Chapter 12

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"Thank Godric you're ok" F. Harry said almost in tears when he saw Teddy and his niece and nephew's in the mirror shard, F. Ginny was breaking down crying when she heard her godson, she immediately took the mirror shard off F. Harry's hands "Teddy where are my children?!" she immediately put her hands in her hands in relief as she saw James in the mirror "Thank Merlin they're ok Teddy can I talk to James please" she pleaded and motioned to James as he now has a messy face, her past self-saw this and wiped his face "hey sweetie!" she said in the happiest tone possible so that her son won't be worried "Mummy! Mummy! I just saw you and aunt Mione feeding Albus and Rose! And I saw you and Daddy kissing last night" James said innocently Ginny at this point choked at her drink almost spitting it out while Harry blushed at the memory, everybody in the kitchen was wide eyed at what James II said the Weasley men except the future kids are now giving off a murderous aura when they looked at Harry while Molly, Tonks, and the Future kids simply giggled; F. Ginny and F. Harry simply looked at each other beet red "Um sweetie how would you like to have another sibling?" F. Ginny asked her eldest, by now the women are now bouncing in joy while the Weasley men are now going to come up with a plan to kill Harry, Remus and Sirius simply smirked and giggled silently "why mummy?" her son asked innocently "Well I was going to tell you all when we got you back but  mummy's going to have another baby" F. Harry now kissed his wife's temples after she announced this with that trademark Potter grin in his face "YEY MOMMY  HAS A NEW BABY!" he shouted loudly by now Remus and Sirius patted Harry's back with pride in their chest as Harry's Jaw dropped to the ground dumbfounded at her future wife's announcement, Ginny however received some congratulations From her future niece and nephews and also from her mother, father and Tonks as she blushed in deep red then fainted from shock, while her brothers now huffed in anger almost in the brink of killing Harry Harry "thank you my little marauder what do you think it'll be" she asked her eldest, James thought for a second and responded with a cheery voice "mum I always wanted to have a sister so is it?" this made F. Ginny happy "It's too early to tell my little marauder but soon I only found out a week ago" she replied "Ok mummy" James said politely and cutely.

"Um aunt Ginny congratulations but are the Death Eaters that attacked us gone?" Teddy hated to interrupt the joyous celebration, but he had to asked for the safety of his God family and cousin, F. Harry took the mirror off of his wife's hands and had a stern look as Teddy looked at the mirror shard, everyone was shocked even his past self because never in their life saw Harry Potter give a serious look Infront of them "Don't worry we're tracking them down as we speak but you have to stay there until its safe" F. Harry looked saddened behind that stern look because he remembered what that year would mean Sirius's Death "ok Harry and please don't overwork yourself, remember last time you got sick for 2 weeks straight for being stuck in that office for 1 month straight no breaks'' Teddy was worried about Harry but he knows being head Auror means to him, by now everybody was shocked at what teddy had said they know the risk of overworking yourself and it was noticeable in F. Harry's face the black bags under his eyes and the tiredness radiating from the mirror they were now worried to death about him "Okay I'll try but before we go your aunt Ginny wants to talk to her past mum to give some precautions for your stay okay" Teddy passed the mirror to Molly "Hi mum" F. Ginny Greeted "Gin my how you grown you look beautiful" Molly stared at the mirror with pride filling up her chest, the Weasley clan from the past looked at the mirror astonished at what their sister/ daughter looked in the future "Merlin's beard Gin!" George commented "you look ravishing" Fred continued; F. Ginny looked like fresh tears were about to fill up her eyes because of her dead brother "Fred is that really you?" she asked sadly "Yes Ginny I know I miss you too I'm sorry I left earlier than expected" by this point F. Ginny cried "Fred no don't say sorry I'm just happy I can see you again I miss you" she said happily crying, Fred was about to cry but quickly composed himself "I miss you to gin... oh Gin is it possible to kill Harry now because I would like to kill him now before I got killed later" F. Ginny laughed at this because she knows how protective her brothers, and how he can break every tension between others with a joke there is and she missed it "No Fred you will not kill him or else I will ask my past self to give my past brothers a hexing that you all will never forget even if you're in your grave" she eyerolled as she saw Fred turned white because he knows what happens if Ginny Weasley puts a bat bogey hex on them.

"Ok that's enough I need to speak to mum" F. Ginny said in a teasing manner as Fred passed it on to his mum "what is it dear?" Molly questioned "well I have to give you some warnings because you don't know them well now in the past so may I suggest getting some pen and paper for this'' Molly took out a notepad and a quick-notes quill so it can be quicker "ok first do not let them get near sugar even the babies, second don't let Roxanne, Fred II and James obviously get ever near my twin brothers or Sirius because naming a baby on two marauders and one of my mischievous brother and his also mischievous twin will be catastrophic and might have a chance to bring the whole place in shambles if you let them alone with the 3 mischievous people I know" Molly's quick-notes quill wrote down what her daughter from the future then there was a 'Hey!' from Sirius and the current Weasley twins who put their hands on their chest acting hurt "third please get Teddy and Victoire to study before they got to Hogwarts mum I don't want them to fall behind because the people there in Hogwarts nowadays kind of expect so much from the both of them" this made Teddy and Victoire shudder because one they know what the people of the wizarding world expect from them, and two as much as they love to learn they hated studying even when teddy was sent to a muggle school by his godfather to learn about muggles "one last thing if teddy gets cranky please give him chocolate he may not be a werewolf like his father but he needs it to stay calm....oh by the way before I forget mum do not let in any circumstances let them out because what bloody knows what you-know-who might do to them and what Rita Skeeter might say about them I mean I would love to fire her now in this timeline because all she writes is rubbish and she might do the same with the children" everybody in the kitchen knows full-well what Rita Skeeter writes in her column and they disgusted for it "at least now The Daily Prophet is in new management they only write about the facts that are true on their interviews and not gossip" she continued, this gave everyone a breath of fresh air knowing that the news columns has now been reformed "you got that mum?" F. Ginny asked as the quick-notes quill was finished writing "of course dear" Molly replied as he passed it to Teddy "Uncle Harry how's Kreacher" Teddy asked with guilt running in his veins "Kreacher's fine after the Death Eaters escaped, we rushed Kreacher to St. Mungo's he was gravely injured, but he'll live, we might even result in muggle cleaning while he's in the hospital" as F. Harry replied Teddy made a relief sigh that relaxed him "ok Ted I got to go remember what Aunt Ginny said and you're in charge and don't forget to listen to your grandma Molly" F. Harry said quickly "Ok uncle Harry we will bye!" Teddy said as a chorus of goodbyes from the future kids was heard as the image faded in the mirror.

Molly clapped her hands to get their attention "ok after breakfast we'll do some cleaning and no magic and no excuses if I see even one person using magic or even think of escaping because if you do there will be no lunch for all of you" everybody groaned from this announcement "Grandma can we be exempted from cleaning please" Victoire pleaded as she tries charm her grandma with her veela charm but failed as her grandma shook her head as she puts her hand in her shoulders rubbing it while wearing a sympathetic face "I'm sorry dear but no you won't be exempted even your sister and Teddy" Victoire, Dominique, and Teddy groaned "but what about my brother, my cousins, and the babies no one's going to take care of them" she tried again and failed "don't worry dear they won't be cleaning because they're going to spend time with me in the living room" Molly said happily, this outraged everyone they understand why the babies but the 3 and 4 year-olds no, but before they can even say anything Molly already took out some dusters, mops, and some cleaning cloth with cleaning supplies and passed it to them as she exits the room with James II, Fred II, Roxanne, and Louis at her hand and arms to go get the babies from the crib 'this is going to be a long day' everyone from the kitchen thought as they all got their cleaning supplies and move out of the room.


A/N: Thank you guys for reading the latest chapter comment if you want  I would love to see how you like it and as always the characters in this story is originally owned by J.K Rowling, anyways have a nice day!❤❤

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