Chapter 20

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Harry was bombarded with questions after the scene they made this morning, of course they would mean they just saw me Kissing their sister/daughter/best friend in front of them. "Something you want to confess to us Harry, or do we have to punch you for it?" Bill questioned with utter hatred along with the menacing aura around his brothers towards him "Well?!" the Weasley brothers asked menacingly, he was about to answer when James II tugged his pants "Daddy are you in trouble?" his future eldest asked "no James they just want to know what happened earlier while you were sleeping" Harry said wearing a sympathetic smile as he knelt down to match his Future son's height and ruffled his hair "ok daddy can we have another bath with mummy later?" James asked innocently after he understand the situation, James ran through the door with a cheery smile to meet his cousins as they descended to the kitchen where Molly said because she said there was some hot chocolate for them with Remus, Sirius, Arthur, and Tonks, meanwhile with Ginny her mother and Hermione pressed on how she got that nightgown and what happened last night.

After this Ginny was now facing her fuming brothers who looked like they were going to commit a murder and Harry who was pale, drained of color "What happened last night" the Weasley clan and Hermione asked pressingly "Well when Vic came back from the hallway, we asked Molly if we can bathe the kids -" Harry started but had been cut off by Molly "I know that I was there we were asking what happened after!" Then Ginny spoke "Well mum James asked me and Harry if we can bathe with him of course we cannot refuse him so we did" an eerie silence has taken over the room then the Weasley brother's pulled Harry and Bill grabbed his shirt out of anger "How much did you see?" Bill asked menacingly accompanied with the twins and Ron to glare at him murderously, Harry thought back to last night he saw Ginny's curves her hip then he blushed at the last memory and tried to look away, The Weasley brothers took the blush as their answer and tried to attack Harry but stopped by Molly, Hermione, and their sister "Boys we'll deal with this later but right now we need to know what happened after so hold you murderous murder spree for now" the boys mumbled in agreement as Hermione talked some sense into them "ok now that's been taken care of continue" Hermione said as she crossed her arms "Well after some minutes of splashing and some bathing done I finally got out but before that I asked them to cover their eyes as I dried myself and put on my bathrobes" Ginny continued the Weasley clan sighed in relief but Hermione raised an eyebrow but later shrugged it off "then I dressed into my night gown the I turned around Harry and James II was there still in their towels then James ran to me not noticing Harry left so I changed his clothes then tucked him to bed, then when Harry came back we both laid down beside him and started stroking his head until he fell asleep then after that I slept I don't know what happened next, then I woke up on Harry's shoulders as he slept beside be with James in between us that's it nothing else happened" Ginny ended her explanation Harry motioned his head up and down nodding in confirmation to what Ginny said, all of them was defeated and brushed it of content on what they heard then motioned to the kitchen to see the children Remus, Sirius and Tonks playing together "Where's Teddy" Harry questioned as he sat down to his seat "Sleeping Harry, and not to worry I reduced his essays into 5 pages long" He said in reassurance everybody Sighed in relief except Bill who was mumbling angrily, Molly noticed this and smacked his son's head "Mum why did you have to do that?" Bill questioned touching his head "for your behavior be lucky I did not order ginny to do an Bat Bogey Hex on you young man" Molly said threateningly and walked to the stove while Bill rolled his eyes and shoved his face with French toast into his mouth, after that everybody continued their day.

Meanwhile in the future Ginny woke up in her bed early as she felt an arm wrapped around her it was her husband Harry, she carefully unwrapped his arms carefully not to wake him up but failed as Harry soon woke up as he felt Ginny's touch "Harry can you let go I need some air please" Harry understood and let her go, Ginny soon got in her white satin robes and made her way to the balcony she took a deep breath and felt the early morning breeze, Harry noticed his wife's expression as she got out of their bed he quickly got up and made his way to the balcony where his wife was standing and hugged her from behind "ok Gin what's wrong and don't tell me it's nothing is it about the boys?" Harry said in a worried yet calming tone as he rested his head on her shoulders "that's just it Harry" Ginny said almost crying and turned to see her husband's gaze as he held her waist and continued "I'm scared to death I am their mother and yet I failed Harry they're gone I'm a bad mother!" Ginny cried heavily into her husbands chest but comforted quickly by him as he rubbed circles in her back "Ginny look at me" Harry asked his wife, Ginny granted Harry his request she looked at him with red puffy eyes with tears engraving her face, Harry cupped his right hand to his wife's beautiful face and wiped a stray tear "you are a great mother I could never ask anyone else to father my children but you, you are kind, beautiful, and also perfect in my eyes you may not see it but you are I'm not saying this because I'm your husband but because it's true I love you Gin and I know the boys miss and love you too" Ginny smiled at what her husband said "you're right Harry I'm sorry if I'm burdening you my troubles and to let you see me like this" Ginny said giggling as she wiped her tears "Gin were in this together ok remember that you can tell me everything your burdens your doubts anything I'll be there for you" Harry said smiling as he held his wife towards him

"also did I tell you you look cheeky in those robes not to mention fit in those nightgowns you wore every night I think this might be my favorite and did I mention I'm feeling a bit randy seeing you in this setting my Gryffindor queen" Harry whispered into his wife's ear seductively, Ginny giggled and hit his shoulder "Harry I am not going to doff you because one our children is still in the past and two the whole family is in the manor they'll hear even my nieces and not to mention Astoria and Draco are here!" Ginny said while being carried like a princess to their bed "Do you think I care to hell with them if they heard us I can take them I'm head Auror after all" Harry said removing his wife's white satin robe to reveal her white revealing nightgown and kissed his wife's neck and collar bone, Ginny moaned in pleasure "Harry stop you don't know the full might of what my brother's might do and what Draco will do to you when they hear us!" she said shakingly as Harry bit lightly into her pleasure spot by the neck "I'll take my chances" Harry whispered into his wife's ear seductively as he removed his shirt and his wife's nightgown and kissed her like an animal in heat.

While they did their thing Molly II Percy's 8 year-old daughter and her 5 year-old sister Lucy were passing by their uncle and aunt's room "Molly what is uncle Harry and aunt Ginny doing it sounds scary is uncle Harry hurting aunt Ginny?" Lucy asked as they passed by their room as the noise of Ginny moaning grew louder "Luce it's nothing when dad or any of our relatives asked something about the noise you tell them nothing I'll handle it" Molly II told her sister, Lucy simply nodded in confirmation "good now cover your ears until we reach the bottom floor of the house ok" they covered their ears 'Merlin they're loud now I regret not coming with them so that me and Luce could not deal or hear my uncle Harry and aunt Ginny's escapades' she thought as she covered her ears rushing down the stairs with her sister in hand as the noise grew so loud that it was heard till the next floor down of the manor.

They got down to meet some family members who were still awake in their uncle's kitchen, who was their aunt Hermione, aunt Fleur, and also mister Draco who was working with their aunt Hermione in the ministry "Girls why are you up early this morning?" their aunt Hermione asked "oh aunt Mione good morning me and Lucy are just getting some water" Molly II answered politely, Lucy sat in one of the counter chairs in the kitchen "aunt Mione, aunt Fleur why is uncle Harry and aunt Ginny loud it sounded like it hurt from the hallway while coming here" Lucy asked innocently, Fleur almost choke on her coffee while Hermione almost dropped the glass she was holding for her niece and Draco almost fell from his seat as they heard what the young girl in the chair next to the counter, Fleur approached her niece with carefulness "erm luzy l'oncle anz l'ount iz just playing my niece" Fleur said trying to cover up the fact that her uncle and aunt are doing things that should not be seen and heard by children at this age "really can I join them" Lucy said innocently "erm Lucy they wanted to play without you because... because" Hermione said as they motioned the other adults to help her make an excuse "because Lucy they wanted to be alone I mean they haven't really seen each other since your uncle was hard at his work ok please understand" Draco said being Hermione's saving grace 'thank bloody merlin I have him in here or else I would have broken down in pieces just explaining to her' Hermione and Fleur thought as Lucy nodded in confirmation as Molly II  and Lucy exited the Kitchen with their glasses of water "Granger I'm going to kill Potter when he comes down here" Draco said in relief as he slumped back into his seat "same" Fleur and Hermione said in unison as they got back to what they were doing before the girls came which is figuring out how to capture those Bloody death eaters who bloody tried to kill their kids "thank merlin the dept. of mysteries made that time turner for all of us right Granger" Draco said reading some old files about possible death eaters who would want to kill their children "yes thank merlin or else they would have been dead on the spot I mean could you imagine if we banned them right Draco it would be the most fatal mistake in the history of the wizarding world" Hermione said in a aspirating sigh as she read her pile of work and files on the table, Draco agreed with hmph sound coming from his mouth while Fleur simply listened in while cooking some breakfast for the whole family like Quiche, croissants and even bacon and eggs even thought it was Molly's job but she told her mother in law beforehand so that she could rest because of her age. 


A/N: thank you for reading my latest chapter! don't forget to Follow, Vote, and comment if you like my latest chapter, as always all the characters in this book is originally owned by J.K Rowling that's all have a nice day!😁👌

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