Chapter 6

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*Olivia's P.O.V.*

I quickly turned my head round to see another teacher stood there with her hands on her hips. She looked very angry with us, and she had every right to be.

"Mr.Castelo, did you just say you want to kiss your student?" She whisper shouted at us so no one else would hear.

"Yes miss, I did." He said, causing her to gasp dramatically. This could not get any worse! "We are singing a song together for the concert next week, and that is a lyric to one of the songs, but it does sound rather inappropriate, so we'll just have to change the song." Logan said with a straight expression.

"Oh, well i'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. Good luck next week!" She said before scurrying off.

Me and Logan let out a large breath as soon as she left.

"Wow that was close!" I said.

"We really need to be more careful."

"Your lie was pretty good to be fair, but now I have to perform in the bloody concert!" I said, sulkily.

"No you don't. If she asks why we're not performing, we can just say you aren't ready to perform on stage yet." He said.

"Good idea!"

We continued talking and laughing for another ten minutes before it was time to leave the gym and get ready for our free day.

When we got back to Logan's room, it was 10am. We got changed into comfortable clothes and jumped into bed with some snacks ready to watch some movies.

"Can we watch Fault In Our Stars? I haven't watched it yet!" I asked, pulling my best puppy dog face.

"Fiineeee." He said sulkily, causing me to laugh.

The movie played so I snuggled into Logan. His arm was wrapped around my shoulders and his other hand was free for eating. I rested my head on his shoulder and used my hands to stuff all of the crisps and chocolate!

"Oi you pig, stop taking all the food!" He said jokingly.

"Shhh!" I threw a block of chocolate lightly at his face which made him shut up.

"Don't tell me to shh young lady!" He joked.

"And what are you going to do about it?" I said, soon regretting it. I looked up to him to see an evil smile playing on his lips. I rushed up from the bed before he could grab me.

"Please don't tickle me, I beg you!"

He stepped closer to me as I stepped further away from him. Soon, I felt my back press into a wall. God damn walls! What sort of idiot would put a wall there!

He looked into my eyes as he took one more step towards me, our bodies were now pressed together tightly.

Unexpectedly, he smashed his lips onto mine with a lot of force. He placed his hands on the bottom of my back, pulling me impossibly closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck as our lips moved in sync.

I don't know what has gotten into him, but he seems very aggressive. We were kissing more heavy than ever before. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and our tongues danced together, causing him to moan into the kiss.

After a while, he pulled away and went for my neck leaving more lovebites. He then sucked on my sweet spots on my jawline and ear, making me moan loudly.

He pulled away and quickly pulled his shirt over his head and chucked it across the room. He pulled my shirt over my head too and soon smashed his lips back onto mine.

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