Chapter 8

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*Olivia's P.O.V.*

"Stop worrying Liv, they're all going to love you, I promise." Logan said as we pulled into his parent's drive.

I sighed and got out of the car and me and Logan walked hand in hand up to his door. Logan rang the doorbell making me 10 times more anxious. He squeezed my hand and smiled at me, causing me to to relax slightly.

The door opened to reveal a beautiful woman with a wide smile just like Logan's.

"Logan! It's so good to see you!" The woman said, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Hey mum!" He said back, smiling.

"Oh and who is this beautiful young woman?" She asked, her eyes scanning me making me feel nervous.

"This," He said as he snaked his arm around me and pulled me closer to him, "is my girlfriend Olivia." He said proudly.

Me and Logan's mum smiled at each other before she also pulled me into a tight embrace.

"It's so lovely to meet you dear! Gosh I can't get over how stunning you are!" She said, her eyes never leaving me.

"Thank you so much Mrs.Castelo! It's lovely to meet you too!" I said with a huge smile plastered on my face.

"Please dear, call me Marie." She said. I nodded as she let us into her massive and warming home.

As soon as me and Logan stepped into the house, Marie started calling everyone to get them to come downstairs. So far so good!

"I told you she'd love you." Logan whispered into my ear as he intertwined his large hand with my much smaller hand.

"She's so lovely." I said.

"Who's this gorgeous girl then?" A female voice said. I looked over to the stairs to see a beautiful girl walking down. She looked like a model. "Logan, boy did you get lucky!"

"I know." He said proudly.

"Hello! My name is Olivia." I said.

"I am Logan's sister and my name is Megan." She said as we shook hands. "These are my three other sisters, Sophie, Danielle and Katie." She said, pointing at each one. They were all stunning!

Two handsome men came bouncing down the stairs second later. One looked younger than Logan and one looked older. They also both looked very similiar to Logan, but I still think Logan is the most handsome.

"And these are my brother's, Oscar and Zac." Said Logan. Oscar was the older looking one and Zac was the younger looking one.

"And this is Logan's father, Robert." Marie said as she wheeled in a man who was in a wheelchair. He looked exactly like Logan, but just an older version.

"Nice to meet you hun." He said smiling as he shook my hand.

"You too." I replied.

"Logan, how did you manage to get someone as hot as her?" Oscar asked teasingly.

"It was my good looks and irresistable smile that won her over." He said cockily.

"Pfft. In your dreams." I said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Come on Liv, let us girls show you around the house!" Said Megan as she took my hand and directed me upstairs with her three other sisters.

*Logan's P.O.V.*

"Geez man, your girl is smoking!" Said my older brother Oscar as he patted me on the back. I lightly pushed him away and rolled my eyes.

"So, how did you two meet?" Asked my mum as she handed me a bottle of beer. I sat down on the sofa next to mum and took a large breath.

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