Chapter 17

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*Olivia's P.O.V.*

I can't believe she kissed him when she knew he had a fiancé who was pregnant. That is seriously just low.

"I understand if you're mad at me but I didn't-"

"I'm not mad at you." I cut him off before he rambled.

"You're not?" He asked confused.

"She kissed you when you were being a good friend to her. It's not like you wanted her to kiss you and it's not like you expected her to. She took advantage of an engaged man and soon to be father. The only one I am mad at is that bitch for touching my man." I said. I made sure to say the last two sentences with disgust in my voice.

Logan pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. "If it makes you feel any better, she was a really bad kisser." He said, trying to lighten the mood. I chuckled and pecked him on the lips. He always knew how to make me laugh when I was angry or sad.

"I love you." I said with as much passion and love as I could.

"And I love you." He replied truthfully. I smiled before pressing my lips to his again.

"She better not touch you again."

"She won't, don't worry." He said. "My lips are for you, and you only." He whispered into my ear causing me to shiver.

"We should get out of school now. Let's go." I said. Logan nodded before grabbing his briefcase. We walked out of his classroom and down the halls.

"I told the police about their illegal relationship." I heard a voice say. I put my arm out infront of Logan to stop him from walking round the corner. I eavesdropped on my friend's familiar voice. "I told the police because their relationship is a joke. Later in the day I got a text on that unused phone you let me borrow and the police said they admitted it to them but they couldn't do anything about it. Unbelievable!" My friend said.

"Are they talking about me and you?" Logan whispered to me, shocked. I shrugged as I took everything in.

"I always knew Liv had a thing for older men." My eyes went wide instantly. They were talking about me and Logan! I can't believe my friend that I trusted has done this to me. He could have ruined my life. "I need your help to break them up. The school won't help but I need Liv to fall for me instead of that asshole. Liv deserves someone like me, not him. He's probably just using her to get into her pants." My friend said to whoever they were talking to on the phone. I looked over to Logan to see him looking pissed. He was about to storm over there but I stopped him and pecked his cheek to calm him down. "Speak soon." My friend said before hanging up and walking out of the exit of the school.

"I can't believe it." I said in shock.

"Either can I." Logan said as he rubbed his hand on my back up and down gently to comfort me.

"I'm going to have to tell the others." I said. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. How could they do that to me? They could have gotten me expelled or Logan fired and we would've have to of broken up and everyone who knows about me and Logan, would know how much that would break my heart.

"Don't cry please." Logan said before embracing me. I sobbed into his chest as he comforted me and held me whilst pressing his lips against my forehead. "Obviously they aren't who you thought they were, or how anyone thought. I'm sorry Liv, I really am." He said.

"Thank you." I replied as I pulled out of his arms slightly to wipe my tears. Logan wiped the remaining tears on my cheeks with his thumbs and then pressed his lips to mine. "Let's just go home." I said. He nodded in reply and we walked out of the building to get to the carpark.

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