Chapter 11

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*Olivia's P.O.V.*

Luckily, this month has gone fairly quickly. Today is the day that Logan is returning! We have either skyped or called each other almost everyday.
He hasn't got any serious injuries, but he was in a fist fight with one of the enemies meaning he has lots of bruises, but luckily there were no guns involved.

I was currently trying to park my car in the carpark of the airport. I was on my own seeing as Logan's family and my family were all at the Castelo household to surprise him when we walk through the door.

I parked my car and noticed that Logan's plane landed one minute ago. I quickly sprinted through the airport to try and find him. I saw him walk through the bag scanner in his uniform.

I sprinted over to him after I noticed his back was checked. He saw me running to him so he dropped his bags and opened his arms widely. I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around him tightly.

"God I missed you." He said as he held me tightly. I could hear people clapping, cheering and congratulating us, but I didn't care about them. All I cared about was Logan being back in my company, where he belongs.

"I missed you too." I said as I placed myself down onto the floor. I pulled away slightly from his embrace and planted my lips onto his for a few seconds.

"Lets go home." He said. I looked at his face to see slight bruises and cuts from that fist fight he had, but it was no way near as bad as it was. He pecked my lips again before taking my hand. We walked to the car and drove to his house.

"You haven't missed much, nothing special has really happened. Tania has a slight bump but it isn't really noticable." I said.

"You haven't got a bump yet have you?" He asked.

"Nope, oh and by the way my check
up is in two days." He nodded as I reversed into the driveway. My parent's car was parked down the street and so was Logan's best friend's (Tyler) car. I've spent a lot of time at the Castelo's and Tyler has been there a lot, so we have bonded well.

"It's so good to be back." He said smiling. I smiled back at him and pressed my lips against his cheek before getting out of the car.

We walked through the door together but I made him go first so everyone will shout surprise when they hear someone walk through. The living room was pitch black, so Logan turned on the light and everyone came out of their hiding place and yelled "surprise!"

"What the?" Logan asked shocked. He looked at me and I only smiled at him. He looked back over to everyone and they all instantly rushed over to hug him. Mine and Logan's parents were here, Zane and all of Logan's brothers and sisters were here and then Tyler, Landon and Tania were also here.

"Looks like you got your ass whooped mate." Tyler said. Logan laughed and hit him on the arm.

"I think you'll find that he got his ass whooped!" Logan said before they shared a hug. "Good to see you bud."

Once everyone said hello, we all went into the living room so Logan could tell us some stories. I didn't let Logan tell me any stories over skype or over the phone because I wanted to hear them at the same time as everyone else when he got back.

"Tell us some stories then son." Said Robert.

"Well, for the first week I was just training some new recruits at the base, which was good fun but also quite tricky. They weren't expecting as much work as they had gotten, but they handled it pretty well." Logan began. "For the other three weeks, I was out on the battlefield on the frontline with some of my old friends, so it was good to see them too."

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