Chapter 6

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Ron motioned to his child trying to take her away from the shared crib because of 'demon spawn' he called Scorpius Malfoy "Ronald What are you doing?" Hermione asked "Protecting our little baby from this hell spawn demon" Ronald debated "Ron it's cute that your being overprotective of her but still, she's a baby not a teen" Hermione says taking rose from Ron's clutches and placing her back in her place in the crib carefully in between little Albus and little Scorpius.

"Now that we uncovered who they are, I think it's time to uncover why are they here" Dumbledore says with a soft yet commanding voice, the order, Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys nodded in confirmation "now shall we?" he says motioning to the pensive.

They saw everything from teddy's packing, the scene in the living room, the bang, their retreat, and how they arrived to where were they now; "To think from everything that we fought for they could have just given up" Tonks said angrily "I know, I mean I get that they wanted to take revenge for killing 'the dark lord' but taking their revenge on the children now that was the last straw " Molly says bringing out that Weasley rage towards the two death eaters who attacked the children in the memory after they got out of the pensive.

"This had been a rather educational investigation wouldn't you agree?" Dumbledore asked, "you're telling me first I got a hearing then my children drop into Grimmauld because of 2 death eaters who tries to kill them then I learn that my god fathers die and left one of their children behind and they got attacked because of me in merlin's name do I have such bad luck or am I just that bad?" Harry says in one breath as he is now pacing on the floor almost deep in his thoughts.

"May I suggest letting them stay in Grimmauld for the time being" Dumbledore suggest and they all agreed, they each took one of the unconscious children teddy was being carried by his father, Fred and George taking Fred II and Roxanne; Molly, Arthur, and Bill taking Victoire, Dominique, and Louis, Hermione carrying her little daughter rose, and much to Ron's dismay he was carrying Scorpius, while Ginny takes care of Little James II and Harry cradling His son Albus as they flooed back to Grimmauld.

They arrived at Grimmauld one by one, Sirius in his Animagus form with Moody went first to make sure the painting of his dead mother was shut so that the 3 toddlers would not cry and wail after they arrived. They of course replaced their clothes with the Weasley's old clothes because they are not 11- or 10-year-old anymore and tucked them to bed.

Tonks slumped in the couch sighing heavily, Remus saw this as he to take a seat beside his future wife "Do you think he resents us Remus for leaving him" Tonks says loudly for Remus to hear, but he remained silent "I mean we missed his whole childhood, his first steps, his first words, and after he goes back to his time, we'll miss him going to Hogwarts, we'll miss everything Remus, I don't think I can live with that knowing that he hates us for leaving him as a baby, I mean who cannot we orphaned him Remus we left him alone!" Tonks says letting fresh tears fill her face "Tonks I know how you feels I mean our boy is right there sleeping knowing that were not there when he wakes" Remus wipes a stray tear in his future wife's face as he continued "but if I don't know any better he will never hate us for he is our son, I know well enough that he can never hold a grudge" he says comforting her in his arms "you sure" Tonks asked "Positive" he assured her, not knowing somebody was watching them from behind.


A/N: Hey Guys thank you for the 75 reads you don't know how much these reads mean to me, as always thank you for reading and all the characters from this book is originally owned by J.K Rowling Have a nice day! and remember stay safe! ✌😊❤

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