Chapter 23

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"Oh Vic I forgot to mention uncle Harry told me to give this to James and Albus" Molly II called her cousin's attention and took out what it seemed like two little broomsticks from her back pack which was charmed like her aunt Hermione's, the future kids looked at the brooms horrified 'oh no no no no it can't be can it' they thought out loud "My broom!" a voice shouted, they turned around and saw James II who had beamed as he saw his toy broom, James II rushed to his older cousin and hugged her before getting his broom; James mounted his broom and kicked the floor and zoomed through his cousins, there were loud bangs of crashing, Harry ran to the living room to see what's all the racket all about and saw his eldest zooming on a broom "Hi uncle Harry" everybody in the room greeted uneasily "Hi dad!" James II greeted as he continued doing some circles around the room "Teddy why is my future son up in the ceiling with a broom in hand?!" Harry asked worriedly as he ducked slightly as his zoomed passed him "actually Uncle Harry your future self-packed it on Molly's bag" Teddy said sighing; Sirius, Remus, and Tonks heard some banging after they left the kitchen, they arrived in scene to see Harry's future son zooming the whole living room "Moony?" Sirius said, smirking "Yes Padfoot?" Remus answered worriedly "remember that broom that I gifted Harry when he was a month old?" Sirius asked in a singing voice, Remus pieced together what his best friend said and remembered the broom "you don't think" Remus asked secretly asked him, Sirius smirked and hummed in response 'oh dear' Remus thought worriedly as he saw the boy zooming past them.

"James I think that's enough" His father pleaded, James hovered and got to the floor with a sad face and gave him his broom "don't worry my little marauder how about a nap then we can race as much as we want in an enlarge room by your Grandfather Sirius" Harry said to his future son as e knelt down to his height and ruffled his hair, James nodded in confirmation and motioned his arms for his father to carry him, Harry agreed to this and carried him, James immediately slept on his chest as Harry took him to his future wife's bed, meanwhile the others in the living room smiled as they saw Harry taking his son up the stairs and the future kids thought 'were not giving Albus a broom till he's 10' while the adults thought 'Harry you're going to be great father in the future' they left the living room and did what they do in the afternoon which is either studying or napping.

Meanwhile in the future "Harry love where are James and Albus's brooms?" Ginny shouted while Harry paled white and quickly rushed to the nearest fireplace and flooed to the Ministry.


A/N: Thank you all for tuning in for my latest chapter always remember to follow, vote, and comment about my chapters if you want to and all the characters in this book is originally owned by J.K Rowling that's all have a nice day!❤💃🏽❤

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