Chapter 21

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The sun rose the east side of the manor making the windows shine like crystals from the outside, while the water from the pond and fountain of the manor shimmered like thousands of diamonds, slowly everybody woke up from their rooms and motioned to the dining room where the Potter family usually eat, Ron came to the kitchen and saw his brothers and their wives except Fleur and Astoria sitting in the kitchen waiting for their food while his parents are discussing something Hermione and Draco, he sat in an available chair near his wife with Molly and Lucy at his left "Morning Mione" Ron said groggily to Hermione who just finished talking with his parents "Morning luv" Hermione said landing a quick kiss in his lips.

"Where's Harry and Ginny?" Astoria asked, everybody shrugged their shoulders saying I don't know when Lucy suddenly spoke "um... miss Malfoy me and Molly heard them in the hallway with their door closed they were so loud mister Malfoy they were just playing but I don't know it sounded like their hurting" Lucy said Innocently then she turned to the glass of milk in front of her, Molly II choked on her orange juice as she heard her sister 'Lucy why?! I told you to say nothing and I would take care of it' she merely thought facing down sweating heavily as if she was going to be interrogated soon, the Weasley brothers (except Fred) rose into their seats and motioned to the door "Percy honey what are you doing and why are you and your brothers emitting a murderous aura all of a sudden?" Audrey Percy's wife asked her husband concerningly "Nothing dear we'll be right back and don't worry we're just going to have a talk with my sister and her husband" Percy said trying to say it in a calmly manner but failing as his wife saw a vein appearing in his temples "ok but please don't get to far" Audrey advised her husband as he catches up to his brothers who are now in the staircase, then suddenly the wives, Molly, Lucy, their parents were left in the dining room with the Malfoy couple then suddenly the door completely shut in front of them locked then Harry and Ginny came out from nowhere 'Invisibility cloak I should have known' the people outside of the dining room thought as they tried to open the door.

Meanwhile on the other side "Morning everyone" Harry and Ginny said in unison "Harry Gin next time please put a silencing charm on the room for merlin's sake" Audrey said rubbing her temples in irritation as she saw them "come on you two your acting like harmonious teens" Hermione commented looking at the files in front of her after she saw who locked the doors "were not in Hogwarts for merlin sakes I mean I heard and seen a lot of things back in my day and this is one of them" Angelina interjected the conversation as she helped her sister-in-law with the food "Potter can't you hold your longingness for her for one week if you haven't forgotten our little death eater problem" Draco said in annoyance "I second that" Astoria agreed with her husband then shouts of agreed filled the whole dining room, by now Harry and Ginny got flustered from embarrassment there were muffles of 'I'm sorry' from the both of them as they opened the door behind them to reveal the Weasley brothers fall to the ground into a pile and walked to their seats, after some screams from the brothers became nonexistent they dug in their breakfast.

"Harry I know this is kind of late but can my girls be sent to the past to for safety reasons of course just until the death eaters are captured I' don't want them to get hurt if they come back for them" Percy asked his brother-in-law "ok Percy I understand good thing we have spares for emergency purposes and of course it's one you don't have to smash because what Kreacher used is a different kind actually it's a one way time turner It's a new model by the Dept. of Mysteries but were using a two way time turner because were needed here" Harry said in a agreeing tone, Percy thank him and continued their breakfast.

Molly II and Lucy were excited to go to the past with their cousins. They had their bags behind them as Percy and Harry put a golden chain around them with them in hand but before they could go George asked if he could come. Harry was reluctant but quickly gave in, after a few turns they were back in 1995.

In Grimmauld 1995 a day had passed by since the 'Hinny incident' they called it, they were about to eat their lunch when they saw a figure 5 figures slowly appearing in front of them, the adults and teens were about to attack when they were stopped by the future kids ''Uncle Harry are we in the past?" a girl with Weasley hair asked which they recalled was F. Harry ''Molly? Lucy? What are you doing here with uncle Percy and Uncle George?!" Victoire asked "their just dropping us off here because dad is afraid that me and Luce will be targeted next so he asked uncle Harry to let us stay in the past and uncle George wants to see uncle Fred'' Molly II answered, the people from the past was astonished at what they saw in front of them, F. Harry was well built but still retained that messy hair of his and those oval glasses while George and Percy from the future still looked the same but they felt that they got a bit closer after the war "Forge!" F. George screamed and ran to Fred and his past self, he hugged his deceased brother almost in tears Fred didn't hesitate to return the hug and his twin joined in, they broke the hug and stared at F. George and studied him "hey F. Gred I heard we have a joke shop now how is it I heard from my niece it's booming!" Fred did not hesitate to ask about the joke shop because he dreamt of having his very own joke shop with his twin for years ''don't worry forge still no.1 I was actually going to open another branch in America next year" F. George happily said to his past self and deceased twin "Wicked" the past twins said in unison and fist bumped F. George "George it's time to go" F. Percy shouted "Is Percy still a prat in the future" the twins asked "not anymore he helps on the shop from time to time and we've been able to settle our differences after the war" F. George explained, the twins were glad to hear this and watched George's future self-walked to F. Harry and F. Percy and disappeared.

As they recovered from what just happened just now they turned to the kitchen with the two new time travelers "ok introductions now and catching up later" was all that their grandmother can say as they all sat down getting ready for lunch "I'll go first since I'm the eldest" the oldest daughter of who they presume was Percy stepped forward "I'm Molly Fairfax Weasley II and I'm 8 years old and my parents are Percy and Audrey Weasley nee Fairfax and my mom was a muggle" Molly ended sitting down near her Grandfather who she was close in the future "and I am Lucy Fairfax Weasley 5-years-old and I'm Molly's sister" everybody simply nodded in understanding and dig into their grandmother's cooking.


A/N: Thank you guys for reading my latest chapter as always Follow, Vote, And comment if you love the story and as always all the characters in this book is originally owned by J.K Rowling. that's it have a nice day!  ❤😊❤

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