Chapter 11

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Awkward tension filled the room after they witnessed the scene in the living room 'We are so dead' the men/ children who ran thought as they arrived in the kitchen table "Care to explain yourselves?!" Molly, Toks and the future daughters of Bill said as they entered the room with a deadly aura surrounding them as they crooked, they're eyebrow "Well you see molly dear um" Arthur started eyeing everyone to help him explain the situation "We were sleeping... yeah sleeping right George?" he asked his twin "yeah! And.... Um... there was a scream right um Bill?" he elbowed his brother "oh... um... y-yeah that's right a scream then we shot up awake r-right Sirius" he said with an uneasy voice and glared at Sirius "y-yeah molly then we rushed downstairs to see all the commotion r-right Remus?!" H said almost in full scream as he saw molly with a rolling pin on her hands, the kids looked at him with glares like daggers, and Tonks who has her wand ready "Y-yes then we saw Harry and Ron frozen in front of the living room t-then w-we were worried, so we looked at what they were looking were innocent r-right kids?!" He glared at the future children and they nodded frantically to save their butts from their grandmother "I-I mean I-it was Harry and R-Ron who you should be asking" Remus continued and whispered 'Good luck' to them both 'Traitor' Harry and Ron thought looking wide-eyed because of their family's betrayal.

"Well?!" Molly, Tonks, Victoire, and Dominique now looked at Harry and Ron with a deadly aura around them "W-well mum we were um... going to say good morning to them then um..." Ron elbowed Harry because he started it "I um was with um James so that we could say good morning and then I saw... I promise I have no ill intentions honest" Harry said in a frantic voice and Ron nodded at this. Molly and Tonks gave up and served breakfast, while Victoire and Dominique sighed heavily and sat at the table, but still have a skeptical look in their faces "I'll let this go this once but anymore incidents you will all be sorry got it" Molly said in a menacing voice everybody nodded "Good now who likes pancakes" she said returning to her old self, the men relaxed and raised their hands because who can resist Molly Weasley's cooking? no one right.

Everybody was about to take a bite when Hermione and Ginny arrived with James II at her hand "where's my little Albus and Rose?" Molly questioned as she was preparing to make some coffee "oh mum... they're in their cribs sleeping" Ginny answered her mother who looked content, Ginny let James hand go as he now rushed beside his father "DADDY!" he screamed as Harry lifted him "Hey my little Marauder!" Harry said as he carried his future son to his seat while he giggled adorably "Harry put him down he needs his breakfast" Ginny motioned to her future son "Ok Gin" he said as he let his eldest sit on his seat beside his parents; everybody who is now looking at the little scene Harry and Ginny made with such content and happiness towards the future couple, there was some awe, 'how cute!, and 'you better treat her right Harry!' Hermione sat down in front of Ron as she imagined what it would be like if Rose was a little bigger and imagining the mornings in the kitchen with Ron, this made her blush a little, Ron took notice of this but looked confused at Hermione's blushing situation.

Roxanne descended the stairs still a little groggy and half awake "morning" she said to her family and greeted her good morning in response she then walked to where her father and twin brother is "hey sweetie have a nice sleep" George said still being fairly new when it comes to parenting and trying to be a good parent while his future children are here "dad can you please tell a joke please I never heard one joke from you ever" upon hearing this they all stopped eating knowing well why "what do you mean my little prankster?" he replied uneasily while Roxanne looked at her brother and he shook his head saying no but she ignored it but told his father anyway "well mommy said ever since you beat the bad guy you've never told a joke ever" she said in a saddened tone and face, everybody's face slowly turned gloomy as if the grief was getting to them again, George gave his brave happy face and his biggest smile, trying not to cry for his future daughter "Why is Mad-Eye Moody such a bad teacher?" he questioned, this made everyone have a questioning look in their face "Because he can't control his pupils" he ended this took a second for them to get the joke and they all laughed, they were relieved that George did not give in to grief as he now relaxed and composed into his usual self, Roxanne and Fred II gave a very mischievous grin with a hearty laugh the same grin and laugh when Fred and George have when they were up to something, Fred and George took notice on this and grinned as well.

They were about to finish eating when a slight burn in Teddy's pockets burned his skin a little "ow!" Teddy said and took out a mirror shard, everybody in the kitchen took notice then the future children rushed to Teddy "UNCLE HARRY!" they said in unison.


A/N:  thank you guys for reading my latest chapter as always all these characters are originally owned by J.K Rowling anyways have a nice day/night!😁🎉

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