Chapter 7

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Victoire was a year younger than Teddy she was his best friend, she is always the one that listens to him about everything, his doubts, his fears, and even his ambition; so, when she woke up the first thing in her mind was him, her best friend. She woke up in a queen size bed with nothing insight only a dusty room, an old antique nightstand, some worn out drapes, and 2 doors at one she discovered that led to the bathroom and one to the main hallway.

As she went down to the creaky staircase, she immediately heard 2 voices that she didn't recognize, one of the voices said, "I mean who cannot we orphaned him Remus we left him alone" 'Remus isn't that teddy's father's name?' she thought and then another voice said "Tonks I know how you feel I mean our boy is right there sleeping knowing that were not there when he wakes" 'wait Remus and Tonks those are teddy's parents' she thought with shock, she approached the room with complete discreet as she saw Remus and Tonks comforting each other; she shot back upstairs carefully trying not to make some noise trying to find teddy's room to tell him what she had discovered. She went door to door to find him but found her siblings and cousins instead, she woke them up and told them to follow her as she got near the last room of the floor.

Victoire and her siblings and cousins found teddy's room and woke him up he jolted awake to see them all but the babies "what happened" he said with grogginess in his voice "well when I woke up I was in a dusty old room in a big bed and I was finding you then -" Victoire said before being cut off by her best friend "Where are Albus, Rose, and Scorpius?" he said in a panicky voice, there was an eerie silence "where's my brother Vic?" James II said almost in tears "Where is my brother?!" James now started crying and wailing for his brother, screaming his name, and now Fred II and Roxanne are now crying and wailing in fear "I want my daddy!" they said in unison; by now Teddy, Victoire, Dominique, and louis are now trying to calm the three 3 year old down before they got caught, because for all they know the 2 death eaters followed them in 1995 and trying to kill them, how do they know it's 1995 because of Kreacher.

They now jolted and tried to hide behind Teddy as the door slammed open only to reveal the whole order including their young parents "DADDY!" exclaimed the three 3-year-olds and louis who was now relieved that his dad was there, they attempted to run to their supposed parents before they were stopped by their elder cousins "How do we know you're not just some death eaters in Polyjuice?" Teddy shakenly says as he saw them "Can Polyjuice take form of the dead young man" a tall thin man who he assumes is Sirius Black says to him, he shake his head as a no answer "Then yes were not in Polyjuice" as he said this teddy slowly released the young Potter-Weasley clan to them, they ran and hugged their respective parents while teddy looked down lost in thought 'this must be some dream right?' he thought to himself as he caught a glimpse of his parents 'no I can't let them see me like this' he said to himself as he attempted to run through the door.

he felt a bump and fell down, as he sat in the floor teary eyed, he looked up to see his parents he breathed rapidly trying to find a rhythm to calm himself down "this just a dream, right? It got to be you're not real!" he said in a shaky voice shutting his eyes attempting to not cry as he scooched on the floor trying to stand up but failing "Wocher Teddy" Tonks said with tender and sadness attempting to hold him "Don't touch me! Please stop, you can't be here in In front of me. I won't believe it!" by now he slowly let tears cover his face as his mother now embraced him "Let go of me! You are not real" by now Remus joined Tonks in the embrace never letting him or her go "Teddy it's not a dream were here" Tonks said as she now touches his son's face motherly tender with tears in her eyes "No I will not believe it! You'll leave me again like every other dream I have!" he said still eyes shut crying "Teddy listen to me, look into our eyes and tell us were not real" Tonks says, teddy opens his eyes meeting both his mother and fathers' eyes "Mom, Dad?" he said shakenly "yes my little wolf pup it's us" Remus said with tears of joy "Mom! Dad!" He shouts as he tackles them both, hugging them with tears in his eyes "I'm sorry Teddy please forgive me!" Tonks said, hugging him tight as tears began to flow, Remus joined in and crying.

Everyone present in the room saw the scene and felt a little weight had been lifted in them as they left the future family to have their little moment.


A/N: Thank you everyone for reading my latest chapter , and thank you Hinnyluver for the votes, as always all the Characters from this book is owned by the brilliant J.K Rowling, Have a nice day and remember stay safe!

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