Chapter 4

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As they stared at the newly remodeled Great Hall, they took notice of some of the people inside. They recognized some in the crowd like Dean Thomas and Parvati Patil, after looking at their surroundings an elderly woman wearing a green dress came into the owl podium where in their knowledge Dumbledore gives his usual beginning and end of term speech.

"Welcome everyone" she starts "it had been exactly ten years in this exact day where you-know-who or better yet Voldemort had  fallen in the hands of the one and only Harry Potter'' at this the order, Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione rejoiced. They knew Harry was the key to defeat Voldemort and this memory proves it but one felt that there was more than celebration on this memory and this person was Dumbledore for he knows that there is always a price when it comes to victory as he looked at the future crowd in front of him "but this victory does not come without sacrifice for in this day the battle of Hogwarts had taken place" with this everyone was silent once again eager to listen "on this day we celebrate and mourn for our lost comrades in this fateful day" she paused for a moment to quickly compose herself "These people had been dear to me as their teacher and as their friend I have seen it first-hand the terrors of this day holds" she said in the verge of tears "I have seen all of them grow for they had been students of this school as youngsters to adults yet they have fallen before they can even spread their wings into the world" as she said this everybody can feel tears forming in their eyes not knowing for what's to come "today we honor them with these plaque to give them recognition of their efforts and bravery in this day" she paused to quickly compose herself "to present these plaques the minister of magic Kingsley Shacklebolt is here today as he was  one of the people to end the long reign of the dark lord himself and Head Auror Harry Potter to present the names of those who had fallen and the people who will be receiving them" at the mention of Kingsley and Harry's name they had been relieved that they had both lived but the uneasiness had taken over them as if it was preparing themselves for the worse.

McGonagall had stepped aside to reveal a tall man with black raven hair and glasses with a lightning scar in his forehead wearing an Auror uniform and a man wearing black robe that was worn only by the minister of magic "Good morning everyone I would like to thank Headmistress Professor for inviting me today in this momentous truth be told I was uneasy when I got here, this was like my 2nd home and yet I dreaded to come here for I am reliving the horrors of this day. I have of course great sympathy to all the people who came here today because they were my friends and even brothers and sisters in arms, as I stand here today not as an Auror but a student and friend to you all and now without further delay I may now give name to the people who sacrificed so much for our wonderful future" as future Harry finished his speech everyone who was in the memory held their breath to prepare for the event that is unfolding in front of them.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Dumbledore" at the mention of Dumbledore's name everybody was silent 'how could Dumbledore the most brilliant wizard of all time dies just like that' they all thought but Dumbledore accepted his fate and chose to silence himself because there is many more to come "Mad-eye Moody" a stray tear enveloped Tonks's face for she saw moody as one of his father figures and idol.

"Sirius Black" Future Harry announced "NO. NO. No... no... not Sirius! No you can't Sirius" Harry pleaded in the memory crying and shaking in disbelief until Sirius hugged Harry to calm him down meanwhile the order and Weasley's looked at the podium with remorse, but cut short when they saw Future Harry was announcing who will be receiving his plaque "His plaque will be received by Ginevra Potter nee Weasley and her son James Sirius Potter II" as he said this a tall woman with Weasley hair and the little boy that looked like Harry's father made their way to the podium, Ginny flushed a deep red that rivals her own hair and so did Harry after Sirius calmed him down at the mention of Ginny's name with the name Potter and the mention of a son; but her brothers were a different story they turned their head around to Harry with fury with looks as if they were about to do a massacre later after they figure out who were these mysterious kids.

"Colin Creevey, Lavender Brown, Padma Patil" as the list of the students that were killed in the battle goes on Hermione broke down crying, knowing that these names were the people she will never see again after the battle, as she saw their families receiving their plaques.

"Fredrick Gideon Weasley" a hitch breath was heard then a scream that rocked the heavens was heard "NO NOT MY FRED NOT MY FRED!" as Molly screamed in agony as she broke down to the ground crying for his dead son, Arthur tried to comfort his wife with fail for he soon wailed and cried with sorrow, Bill and Charlie was crying silently in the corner trying to cover up their grief, Ginny and Ron quickly ran to Fred crying as she hugged his brother as if he was going to disappear in any moment, while Fred stared at disbelief leaving stray tears flow from his face as his brother soon join in with their younger sibling's tight hug "Forge why you my twin why?! it's not fair!" George said as he wailed and cried for his twin, as this was going on the order, Harry and Hermione looked at them with remorse and guilt; "His plaque will be received by young members of the clan to show their respects to their uncle they are Victoire, Dominique, Louis children of Bill and fleur Weasley nee Delacour, Fred II, and Roxanne Weasley children of George and Angelina Weasley nee Johnson, Molly and Lucy Daughters of Percy and Audrey Weasley who will be escorted by Ron Bilious Weasley and His wife Hermione Weasley nee Granger" at this announcement the Weasleys snapped out off their grief briefly to see the next generation of their clan all the male Weasley's were dumbfounded especially Ron who blushed furiously with Hermione who was about to pass out from shock because it appeared that her future self-had a little bump.

"And lastly Remus Lupin and his wife Nymphadora Lupin nee Tonks" Remus was happy and devastated at the same time because of the fact that the woman he was going to marry will die with him and his 'condition' Tonks was the same but with different reasons of course "their plaques will be received by her mother Andromeda Tonks and their 10-year-old son Edward Remus Lupin" as the future Harry said this, a boy with blue hair and an elderly woman walking to the podium, the order, the Weasley's, Harry, and Hermione was shocked at the revelation, they didn't know what was more shocking the fact that the boy in blue hair they saw earlier was Remus and Tonks son or the fact that they died before they saw him grow up, with this in mind the memory faded and they all returned back from the pensive to take a break.

There was an eerie silence then they heard a thump and saw Tonks plops on the ground shouting and wailing 'CURSE YOU, YOU NOSELESS GIT CURSE YOU!' as she cries heavily while punching the ground as if it was her enemy, while Remus tries to grab something to support him as he stared blankly at nothing with disbelief as he eventually plops down into the floor and cries, as they were doing this the order, the Weasley's, Harry, and Hermione can only stare sadly at the future parents of the blue haired boy that came. Dumbledore touched Harry's shoulder to get his attention as he points to the wailing baby in the corner, which was the baby harry look alike, he knew what Dumbledore meant so he quickly walked to the baby and tried to calm him down and it did as the baby in his arms drifted back to sleep.

Remus and Tonks grief were cut short by a twisting and mumbling blue haired boy who was having a nightmare "Mom! Dad! Please don't go! Don't leave me!" he said repeatedly in his sleep; at this Tonks and Remus rushed to the boy's side, Tonks who already have tears around her cheeks and red eyes "My baby my poor, poor baby I'm sorry I'm here now shhhhh...Mommy's here" as says to him lovingly as she cradles his unconscious body into her arms with a motherly tender while Remus hugged them both tight like it was no tomorrow.


A/n: Thank you so much for reading and I do not own these characters for they were all from the brilliant mind of J.K Rowling have a nice day! 😁❤❤

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