Chapter 15

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"Ms. Weasley, I need to speak to Prof. Dumbledore'' Hermione asked looking down painting from running not noticing the guest she had in the living room as Ron and Harry catches up; Hermione looked up now noticing the whole order of the phoenix in the living room having tea and some fire whiskey much to Molly's dismay "Ms. Granger or should I say Ms. Weasley'' Dumbledore spoke, as Hermione heard 'Ms. Weasley' she blushed but brushed it off because she needs to ask something urgent to Dumbledore "I know why you're here and no you will not go further in time to stop these deaths from that boy's memory from happening" Dumbledore spoke as he saw right through her "Professor!" she argued "you know that I mean no ill will Ms. Weasley but changing the very fabric of time is catastrophic, catastrophic enough these kids from the future risked their very existence to be here with us right now and they are different they had no choice but to go back in time for their safety" he replied in calm yet commanding voice, everybody in the room fell into silence "Ms. Weasley I know you see this as a chance to change the outcome of the war to prevent these innocent deaths from happening but you must understand as much as you want to go forward in time there will be dire consequences, dire enough that the safety of the children is on the line" he continued as he directed everyone in the window seeing James II laughing cutely as he chased around a bunch of butterflies flying around him and Ginny who was playing with the infants, this made Hermione guilty as she saw the tiny scene in the gardens ''now will you excuse us Ms. Weasley I have a little meeting to attend to" he said in the most teasing way possible that Hermione was beet red and the three walked out into the garden.

"Hey Harry welcome back and why the long face?" Ginny asked as she hugged him "nothing Gin" he said calmly as he smiled a little, Ginny simply smiled as she knows that whatever is troubling him, he'll tell her eventually; they walked to where the babies were as they were with their eldest, they walked together hand in hand with Hermione and Ron following behind them as they spent the whole afternoon in the gardens.

Meanwhile with Teddy and Victoire, they were sharing one table focused on their studies but in their minds their thoughts ran wild as they constantly thought of what happened in the hallway while Kreacher dusted the books while keeping an eye on them "Vic about earlier um...." Teddy said as he started the conversation "oh...yeah a-about that um..." Victoire said blushing while playing with her hair taking a break from the book that she's reading about transfiguration magic "I'm sorry" they said in unison "what why are you sorry?" Teddy asked "well for starters my brother he can be a gossiper sometimes and because I kissed you" she said frantically and blushed as she remembered the memory "Vic no you don't have to be sorry I mean I should be the one saying sorry because I was the one who twirled you around and I was the reason we were in that position in the first place so I should be the one saying sorry" Teddy scratched his head as he said this with a blush creeping in his face trying to act as cool as possible "and I may or may not had a crush on you since you were 8" he said embarrassingly, this made Victoire even redder than before, she gathered her courage as the next words on her mouth spoke "I...I..LIKE YOU EDWARD REMUS LUPIN" this shocked Teddy because never in his life thought that his best friend, god-cousin, and crush would confess her love for him "N-not j-just as a f-friend but a-as m-more in a r-romantic w-way" she continued, by now they were now both in deep red Teddy doesn't know what to say or do in this kind of situation but gathered all his courage as he walked to Victoire's side "I like you too in a romantic way too" he said with a small time, Victoire got down from her chair lunged herself into Teddy's arms and kissed him passionately and Teddy returned it, after a minute of kissing they finally let go of each other "w-well I-T think that means were together right?" he asked, Victoire simply nodded in response, they were about to kiss again but interrupted by a voice "OH I AM SO TELLING DADDY ABOUT THIS!" Victoire realized who it was, it was her sister Dominique with her brother who was his eyes covered by Dominique but saw bits and pieces before his eyes were covered on the doorway "DOMINIQUE NYMPHADORA WEASLEY YOU WILL NOT BLOODY DARE!" she shouted in a panicky and angered voice "oh dear sister I will" she said in a singing tone while wiggling her eyebrows" DAD VICTOIRE AND TEDDY ARE TOGETHER NOW!" she screamed "THEIR WHAT VICTOIRE GABRIELLE DELACOUR WEASLEY YOU BETTER BLOODY EXPLAIN YOURSELF YOUNG LADY FOR I'M COMING UP THERE DON'T YOU EVEN THINK I'M BLOODY DONE WITH YOU EDWARD REMUS LUPIN YOU ARE SO BLOODY DEAD YOU GIT!" Bill shouted furiously as they hear loud footsteps coming up the stairs "Kreacher take me to my room now!" Teddy shouted as he feared for his life but no reply as Kreacher was nowhere to be found but there was a note on the table where they were studying it said 'I'm sorry master Teddy Kreacher is no help I'm sorry' this made Teddy pale as if all the colors of his body faded 'I'm so dead' he thought as he tried to escape but stopped by Victoire ''where do you think you're going" she asked "Vic let me go I need to get out of here" he said frantically "do you expect me to deal with this alone?!" she shouted "I have you know I still want to be alive I don't want to get killed before I got to Hogwarts let alone being killed by your own dad" he argued "well too late we agreed to be together so that's that" she replied "Vic love please let me go I promise to write to you every day when I got to Hogwarts I'll let you make me morph anything you like after I get back from Hogwarts but please let me live'' he pleaded, Victoire finally convinced let him go before stealing a quick kiss on the lips on her now boyfriend, Teddy returned at as he ran through the door to his room 'I really love and hate that toe-rag' she thought as her father slammed the door open revealing him and some people who were invested, well some can be an understatement because everyone's there besides Dumbledore, Kingsley, Charlie, and Moody.


A/N: thank you every one for reading my latest chapter please follow me and comment and also vote on the story if you like and as always all the characters are originally owned by J.K Rowling have a nice day! ❤❤👏

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