Chapter 20

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*Olivia's P.O.V.*
*1 week later*

Today is the day that I am returning back to school. Logan has been in school for a few days now seeing as it was his job.
My parents are looking after Dylan and Nevaeh in the morning and Logan's parents are looking after them in the afternoon until we come home.

The past week has been pretty busy with looking after the twins and having lots of people visit and I still had to do homework that my teacher's have set for me to do to give in when I return.
It was an amazing week though. Me and Logan have just been more in love than ever before since our babies have arrived. They make us incredibly happy and it's almost impossible to see either of us without a smile on our face!

I stepped out of my car with my heavy bag full of books. I saw my friends run up to me with wide smiles. I've seen them a couple times over the week but no way near enough seeing as we've all been busy. We all hugged each other and talked for a bit until we walked to tutor.

"Congratulations." A few people said to me as I took my seat in my tutor room.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"I have a feeling that you're going to be hearing that a lot today." Ashton told me.

"Yeah, a lot of people have been talking about you having your babies. I don't really know why, but yeah, it's the biggest topic of the school, and about Tania too." Hannah said.

"I need to find Tania soon and catch up, I haven't seen her since the night of the club. Is she back in school?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's came back today too." Michael said. I nodded in reply and gossiped with my friends until the bell rang, which meant I now have Logan's class!

I walked to his class with Rach and Callum and he was stood by the door holding it open. I tried my best to keep my smile off of my face. He looked so handsome and cute in his smart clothes.

"Nice to see you again Miss Mansfield, congratulations by the way." Logan said. I could tell he was trying to hide a smile as much as possible like I was.

"Thank you Castelo." I said before entering the room and walking to the back of my classroom to get to my seat. A few people said congratulations to me as I walked past so I thanked them.

"Look at Logan's screensaver." Callum whispered to me and Rach. I looked up to see on Logan's whiteboard screen was two photos of him; one with Nevaeh that I took in their room where she is pinching his cheek and one with Dylan which was taken in the hospital.

"What are their names Castelo?" Someone asked.

"The one on the right is Dylan and the one on the right is Nevaeh." Logan said smiling widely as he admired his screen.

"Was your fiancé there?" Another student asked.

"Of course she was, she gave birth to them." Logan said sarcastically causing everyone to chuckle.

"When are you and your fiancé getting married?" Someone else asked.

"Hopefully when the kids are a bit older. We haven't long been engaged so we're not rushing the marriage." Logan said. He looked at me towards the end and I smiled causing him to smirk. He turned away from the class and began writing on the board so no one could see his smile. "Right ladies and gentlemen, we are going to continue our coursework on Romeo and Juliet.."

*In the evening*

"I got it." I said as I heard Nevaeh cry. Logan looked like he wanted to object but I pushed him lightly back down onto the sofa. I walked into Dylan's and Nevaeh's room and began rocking Nevaeh gently to sleep. She wouldn't stop crying and her loud cries soon woke Dylan up, so he the began crying too.

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