Chapter 8

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After leaving the small family they all dispersed, Moody, Kingsley, and Dumbledore left first even before the scene in the room. Harry, Ginny, and James II have gone to Ginny's bedroom because their future son wanted to see his younger brother, as they entered the bedroom they were greeted with a wailing baby Albus, both of the future parents rushed to him to see what's wrong, Ginny lifted him up and smelled the bottom of Albus's jumper "Harry I think he needs a change of diapers can you change him" Ginny pleaded "Ok Gin let me just ask your mom if she had any diapers lying around" he said walking through the door to get some diapers, he heard some giggles from Ginny and his future first born 'what am I going to do with you two?' he questioned himself as he exited the room.

After getting the diapers it was time to change Albus's Diaper, Harry removed the straps quickly, he then threw the dirty diaper into the bin and wiped his bottom, after wiping he then threw it to the bin and got new diapers, he puts the diapers in his bouncing baby boy, he puts up the straps then buttoned his clothes and rocked him to sleep.

As Harry changed his son's diapers Ginny was watching him, she saw how careful and happy he was changing his son, she started imagining her future with him; but her thoughts was distracted by her eldest yawning cutely and wanting to sleep with her since it was still late in the night, she tucked him to bed and sang him a lullaby that her mother taught her when she was young, it worked because she saw her son sleeping soundly with his cute face, her eyes returned to Harry as she saw him rocking their future son to sleep carefully putting him in the crib, Ginny walked to Harry as he is now staring on the crib and found herself staring at her baby as well.

"Thank you Gin for giving me a family I may not know how we end up together and I don't really know what did I do to deserve you but thank you, because for as long as I can remember I have been alone my uncle, aunt, and their son was never the nicest people so I don't really know what a family supposed to be like until I met your family you showed me what family is so thank you" Harry said with eyes full of sincerity and his signature smile as he turned to Ginny "Harry" she turned facing him and reaching her right hand cupping it into his face "I love you with all my heart you will always be my first and only love and these two prove it" she said with a loving smile "What about Dean?" he questioned "what about him?" she asked curiously "he's your boyfriend remember" he said remembering last year when he saw Ginny with Dean in the Three Broomsticks "To be honest harry I'm breaking up with him, ever since the 3 broomsticks he changed" she said walking to the balcony with sadness and hurt plastered in her face crossing her arms looking at the beautiful night sky as she continued "you can say he became more forceful, abusive, and obsessive, he's not what he used to be and slowly as time goes by those feelings changed" by now Harry walked to Ginny giving her a back hug "I just don't see myself in him anymore" she said now holding the balcony railings fighting the tears but let go as she turned to Harry with caught him off guard but still held her waist into his arms, and the crazy part is that it fitted his arms wonderfully it is as if it was made for him and him alone "But you Harry I can see it" she said as she again cupped her right hand into his face "I see my future in you and those two are proof of it, you are loving, kind, brave, selfless, and also cute" Harry blushed as did Ginny knowing what she said because they were all true "You are the greatest man that I ever known Harry Potter not because you are 'the chosen one' but as you and I love you for that" at this point harry was dumbfounded at what he thought she said the end "can you repeat that last part I thought I heard wrong" she giggled at this statement then gave a genuine sympathetic smile as she closed the gap between them, they kissed for a minute then she said "I love you Harry James Evans Potter" he processed this for a second and smiled "I love you to Ginevra Weasley" Harry said as he now hungrily snogged her and she returned it.

They snogged for a good 15 mins and pulled out to catch their breaths, they stared at each other longing for each other, they were about to do it again but heard a voice "YEY! MOMMY'S PREGNANT AGAIN!" Harry and Ginny looked at their smiling eldest son and now giggling "I love you" Harry said softly in his future wife's ear "I love you too" she said whispering in his future husbands' ear and pecked his lips and picked up James and tucked him back to bed, but Harry stood there in the balcony smiling like an idiot as he touched his lips 'I think this might not be so bad after all' he thought as he now stared at the glittering starry sky.


A/N: Hey guys thank you for reading my latest chapter and thank you for 163 reads I really appreciate it and remember all the characters in this book is originally owned by J.K Rowling and with that thank you and have a nice day and remember stay safe! ❤❤😁

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