Chapter 24

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In a deserted alleyway near Godric's Hollow Harry and his team of Aurors are in pursuit of one of the death eaters who attacked the house "Antonin Dolohov you are under arrest give up now and you may receive a lighter sentence!" one of the Aurors from his team shouted as Dolohov hid on one of the collapsed old house in his corner where he was now surrounded by Harry's team "you will never catch me once I kill you all and those brats of yours Harry Potter I will resurrect my dark lord and he will reign supreme in this world once again for all eternity ALL HAIL THE DARK LORD!" Dolohov shouted and made a screeching yet maniacal laugh at the Aurors around his hiding place.

Meanwhile Ron's team was in pursuit of Augustus Rookwood, spells flied everywhere until he was cornered "Rockwood we can do this the peaceful way or the hard way in any way you choose it will still be you behind bars" Ron said in a monotone voice subjugating the situation before him and his team. Rockwood fired an unforgivable on one of his men on his team but failed as they dodged it perfectly 'so were doing this the hard way ay' Ron thought for a quick moment then commanded to fire their attacks on Rockwood then restrain him then another round of spells rained between Rockwood and Ron's team of Aurors.

After what it seemed like hours Ron and Harry captured both Rockwood and Dolohov they sent two of their men ahead to bring them to the ministry and lock him up and not let them get away, Harry and Ron's team were about to apparate back but soon saw a spell fly them, they turned around to see Walden Macnair who had his wand in his hand, he was about to release another spell when Harry quickly petrified him with a petrification spell Hermione used in his first year, they quickly tied him up before the petrification charm's effects wore off and apparated him to the ministry.

"they are seriously beginning to be pain" Harry said rubbing his temples in frustration as he reached his office and slumped on his chair behind his desk while his best friend and brother-in-law slumped on one of the chairs in front of him," you said it mate well at least we can get the kids back the day after tomorrow right mate?" Ron said groggily as he shut his eyes, resting them for a minute before going out of his best mate's office. Harry laid back on his chair and removed his glasses and squinted his eyes shut, sighing heavily and looked at a picture frame of him and Teddy on his desk 'I'm sorry Teddy' he thought and placed it back on its original place then walked through the door.

Harry and Ron gone to Potter Manor almost 3 in the morning, when they arrived they quickly gone to the Manor's living room and slept there so that they won't wake anyone up, the next morning Molly gone down to make some breakfast in the kitchen, when she passed by the living room she saw Harry and his son sleeping heavily on one of the couches they seemed like they had a rough night so Molly quickly got some blankets in a closet somewhere and placed it on top of them and made her way into the kitchen smiling. Everybody soon woke up except Harry and Ron and made their way to the dining room but stopped when they saw Harry and Ron sleeping heavily in one of Harry's couches , they decided not to bother them because they seemed like they had a long night so they ignored them and went to the dining room except Hermione and Ginny who dragged them into their rooms and changed them and after they took care of their sleeping husbands they retreated back downstairs with the rest of the family.

Harry and Ron woke up a few minutes later they looked at their surroundings as they remembered they were in the living room before but now they are in their rooms, they pondered the idea that their wives were the one responsible for getting them in their beds, so they quickly got up and changed and went down to the dining room where the family is eating.

They arrived in the dining room and saw the whole family eating, they walked to their seats after kissing their wife's forehead saying good morning and ate breakfast; after breakfast Molly got her wand out and banished the plates into the sink to wash, the whole family and the Malfoy's quickly asked if the pursuit was successful Harry and Ron of course said yes and sighs of relief were heard then Angelina spoke up "are we going to get them now or?" she questioned everyone "I think it's best to give them the news and bring them back tomorrow so that they can spend their last days in the past with content before going back like Teddy" Harry said sorrowfully, everybody in the room gloomed at his statement "your right Harry if we get them now they'll just be in distraught but what if we bring them here you know just for them to see what we all sacrificed for and give them some kind of hope perhaps?" Hermione asked, Harry pondered on Hermione's question then agreed and told them that after they obliviated them they would make they're experience here a dream, everybody agreed and got ready for their arrival.


A/N: Thank you all for reading my latest chapter, and thank you Lostinmymind11 for voting, and as always Follow, Vote, and comment if you like today's chapter, and all characters in this book is originally owned by J.K Rowling. That's all have a nice day! ❤😍❤

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