood up running to the kitchen to see the little ones drawing something on the paper "Mum! Dad! Look what I made!" James said excitedly as he hands the drawing he made to his parents, Harry and Ginny looked at the drawing with delight, it was a drawing of them as a family with the newborn baby in Ginny's arms "it's beautiful my little marauder" Ginny exclaimed while Harry ruffled his son's hair as James II hugged his parents waist everybody felt the exhaustion rub off as they saw the scene it was like all the worries they had was swept away by the future little family.

Fred and Roxanne ran to their uncles to present the drawing they made "What's this my little pranksters?" George asked "it's a drawing of you, us, mum, and uncle Fred running WWW joke shop I mean it's almost reaching its 15th anniversary in two years and it driven Zonko's out of business on it's first year" the twins said in unison as they smiled, Fred and George was flabbergasted at what the twins said "we have a joke shop" George started"and it was better than Zonko's best future ever!" Fred said as they finished his twin's sentence, they high fived each other then and hugged them tightly and they returned it.

Louis ran to his father and hugged him "look daddy I drew something amazing!" Bill looked at his child with wonder but later he internally screamed as he saw his future son's drawing "Louis?" he asked his son calmly a hmm was heard from Louis's mouth "Why is your older sister holding hands with Teddy and have a heart around them" he asked loudly but trying to act calmly but in the inside he was raging, everybody heard this and immediately invested, while Victoire stared wide eyes realizing what his brother had done, she ran to where his father was trying to take the drawing but it was too late "oh because Victoire have this huge crush on Teddy" he said innocently emphasizing the big with his arms as he laughed, everybody tried their hardest not to laugh but failing, Victoire flushed in deep red from the truth that his brother said out loud, Dominique sniggered, while Teddy looked puzzled at their reactions while Harry walked to Teddy and tapped his shoulders to get his attention then he whispered "I feel so sorry for you right now" as he now backed away, Teddy looked at his father in confusion "I can't help you now sorry pup" he whispered as he joined Harry, now worried for his life teddy looked at his mother but gave him an I'm sorry please forgive me face as she backed away to where Harry and his husband was and at this point he is now fearing for his life.

Bill turned to Teddy with rage as he shouted in a menacing voice "EDWARD REMUS TONKS LUPIN YOU ARE SO BLOODY DEAD" Teddy turned pale and ran out of the room with Bill in his tail, Victoire looked at his brother with her 'I will kill you later' face who is now laughing hysterically because of what he caused, as Teddy was slowing down trying to evade the wrath of Victoire Weasley's father he tripped, and as he turned Bill was already shadowing over him with a menacing aura "Dad! Whatever it is that I think you're going to do, don't!" Victoire screamed worriedly at her father as she entered the living room "VICTOIRE GABRIELLE DELACOUR WEASLEY DON'T YOU DARE INTERFERE I'LL DEAL WITH YOU LATER!" Bill exclaimed as he grabbed Teddy's shirt lifting it up in the air "Bill if you hurt my son I promise you it won't be a pretty" Remus warned to Bill "MERLIN SHUT UP REMUS THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND YOUR SON " he shouted, he was about to punch Teddy in the face while Teddy braced for impact but it never came because he saw Victoire's dad petrified, Teddy frantically looked everywhere to see who fired the petrification charm and he was shocked it was Victoire who borrowed his mother's wand to save him, Remus took Teddy down from Bill's grasp, Teddy ran to Victoire and hugged her "thank you Vic for saving my life back there" Teddy said as he gave Victoire the biggest hug he can give her "don't mention it and I'm sorry about my dad I know he can be a piece of work but I love him " they hugged tightly but didn't let go as he now lifted her up in the air twirled her but failed to support as they fell from the ground shutting their eyes for impact seconds later, they plopped to the ground and their eyes shut, but after they fell they felt something soft in their lips, they opened their eyes noticing they're distance and shocked when they saw their lips connected, their cousins gasped at what they saw but quickly got their eyes covered by their parents or uncles who tried to cover their laughs but failing, Bill who was now unpetrified raged in fury at what he saw but before could even do anything he was dragged out of the room by his mother and father who was waited by Remus and Tonks who grinned but immediately frowned when the saw Bill being dragged to another room give him a little talk and a beating, Teddy and Victoire broke their little moment and got off each other bushing in deep red, Victoire hurriedly retreated back to his room while Teddy also hurriedly retreated back to the kitchen not even looking at each other.

Victoire got to his room and climbed into the bed as he grabbed a pillow and screamed at it while Teddy locked himself in the supply closet and now screaming on the top of her lungs 'I kissed him/her' they both thought as they touched their lips remembering what they did as they blushed in deep red and screamed again, meanwhile the people in the hallway where it happened just retreated to the kitchens to eat 'well there goes a quiet lunch' they all thought as they are digging into their lunch while hearing the loud debates between Bill, Molly, Arthur, Tonks, and Remus with the occasional beating noises courtesy by Tonks in another room and the occasional screams of Teddy and Victoire.


A/N: thank you guys for reading my latest chapter, and thank you Dhivya27A  for the votes. and as always all the characters in this book belongs to J.K Rowling. and remember stay safe and have a nice day! ❤

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