Chapter 28

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After a quick afternoon study Teddy and Victoire quickly went to the gardens to visit their secret place, it contained varieties of roses, lilies, tulips, petunias, violets, Hyacinths, orchids, carnations, a tree full of beautiful and colorful wisterias, a little pond decorated in water lotuses and lily pads with some horse tail and papyrus weeds on the bank, a lovely wooden swing with a rope attached to one of the trees, and beautiful green grass with tiny flowers popping into some areas with bushes that towered the whole maze with only a wooden yet unnoticeable door to cover their little treasure, it was their haven and their solitude, they would hide or hangout with each other for hours without end with no disturbances.

They sat down in the grass with full comfort as Victoire placed her head in Teddy's chest and hugged him close while his arm embraced her with love and protection as they investigated the sky enjoying their peace and each other "Teddy?" Victoire asked as she faced her boyfriend, their eyes met with fondness, Teddy hummed in response still in their position "will you be alright?" Victoire asked worriedly, frowning on what will the future hold after his parents return at their own time "Whatever do you mean my goddess?" he asked his girlfriend in curiosity "if this was about Hogwarts I can assure you that-" he continued but quickly got cut off by his girlfriend saying no and standing up sitting on the grass and staring blankly at the pond, he approached her carefully and sat down beside her "I mean after your parents leave I'm worried Teddy about you and your well-being" Victoire muffled at her words as she wrapped herself like a ball averting his eyes letting her golden locks veela hair flow freely down her face covering it, Teddy was taken back from his girlfriend's statement and curled himself like a ball like her frowning allowing sadness engulf him like before this whole time traveling thing started.

Silence filled the garden once again letting all voices of nature be their only sound until Teddy decided to break the silence as she uncurled himself and moved closer to her giving her a side hug "Vic my goddess?" Teddy asked slowly, as he faced his girlfriend as his hair slowly changed into grey "yes my loving Alpha?" Victoire asked half smiling for reassurance as she uncurled herself "will we always be together; in the future will you always be with me even if I became a prat or even turn, will you stay even if I throw a fit or even break Vic will you love me even if i complain even the simplest things will you never leave my side my goddess?" he asked building tears into his eyes "you make it sound like were getting married my alpha but yes I will, I love you Edward Remus Lupin, for better or for worse I will be there" Victoire giggled cutely and told him as she cupped her boyfriend's cheeks wiping some stray tears "ok now it seems like we're getting married but thank you Victoire" he told her giving her a sympathetic look, they noticed that they were centimeters apart now but it didn't matter as Teddy closed the gap between them as he passionately kissed her, startling her a bit but eagerly returned it and fell into the soft green grass on top of her hearing a little creek but both thought it was just the wind but in reality 5 sets of eyes seeing their little snogging session in the most romantic yet remote place in the garden.

Dominique and Molly II finished their studies minutes later after Teddy and Victoire left unnoticed by both as they stared into their books, they went down to the kitchens seeing if they were there but instead saw Teddy's parents drinking some muggle alcohol known as beer with Grandpa Sirius in the counter "hey everyone has anyone seen my sister and your son Teddy?" Dominique asked while grabbing a treacle tart on the kitchen table "I think there in the gardens, but I didn't see them after they entered that maze, but can I come with so that I can check up on him?" Tonks told and asked them "hey can me and Sirius come with you lot? We needed to sober up after some bottles of alcohol Harry stocked in here?" Remus asked the girls, there was a round of agreement from the trio then he and Sirius followed as they entered the garden's maze.

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