Chapter 27

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Harry, Remus, and Sirius got down from the study and into the manors dining room where they were now having lunch, they sat down enjoying their loud yet enjoyable lunch courtesy of F. Ginny which had positive reviews.

After that splendid Lunch F. Ginny and F. Harry showed them into their rooms since it had 15 bedrooms in total, F. Prof. McGonagall offered Dumbledore to stay at Hogwarts so that the teachers and staff can catch up with him so she speaks, he politely accepted the offer and quickly apparated with her into Hogsmeade. After settling down they made it into the backyard to see a Quidditch pitch and a large swimming pool and large maze like garden naturally the boys past and future got excited because of the pitch so the got some spare bromms on the shed then played an afternoons worth's game of Quidditch while the kids and the women played in the pool except for Albus and Rose since they are both still babe's and it was their nap time, the afternoon activities ended with joy as F. Harry announced that they will have a barbeque in the gardens for dinner then after cleaning up they got back to their rooms and drifted off to sleep.

Harry woke up almost 2 o'clock in the morning, he decided to get up and go to the kitchens to probably get some water or go outside in the gardens to take a little breather, about two steps into the of the staircase he heard steps into the second floor of the manor going to the staircase, he turned around to see his future- self with his pajamas and his night robes "Hey me what are you doing this early in the morning" his future - self asked "I'm just going outside for a breather how about you?" he replied scratching his hair in embarrassment "well I have to get to work in a few hours so i'm just getting some coffee care to join?" his future - self invited him, he smiled and let his future self lead then gone to the kitchens to get their coffee "hey me how did you become friends with draco after you know the war" he asked him in curiosity "well a week after his father's trial his father went to azkaban but not him and his mum since they were forced into following him by his father so he apologized and as we both know even with all the grudges against him i forgave him then slowly we became friend even Hermione after working with him for just days he was also Albus's Godfather and became a family friend for the Potters and some of the Weasley clan but of course some things never change when it comes to Ron and Draco but overall he became a good man to our family I am actually his son's godfather" F. Harry exclaimed as he sips his coffee, Harry listened carefully and seemed content, they both talked for what felt like hours until F. Harry told him he had to get ready for work and left, Harry of course decided to go back to bed since it's still not a reasonable hour to be awake he was about to ascend the staircase but saw his future self again in his Auror uniform and a badge that said head Auror, he was proud of what will he become so he stared at him for a solid minute until he apparated to the ministry then he ascended back into his room and let sleepiness overtake him on his comfortable yet soft queen size bed.

Morning came into the manor as the sun's golden rays enveloped the whole room everybody slowly woke up. as they exited their room they were hit by the smell of bacon and freshly baked goods, they all rushed into the kitchen and saw F. Ginny cooking some bacon and eggs, and F. Fleur putting out the freshly baked pastries from the oven, they all bid their good morning to them except for F. Molly and P. Molly, who helped the girls seeing that they need to double what they prepared because of the Weasley men and children, everybody except the kids and their future self asked themselves "where was Harry's future-self" F. Ron shot up from the table noticing the time and went to his room "where is Ron going?" Hermione asked her future-self "probably rushing to the ministry seeing that he's late for work since he's an Auror" F. Hermione replied to her past self then everybody heard a loud crack signaling F. Ron apparating to the ministry. F. Ginny, F. Fleur, F. Molly, and past molly served the food on the dining table "hey mum can I bring the kids to WWW since they're here" F. George asked both of his moms "of course dear seeing you all have to leave anyway for work later in the day I even asked Ginny yesterday if we can watch the kids for the day anyway with your father" F. Molly replied and looked at her past self and husband's past self agreed as their children's future self might be busy later in the day, After breakfast they all got ready for the day giving their past selves some disguises as F. George apparated them to WWW joke shop and the other adults apparated either to the ministry or St. Mungo's for work while the past and future Grandparents spent the whole day with their grandchildren and of course Teddy with Sirius, Remus, and Tonks.  


A/N: hey guys thank you so much for reading my latest chapter and don't forget to follow, vote, and comment if you love this chapter and all the characters in this story is originally owned by J.K Rowling that's it have a nice day! 💕😁💕

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