《 Sword Training 》

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Techno stood off to the side watching (M/n) get used to the feeling of swinging a sword before they started practicing with each other.

The pinkette released a heavy sigh as he glanced up at the cloudy sky that acted as if it wanted to snow.

The current snow on the ground was all scrunched up due to multiple people stepping through it.

His eyes then landed on a tattoo that decorated the inner wrist of (M/n)'s hand.

Three hearts were stained there.

Glancing down at his own wrist which too had three hearts printed upon it.

A legend.

Or was it a secret?

Many found out that if you lose all three lives-which indicated how many hearts you have on your wrist, is that you die.

Unlike them, Phil only had one life left.

No one really knew why though except for the fact that he had gone through some heavy stuff when he was younger.

(M/n) stopped the replay of motions and glanced over at Techno with furrowed eyebrows.

"Techno," he called out over to the slightly shorter male.

Techno perked up at the sudden name call and turned his attention back to the (H/c)ette and saw the worried emotions swimming through those beautiful (E/c) eyes.

His mind went blank as his face flustered into a deep shade of red.

Did he basically just call (M/n), beautiful?

(M/n) walked up to Techno and waved a hand in front of the other's face.

"Techno? Are you there? Hello?" He continued to ask, trying to get the other back into focus mode.

Techno snapped out of what he was thinking and gazed at the other with his own ruby red eyes.

(M/n) gave a look of relief, "Thank goodness...are we gonna practice now or what?" He asked.

Techno cleared his throat and nodded his head as he forced the (H/c)ette over to the open field of snow.

Making sure that they were far enough away from each other, they brought out their blades and placed them in front of their bodies.

"Ready?" Techno's slightly deep voice asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep," (M/n) answered.

Techno gazed at (M/n)'s stance a bit.

"Bend your elbows a little and make sure your feet are shoulder length apart when they're moved underneath your shoulders," he pointed out the mistakes in the other's stance.

(M/n) thought for a bit and shuffled his stance a bit.

"Like this?" The (H/c)ette asked with a confused look.

Techno looked at the stance for a bit before nodding his head, "Still needs some work but that'll do for now," he mumbled out loud.

"When you want to swing your sword, make sure it's parallel to your spine but not touching your back. This'll allow you to swing your blade straight down, to the sides in a swift motion, or off in an angle. You're also able to block with a blade, which will however need to be tilted downwards a bit–we'll get to that part down on a later date, but for now, let's work on swinging and hitting the wooden swords against each other," Techno explained.

(M/n) stared dot eyed as he did his best to understand the lecture on how to use a sword.

"If you're left handed, your left hand would be on the top while the right hand would be underneath. If you're right handed, the left is underneath it. If you're ambidextrous, go on however you like to hold it," Techno lectured as if he was a teacher teaching a student.

(M/n) nodded his head and held the sword the way he was comfortable with.

"Make sure your hands grip it tightly but not too tightly, I'm pretty sure we don't want that thing flying," the pinkette shook his head as he found this lecturing and teaching thing kinda amusing.

"Got it," the (H/c)ette nodded as he tightened his hold on the blade a bit more.

The duo didn't realize Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy were off to the side holding smiles on their lips.

Techno had really bad anxiety and words in his head that usually tells him to kill for blood.

Although, seeing this, they could tell that Techno was clearly at ease in (M/n)'s presence...

As if the voices and anxiety had disappeared.

They remembered being told about (M/n)'s glowing (E/c) hues from two months ago but they didn't want the teen to think much about his family and past so they stayed quiet.

Phil and Wilbur would usually see how mobs would second guess attacking the teen.

The mobs would either gang up on him, flee, or get killed by either Techno or (M/n) himself.

They wondered what his parents were like seeing that some of the mobs would hold a look of fear on their faces before making a decision.

"Beat him, Big (F/i)!" Tommy hollered with clear excitement in his voice.

Long pink locks and (H/l) (H/c) locks flew in the wind as their owners' battled it out in a practice match with each other.

"Tommy," Phil finally spoke up, keeping his eyes on the (H/c)ette.

Tommy looked up and heard the seriousness in the man's voice.

Phil breathed in and out, "Do you know which direction (M/n) came from the bridge?" He asked.

Tommy thought for a bit before nodding.

"I think he came from the direction farther into the Nether, why?" Tommy questioned, confused.

Phil responded with a smile, "Just thinking, don't worry," he replied.

Tommy turned his attention back to the practice and saw (M/n) pinned to the snowy ground already with a wooden sword pointed at his throat.

Techno pulled the wooden sword away and back into its sheathe before holding out his hand for the one on the ground.

(M/n) waited a few seconds and clasped onto the other's hand, instantly getting helped and pulled up onto his feet.

"The voices...they're quiet for some reason," Techno whispered in surprise.


The (H/c)ette gazed at the other in confusion as he dusted the snow off of him despite some of it already melting into his clothing and soaking it.

An idea popped into his head as he gripped onto Techno's hand.

A surprised 'heh!?' left his lips as the pinkette was forced into the house by (M/n).

The two didn't see the jealous stare of a brunette as he went inside to get something to snack on.

"Wilby's jealous!" Tommy cackled as he went inside.

Phil gazed at the forgotten wooden sword and chuckled as he walked over and picked it up.

"You really are a strange child," he whispered with an amused smile.

Turning towards the house, he walked over and placed the wooden sword back into its sheath before heading inside, closing the door behind him.

Maybe meeting (M/n) was just a chance?

Or was it more?


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