Chapter 29

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Days passed on Potter Manor, after what happened at dinner nights ago Teddy and Victoire was now being closely watched by everyone so that these incidents cannot happen again, they were grounded for at least until Teddy attends Hogwarts effective immediately, there was peace today as the people in the past will now return to their own time.

It was gloomy when breakfast rolled in as the tension was felt by everyone, they dreaded this day because they will go back in their time remembering their experience as simply a dream, Dumbledore came a little later with prof. McGonagall, McGonagall sat down on her seat while Dumbledore just stood there in front of his seat but coughed loud enough for them to give their attention "everyone I would like to say a few words before we start this breakfast feast seeing this will be my last act as your old principal" everybody quieted down and intently stared at him "friends this will mark as the day the day both times meet, we have wept, mourn, shared joy, and some love for the past few days I understand that this might be hard for my fellow comrades and students for they have seen the war which will dawn upon us, do not be disheartened at what might be the sacrifice of the people in this room to reach your inevitable future, may this not cloud your mind for I know even if I was alive today I would be proud on what the future will become and I can assure you the people in this table would agree when I say this that you have all been my greatest achievement that I have devoted my life to and made all of us proud" Dumbledore's word gave the people in the room felt joy as they heard this, it gave them some closure when they heard this it felt a weight in their shoulders lighten after his speech "now seeing that I'm seeing some hungry faces we can talk more when were all full for this will be our final meal with our future selves so tuck in" Dumbledore genuinely smiled as he saw his peers and students eat with smile in their faces, after a few seconds he joined them in the breakfast feast.

Breakfast was delightful as they left the table with satisfied faces and conversing still, Teddy frowned still after Dumbledore's little speech, he approached the stairwell but quickly stopped by his parents, Remus nodded to the gardens for them to speak in private, they sat in a bench near the fountain, tension was thin, thin enough to cut it by a knife, Teddy looked down into the ground avoiding his parents gaze, he wanted nothing more for them to not leave him ever again, for them to stay with him, he wanted their love, then suddenly he felt a side hug by both of his parents "Teddy I know that we can never undo what happened to us even if we try but I want you to know that I love you I will always be with you, even if you think were not their but we are always their ok my little wolf pup" Tonks said solemnly as he rubbed his sons arms as tears are now building up in her eyes "pup I'm sorry that this will have to end sooner than expected but your mother's right we will always watch over you for you are our pride and joy ok" Remus said kissing his son's temples, Teddy's hair turned black to purple continuously as he hugged them both as they cried "please don't go please mum dad please don't go I want you here with me I don't know if I can go on without you both please I love you!" Teddy pleaded as he hugged his parents tightly, memorizing their scents, touch, and even features. He cried heavily and loudly until both of his parents couldn't take it anymore and embraced him, Tonks placed a loving kiss on her child's forehead telling him to never forget them.

A few hours later they all returned to the manor's lobby as the people of the past gets ready to be sent back, they all gathered in the huge lobby of Potter manor, they quickly gave each other their goodbyes to the people of the past as F. Harry prepared rounded them up, but before he can throw it Teddy slung into his parents and giving them one last hug, it was heartbreaking for everyone but they knew that he had to let them go, Harry told Ron to smash it onto them after he gets his godson, Ron reluctant at his decision but agreed anyway Harry immediately gave him the one-way time-turner and walked to Teddy who was reluctantly letting go of his parents, he had to forcibly ripped him off of Tonks and Remus who already let him go, Teddy was now fighting his godfather to release him but to no avail, Harry gave the command and smashed the Time-turner onto the people of the past "We love you son always remember us" Tonks and Remus said in unison as tears flowed into their faces onto Teddy who now stopped fighting and now crying "please no mum dad please!" he said repeatedly shaking his head as smoke filled their legs, with one last wave from his parents the smoke covered all of the past and then vanished without a trace leaving the people in the past with no memory of the future kids and their future selves but only dreams about it and fake memory of what happened the past week.

Months had passed since the Time-travelling incident, Teddy was now in kings cross station with his luggage and owl named Moony, he stopped at a pillar in between platforms 9 and 10, he was hesitant but his godfather Uncle Harry comforted him and ran alongside him to reach platform 9 ¾, after some words of encouragement by his uncle he went to the train and find his compartment, he saw a boy with black hair but blond tips with small freckles and bronze-like skin who seemed to have a Filipino accent, and a girl with long dark blue hair and snow like skin, they immediately became friends and introduced themselves "Hi my names Edward Lupin but you can call me Teddy" he introduced first "names Leon Miguel Lazaro I'm a half-blood but call me Migz" Miguel introduced and quickly shook his hand as a sign of friendship "Celestia Nora Nightingale nice to meet you but you can call me Nora" Nora introduced herself and offered him a handshake and shook it, after talking a little bit the train was beginning to move he waved into the window and waved at his Uncle Harry, his 3 month old pregnant godmother Ginny Potter, and his god brothers Albus who was being carried by his godmother and James II, then after he waved the train moved out of the station journeying them into their next chapter of their lives.



A/N: Hey guys thank you for reading this book for this is the end , thank you for reading this book and thank you all for the overwhelming support you gave me these past few weeks I love you all, and as always Follow, Vote ,Comment if you love this chapter and all characters in this book is originally owned by J.K Rowling and that's all thank you all and have a nice day Au Revoir!💕😁😊💕

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