《 You're Messing With The Wrong Goddess, XD 》

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Two creatures– Well more like three seeing as the third creature was off to the side watching the other two play a game of chess.

"Brother, aren't you going to make a move?" A feminine voice asked as their eyes danced over to the figure on the right side of the board.

The response was a soft grunt as the female looking creature watched as their brother made a move against the other.

The trio was well known through legends, stories, and even myths.

Two being more known than the third.

And who were these beings?

The first creature went by DreamXD, the God of Living.

The second creature went by DristaXD or just Drista, the God of Creation.

And the third creature?

An ender dragon purely colored out as a shiny black obsidian-like scales and (F/c) wings.

This ender dragon was and is still a creation of another God.

This other God was just like the siblings but more special.

The dragon twirled his claws around a random chess piece before picking it up and moving it away onto a white square.

This flying reptile held no name because it went by many.

DreamXD gazed at the dragon in front of them with a blank look on his face.

"You do realize that you're playing with people's lives, right?" The dragon asked as it made contact with the other's mask with striking (E/c) eyes.

DreamXD scoffed a bit, "So?"

Drista's mask turned something closely related to a frown as her mood dropped around them.

"Brother, please. You're going to make Death angry," Drista pleaded.

DreamXD shook their head in disappointment.

"Why should I care? It's not like this one person is special to her," he replied with an annoyed voice.

The dragon stayed silent as he watched the other settle down a chess piece into a black space that was nearby.

"Brother–" Drista tried to explain but flinched backwards as their older sibling slammed a closed fist heavily onto the wooden table that they were surrounding.

"Quiet, Drista!" DreamXD snapped.

Underneath her mask, Drista's lips quivered in anger as they clenched her fists together.

"Fine then! I'll just go see Tommy or something!" Drista snapped before making a portal and leaving the duo to themselves.

The flying reptile gave a deadpanned look to the other that sat across from him, "That was a stupid reaction."

DreamXD huffed angrily as he shook their head before connecting his fingers together.

"Why is this person so special to Death?" They asked angrily, a hidden glare staring straight at the chess board.

The dragon releases a hearty chuckle of amusement.

"You really don't know, XD?" He asked with a curious and amused look.

DreamXD grumbled angrily underneath their breath.

"Why should I know? He doesn't seem so special in my eyes," the dirty blonde haired God answered.

The dragon rolled his eyes, "All I have to say is that you're being stupid."

"You're the stupid one!" DreamXD snapped back.

The dragon lifted up a clawed nail and waved it in the air as he tutted, "You don't have eyes, XD. If you do, it's underneath that idiotic mask of yours."

DreamXD scowled angrily underneath his mask.

"Why is the Goddess of Death so infatuated with this hybrid? He doesn't look like much at all," DreamXD mumbled.

"Well–" The dragon trailed off as his eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Well, what?" The dirty blonde hissed out, wanting to know about this hybrid male, immediately.

"Your sister knows, but you don't? Seriously, have you been living underneath a rock this whole time?" The flying reptile asked, clearly unamused.

He knew that the other wasn't at the meeting all those years ago.

"What does she know!? You won't tell me!" DreamXD huffed out with an angry aura surrounding him.

Narrowed reptile (E/c) eyes narrowed upon the God before them.

"As a God, it's your duty to go to all these meetings, you know? But no, you decided to fall in love with a human as well that you promised to protect," the dragon grumbled out with a shake of his head.

"You do realize that I could kill you? You're a shared creation of mine," DreamXD threatened.

The dragon responded with an eye roll, "Which also means you'll kill a Goddess's creation, fun."

Hearing this confused the God of Creation, "What?"

The flying reptile gave a stern look towards the God of Creation that sat right in front of them.

"You heard what I said, XD. I know you're not THAT dumb," he hissed.


The dragon just scoffed as he extended a pair of huge wings from their back.

"You're messing with the wrong Goddess, XD."

DreamXD took in the words before a sinister smile lifted behind his mask.

"Oh, am I now? Looks like I have another reason why he's my play toy," the dirty blonde cackled.

"You're doing a dirty sin, XD. Kristin is not going to be very happy with you," the flying reptile replied.

DreamXD shrugged his shoulders, "I don't care. She lost her title once for falling in love with a human, and she can lose it again."

"You're messed up in the head, XD."

The God of Living shrugged his shoulders, "If it means killing one of her creations, then so be it."

The flying reptile watched as DreamXD moved his mask a little so that they could fully make eye contact.

Two pairs of eyes clashed and shined as their owners glared at each other.

Not too long after, the sound of thunder was heard.

"You'll regret this, XD."

"Yeah right."

"God or not, you hold no control over any other God or Goddess's creation."

"Just you watch, you stupid lizard."


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