Chapter 13

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*Olivia's P.O.V.*
*1 month later*

I was now just over two months pregnant. I did have a small bump but it wasn't noticable if I had clothes on.

Christmas was about a week ago and it was perfect! The morning was spent with my family and then the afternoon, evening and night was spent at the Castelo's. My family also were there for the roast dinner.

Now I am at my house with my friendship group, Logan, Oscar, Zac and Tyler. We were all getting ready for the school concert that was tonight in three hours that is being held at the school. The concert was being held for New years seeing as today was the 31st of December.

I managed to persuade Logan to audition and he got through, surprise surprise, so now he is playing three songs and his two brothers and Tyler are playing instruments with him on stage. Logan is singing and playing guitar, Oscar is playing drums, Zac is also playing guitar and Tyler is on bass.

"This is to celebrate a new year together." Logan began his speech. "Here is to the friendship of Liv and her friends." He said so me and my friends cheers and clinked glasses before taking a sip. "Here is to me and my brothers and Tyler, even though they are absolute assholes at times, I still love them!" He said causing us to laugh. Logan and his brothers and Tyler clinked their beer bottles together. "Cheers to mine and Liv's relationship, I love you Olivia and I can't wait to spend not just this new year with you but also my life!" Logan said causing everyone around us to 'awwww' before we shared a kiss. "And cheers to our twins that will be born this year! I know you will be a great mum to them and I will do my best to be a great dad." He said. We all cheered and raised our glasses and me and Logan shared a kiss.

"I love all of you guys!" I cheered. We all shared hugs together before we blasted out music, drank and just had a good time before the concert.

*3 hours later*

"Welcome to the new year school concert! We have amazing acts lined up for you tonight!" A female teacher spoke into the microphone. "Please enjoy yourself and anyone who is eighteen here tonight, don't get too drunk!" She said causing the eighteen year olds, including me, to cheer. "Now time for our first solo act of the night, Millie Arthur!" She said. Everyone cheered and clapped as she walked onto the stage.

"Hello guys!" I heard Logan say. I turned around to see him in a tight plain white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and black combat boots.

"I don't know how you do it but you definitely manage to turn a simple and plain outfit into something so hot!" I said causing him to smirk.

"Why thank you." He said winking at me. I almost began to lean in to kiss him but I remembered that we were in public and at a school event.

"Can you sit with us?" I asked.

"Yeah it shouldn't be a problem, most teachers are sat with groups of students so it won't be suspicious." Logan said before he took a seat next to me. He took my hand under the table and squeezed it. "I want to kiss you so bad right now." Logan said.

"It's torture." I said putting my lower lip out to pull a sad face.

"I am on stage in twenty minutes." Logan said. I nodded in reply. "I am going to go outside of the school and to the carpark to your car, will you go two minutes after me so we can be alone for a bit?" He asked.

"Okay, see you soon." He nodded before leaving the table and walking out.

Two minutes later, I told my friends where I was going before walking over to my car. When I arrived, he was stood there leaning against my car. It was dark outside but I could see him under the streetlight, and boy did he look handsome.

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