Chapter 3

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*Logan's P.O.V*

"Tyler you asshole!" I yelled.

Frustrated is an understatement for how I am feeling right now.

The little idiot decided to turn off my alarm this morning because it was set too early, so now I am three hours late for school and it is now 11:30am.

"Calm your tits Logan." He said back as I was buttoning up my shirt.

"I'm going to work now, when I get back, you better be out my house." I said.

"You love me really." He said smirking as I opened the front door.

"Yeah yeah." I muttered.

Tyler has been my best friend since we were just 5 years old. As cheesy as it sounds, he's like a brother to me. He is possibly one of the most annoying people you can meet, but one of the most caring people too.

I parked my car into the teacher's carpark area and quickly walked into the school building.

"Ah, hello Mr.Castelo." The receptionist said.

"Hello, sorry I wasn't here earlier, my car broke down." I lied.

"It's okay, you made it just in time for 4th period. You have approximately one minute."

I nodded and quickly walked to my class. Lucky I hadn't missed 4th period today, because Liv was in that class.

I mentally slapped myself.

I need to stop thinking of her like this. It is plain wrong, but somehow I just can't stop. Every second I spend with her, I like her more and more.

I try to think of all the risks of seeing her as anything more than a student, but they don't seem to even faze me one bit. It's like I would risk everything for her. For us.

My thoughts were cut off by students flooding into my room.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair frustratedly.

Damn Olivia, why do you have to do this to me?

*Olivia's P.O.V*

I walked into Logan's classroom to find him sat at his desk looking very frustrated and tired.

I felt my chest tighten. To see him so helpless and worn out made me feel horrible inside. I just wanted to go other there and comfort him, to make him feel better and help him get through whatever is eating at him, but I couldn't.

"Hello class." He said, clapping his hands, causing me to jump slightly. "Today we are learning about shakespeare!" He announced. The whole class groaned in response. "Yes yes, I know most of you think Shakespeare is boring, but he is a very incredible and talented man, plus your Romeo and Juliet coursework is 50% of your overall GCSE grade for English."

The whole class moaned again, but I didn't. I infact loved Romeo and Juliet. It is a very enchanting story, and I hope to find someone who would love me as much as Romeo loved Juliet.

"Before we get into reading Romeo and Juliet, we are going to discuss the story on our own logic of it so far." Logan said. "I am going to be asking each of you questions."

"Olivia." He said. All eyes diverted to me. "Do you think that a forbidden relationship is wrong and a ridiculous idea?"

I had a feeling that he wasn't just directing this to Romeo and Juliet, but he probably was.

I am just an ordinary student to him.

"No." I began. "I think that no one can help who they fall in love with, it just happens. I don't think any type of relationship should be forbidden, no matter what the circumstance is. Even if it is completely frowned upon, the heart wants what the heart wants. I think if you truly feel something towards someone then you should give it a go." I said.

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