Chapter 14

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After some long hours of occasional screaming from Teddy and Victoire, and the loud lecture and beating from Molly, Arthur, Remus, and Tonks it finally quieted down.

Victoire finally came down from his room while Teddy came out of the supply closet both still beet red as they sat down separate on both ends of the table, while Bill, Molly, Arthur, Remus, and Tonks came out of the room with Bill having some bruises in his face, they all seated at their respective seats but Bill for he sat beside his future daughter and shot some glares at Teddy as he ate, Teddy noticed this and paled, this made the whole lunch awkward because they felt the raging aura that Bill was emitting in the room. After lunch they dispersed Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione took their kids and Scorpius to the Black family gardens to get some fresh air, while Dominique and her younger brother Louis went to their rooms to take a nap the whole afternoon, Fred II and Roxanne joined their father and their uncle Fred to their room to what Molly understands 'Teach them our ways', Teddy and Victoire were in the Black family library studying because of what their Aunt Ginny said while being guarded by the Kreacher in the past to simply assist them, and the adults just have some afternoon tea and talks about the order's next move on you-know-who with Dumbledore, Kingsley, and Moody who will come in a few minutes by apparition outside the manor.

In the gardens Harry and Ginny was sitting on a bench with their baby at hand while looking at their eldest with pride and joy as he ran through the gardens with joy plastered on his face, it was simply bliss for them after last night since they started to act as parents while their future  kids are not back at their own time; they know they might be gone sooner or later but at least they know that it will be worth it in a few years because of them, as they thought of this Ginny played with Albus making baby noises, making him laugh and the occasional want for his father while Harry watched his future eldest as he ran through the gardens catching a butterflies but eventually he tripped this made James II cry he wailed with tears forming in his eyes, it is as if the maternal instincts kicked in as Harry rushed to his future eldest to check what's wrong with him "are you ok are you hurt my little marauder?" he asked, James stopped crying to explain what happened "daddy I got a booboo in my here and it really hurts" after he explained he started to cry again, Harry took this information and got to the kitchens to get the med kit, as he returned he took his future eldest to the nearest water source which is a faucet on the side of the garden and washed the infected area carefully this made James II winced in pain but endured but when he saw his father took out a bottle of alcohol he immediately ran to his mother who was trying to hide his face on his mother's clothes "Harry what's wrong and why is James hiding on my clothes?" she asked as she wiggled her finger over of her baby's face who is trying to catch it "well he tripped so I was trying to treat it but when I took out the bottle of alcohol he ran" he explained, after hearing this Ginny remembered what her mother taught her when she felt frightened, she gave the baby she was holding to Harry while she took the bottle of alcohol, she picked up James and sat him beside her as she rubbed his back calming him down "It's ok my little marauder don't be scared ok you want the booboo go away?" James II nodded as confirmation "then you'll allow me to put some alcohol?" she asked calmly, James was convinced and he nodded, he screamed a little as his mother applied the bottle to his wounds which made baby Albus scream but later calmed down as Harry soothed him rocking him gently and calmly and sweetly saying it's ok repeatedly, Ginny asked Harry where the bandages are, he took out a box of it with designs of tiny snitches flying around while his baby in hand, this made James II happy as he hugged and thank his mother after he applied the bandage "wow Gin you handled this better than I did" he praised "well you're not so bad yourself" they both laughed it off and continued their day.

Meanwhile Hermione, Ron, Rose and Scorpius are sitting in a grass patch in the garden, there was the occasional arguments of Ron trying to take his daughter away from Scorpius and Hermione taking her daughter back at Scorpius side and the occasional mumbling of Ron about Scorpius stealing his daughter but over all they had quite the afternoon, Harry approached the future couple with his future son in hand because he wanted to play with Rose and Scorpius, he sat at the grass patch where his best friends were as he watched Ginny from afar with baby Albus in arms "you better not thinking of knocking up my sister mate" Ron said violently "Ronald there are literal children here!" Hermione then slapped Ron's arms "Hey that hurts!" he exclaimed "that's the idea" she looked smugly then turned to the babies "Ronald will you stop that!" she screamed silently as she saw Ron attempting to move their daughter who was sleeping "Mione Rose should not be near other boys let alone a Malfoy!" Ron argued "How many times do I have to tell you she's an infant not a teen" she said as she facepalmed herself, Harry laughed hysterically at this "you're not even married yet you argue like an old married couple" he said then laughed again "shut up Harry!" they screamed silently in sync, after minutes of laughing he finally quietened down but quickly frowned "Harry what's wrong you seem sad?" Hermione questioned with a worried face "Nothing Just" he paused "Harry mate you can talk to us you know I mean being you'll be part of the family soon I guess" Ron said with a sympathetic tone "I know it's just all those people from Teddy's memory I can't get it out of my head because they died for me and for them" he said as he looked at his future son running around garden "I know what you mean mate even I felt the same when we saw that memory I mean my brother my own flesh and blood died fighting to protect what we have in the future I would of course be upset mate, I mean if I were there I would turn back time just to save my brother I will" he said almost crying "Ronald you're a genius!" Hermione exclaimed but soon regretted it as he heard her future daughter and Scorpius cry, James II rushed to his aunt and calmed down Rose and Scorpius by singing them a muggle song called Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Hermione thanked Harry's eldest and he smiled back as a response then she got up from the grass then cleaned her pants and ran to the manor while Harry and Ron followed her "Ron Harry where are you going!" screamed Ginny with baby Albus still in hand "oh were going to follow Hermione for a bit can you watch them for us please Gin!" Harry pleaded and Ginny simply nodded in confirmation, Harry smiled then caught up to Ron who went ahead 'how did I get so lucky to have her' Harry thought as he ran.


A/N: Thank you guys for reading my latest chapter and thank you for 500 reads you don't know how much it means to me, anyways as always all the characters in this book is originally owned by J.K Rowling and have a nice day and stay safe! 🎉😁❤ oh before I forget don't forget to comment sorry if it's late in the series😅

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