chapter 5

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"As touching as this is we still have 2 problems at hand" Dumbledore said with no disrespect for the future couple "one we still don't know the identities of these cute little babies and two why did they come here" he continued as they all stared at the two babies in the corner and the baby in Harry's arms; "Sorry professor" the two apologized "there is no need I know that you all must be devastated at what we all saw in that boy's memory of which we have succeeded but with great sacrifice of my students and of the ones in this room now" he said with great sympathy.

After they uncovered some of their guest which were revealed as the future Weasley clan they moved on to the toddlers for they still do not know who they were, with this in mind they retreated to the pensive.

As they entered the pensive the memory started to appear and now, they were what it looked like St. Mungo's outside of a hospital ward. A sudden opening of a door was heard which revealed Teddy sitting on the hospital bench waiting, not long after future Harry appeared on one of the hospital wards "Hey ted ready to so your new god-brother?" Future Harry asked, Harry and Ginny flushed furiously at the mention of a second child, by now the Weasley brothers were now outraged as they pulled Harry from the scene and trying to kill him "HARRY YOU ARE SO DEAD" the twins said throwing different charms at him "YOU KNOCKED UP OUR SISTER TWICE YOU GIT" Bill and Charlie said as they join the twins in hexing the heck out of Harry "I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND MATE" Ron said joining his brothers "Expelliarmus" was heard not from anyone but their little sister who is by now really angry towards her brothers "WHAT IN MERLINS NAME ARE YOU HEXING THE LIFE OUT OF HIM" Ginny says with utter rage "HE KNOCKED UP TWICE SISTER TWICE OF COURSE WE WILL HEX THE LIFE OUT OF HIM" her brothers argued "I don't care if your that protective of me and besides were trying to know these babies are so if you want to hex the life out of my future husband do it later!" Ginny said that at this point annoyed, there were muffles of I'm sorry from the brothers as they all focused on the memory, aware that she just called Harry her future husband.

As the memory continued Teddy entered the ward they see future Ginny lying on the hospital bed with the baby harry look alike in her arms while little James II is there on her side playing with his new born baby brother "Hi aunt Ginny" Teddy said softly so that the baby does not cry "Hi Teddy meet your new god brother Albus Severus Potter" Future Ginny announced, by now there was an awkward silence from the people observing the memory before Dumbledore walked to Harry putting his hand in his shoulders "Thank you for naming him after me Harry" he said, but that wasn't until there was utter chaos there was screams of 'Harry, Ginny are you mad?! Why are you naming your child after that slimy git?!' and 'were you two drunk or something to decide on that kind of name for him?!' towards Harry and Ginny, at this point everybody that was not shouting just stayed quiet and watch the whole thing go down.

After a lot of screams and some silencing hexes later they moved on to the memory, there was a knock in the door which revealed future Ron with future Hermione in the wheelchair "Hey everyone" the future couple said, "Meet Rose Minerva Weasley" Future Hermione announced, sounds of awes and silent clinking of galleons were heard from the people observing the memory "you bet on us?!" Hermione and Ron said in unison to the people who were passing galleons to each other. Then the door opened again to see someone unexpected F. Draco "Who invited that Ferret?!" Ron said outraged from Draco's sudden appearance in the memory "Malfoy" F. Harry said with friendliness "Potter" F. Draco returned with a handshake as he turns to F. Hermione "Granger" "Malfoy" F. Hermione and F. Draco says as they hugged each other as if they were long time friends, with this revelation Harry and Hermione had their Jaw dropped to the floor 'Draco being friendly to us and were friendly to him since when were we friends?!' they both thought as the scene played, "Weasel" "Ferret" F. Ron and F. Draco greeted each other with utter disgust 'at least this never change' Harry and Hermione thought "So Draco what brings you here" F. Hermione Said to break the tension that Draco and his husband has caused "Oh right my wife had just given birth to my son" F. Draco said "Congratulations Draco well tell us what's his name" F. Harry exclaimed softly because of his newborn son "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy" F. Draco says with pride "It's a lovely name Draco what does he look like" F. Hermione says with curiosity "well he has my white blond hair and my wife's eyes" he answered.

With this putting in account they all returned from the pensive and looked at the three toddlers sleeping soundly in their shared crib.


A/N: Thank you all for reading today's chapter! hopefully you enjoy it as always I do not own these characters for they were created by the BRILLIANT J.K Rowling have a nice day! 😊💕✨

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