Chapter 2

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Before the arrival of the children in 12 Grimmauld Place, a man with long gray hair entered the creepy old house with a boy with wild raven hair and circular glasses, this boy and old man was Dumbledore and Harry Potter, they just came back from a hearing about Harry's crimes against the ministry. As they entered the kitchen were numerous order members like Nymphadora Tonks, and Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Weasleys were waiting for news about his hearing "How's the hearing? what did they say? " a girl with brown bushy hair asked. "It was fine Hermione, don't worry they gave me full pardon" as everybody heard of this they were ecstatic, there were loud cheers, hugs, and even handshakes around harry with the occasional shouting of the twins of 'He got off! he got off!' as they danced silly as if they just won a lottery.

But the celebrations were cut short by a bright light and some puff of smoke coming from upstairs by the attic. As everybody saw this, Moody was the first to give orders "Wands up!" he said as they approached the room with what it seemed like little children. they first heard 3 loud wales from what it seemed like babies, Molly took notice of this and told Harry, Ron, and Hermione to pick up the 3 wailing children. As Harry approached the 3 toddlers he was attracted to the baby that looked like him 'why am i drawn to this little guy? apart from looking like me, and the brown eyes that had such familiarity with Ginny's, and why do I feel the need to protect him with my life' he thought as he stared at the brown eyed little wailing baby that he was cradling in his arms  with such unexpected love; Ron felt the same with the female baby that he was holding that had a hint of red bushy curls around her small head, but it was different because it is as if  he needed to protect her from the other men around this little baby. As Hermione approached the last baby she saw a hint of almost white blond hair 'why does this baby remind me Malfoy?' she questioned herself. 

But their thoughts were cut short as they all focused at a boy with blue hair half awake almost fading in and out of consciousness, as he looked around helplessly and finally stopped at the sight of Remus and Tonks before he almost succumb to sleep he said 2 words softly "Mom? Dad?" everybody in that area heard what the blue haired boy said. with one final look at the children they quickly used the floo system to put the children into Hogwarts hospital wing for Madam Pomphrey to examine them and treat them, they would go to St. Mungo's but they would have to avoid the reporters of The Daily Prophet with they are avoiding.

As Madame Pomphrey examine the children, Dumbledore told everybody even Sirius who turned into padfoot to go to his office to discuss the matter of the sudden appearance of the children in Grimmauld place. as they walked the halls of Hogwarts to find Dumbledore's office they had the same question in mind 'Who were they? ', ' how did they get pass the wards? ' ,' why did they feel as if they have known them for years? ' and lastly 'what are they doing here? '

a/n: thank you for reading my latest chapter I will be updating this book daily so stay tuned and before I forget I do not own Harry Potter and the rest of these characters all credit goes to J.K Rowling, ahve a nice day!

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