Chapter 14

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*Olivia's P.O.V.*

I woke up in the arms of Logan, perfect. I looked up to him to see he was sleeping. Even when he was asleep he looked gorgeous. I noticed he has been growing a slight stubble recently and I have really started to grow fond of if.

"I know you are staring at me." He said causing me to jump. He burst out laughing at my scared reaction. "That was classic!" He said. I looked up to him again to look at his bright blue eyes.

"That was not funny." I said.

"Yeah it wasn't funny, it was hilarious!" He said before laughing again.

"Whatever Logan, I will get my revenge on you sooner or later." I said causing him to give me an amused look.

"Ooo I better watch my back." He said with a smirk acting scared. I hit him on the arm causing him to chuckle. He pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead. "I love you." He whispered.

"Mhm." I replied.

"You're meant to say it back." He said.

"Maybe I don't want to."

"Please, I need to hear you say it."

"Fine, I love you." I mumbled.

"Say it like you mean it." He said. I turned around to face him and looked directly into those electric blue eyes that I love.

"I love you Logan." I said honestly causing him to smile widely. He pressed his lips against mine before getting out of bed. "Now that is a good sight." I said as I looked at him. He was in nothing but boxers and his cuts and bruises have faded a lot.

"Why thank you, you're not too bad yourself." He said smirking as he scanned my body that was only dressed in undergarments. I stood up out of bed and slipped on one of Logan's white button-up shirts that was lying on the floor. "I love it when you wear my clothes." He said as his eyes scanned my body.

Just as I was about to reply, there was a knock on the door.

"You go look who it is, if it is a teacher or something then I can't be spotted." I said. He nodded before putting on some jeans and walking downstairs to the door. I stayed upstairs just incase.

"Miss.Jones, what are you doing here?" I heard Logan ask.

"Sorry for turning up unexpectedly like this." She said.

"Oh it is no problem." He said politely.

"Is anyone here with you?" She asked.

"Yeah my girlfriend is upstairs getting ready to go to my family's house." He said hinting to her.

Miss.Jones has had a crush on Logan for a while now, it was obvious. Logan constantly hinted that he had a girlfriend but she just seemed to ignore that and kept going to his classroom or his office or his house. It is starting to get a little bit freaky.

"Okay, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go for coffee or not, but obviously you have plans. Goodbye Logan." She said. I heard the door shut so I walked downstairs to see Logan. He rolled his eyes causing me to chuckle.

"You do not understand how annoying that is. It isn't even funny!" He said which made me laugh even more.

"It is pretty funny." I said inbetween laughters.

"Okay it is pretty funny but it is very frustrating!" He said as he walked over to me. He placed his hands on my hips and pressed his lips against mine. "What shall we do today then?" He asked.

"I have no idea." I said.

"Oh by the way you need to cancel any plans that you have tomorrow, I am taking you out all day and night and I am not taking no for an answer."

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