《 Without You 》

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Tw: light angst


A familiar teen with red and green eyes stared blankly at the gravestone that sat right in front of their sitting figure.

Teary eyes glued to the name that laid carved straight into the stone.

The gentle breeze of the wind gusted by allowing the teen's hair to dance around a bit.

Sizzling could be heard as the teen was burnt from the water that they were emitting from their eyes.

"Hey dad."

Silence was the only answer that was received.

Ranboo frowned a bit, knowing that it was somewhat his fault that he had gotten his father killed in the final war with L'manberg.

"I got some crazy stories to tell you, I guess?" Ranboo nervously laughed as he held his memory book over his right knee.

His sitting figure continued to stare at the grave for a few seconds.

"This is gonna be crazy and all, but... I'm married. For taxes, of course! I got married with Tubbo, and we have a son that goes by Michael. Michael also has a pet chicken! Don't worry, I saved him from the nether," Ranboo reassured.

Mixed match eyes slowly lifted up towards the sky that was currently littered about with many stars.

"You probably don't miss me, but... I miss you," he whispered underneath his breath while lightly tapping the rim of the book against his leg.

"I-I can't remember the exact date...but wasn't today the day you found me all those years ago?" Ranboo asked out loud with furrowed eyebrows.

The sound of neighing caused the male to snap out of his thought process along with a nudge on the shoulder.

Heterochromia eyes drifted over and landed on the horse that he had traveled with.

A weak smile lifted up onto Ranboo's lips as he reached a hand up and petted the horse's muzzle.

"(P/n)'s has been alright. Depressed, but alright."

(P/n) huffed lightly as they pressed their head up against the gravestone.

Ranboo chuckled lightly as he lowered his free hand back to his side, and turned his attention back to the gravestone right in front of him.

"Phil and Techno are depressed in a way but they're living their lives. I'm pretty sure that they both miss you as well," Ranboo hummed softly with a thoughtful look on his face.

(P/n)'s tail flicked lightly against Ranboo's back, telling him to hurry up since they didn't want to stay anywhere near L'manberg or a place near it for too long.

This made the heterochromia eyed male to give an understanding look up at the horse, knowing how skittish it had become after the (H/c)ette's death.

"Tubbo had become crazy with nukes. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to blow up someone due to an angry remorse or something," he explained.

Ranboo rubbed his hands together as he glanced up at the dark cloudy sky, indicating that it might rain soon.

(P/n) trotted over to a random patch of grass and started to nibble at it, their tail swaying back and forth with the gentle breeze.

The male started to feel tears drip down his cheeks due to the fact that his skin started to burn and sizzle.

Gloved hands reached upwards and tried to stop the falling tears from hurting him anymore which failed.

"I wish you were here, dad. Life hasn't been the same since you died," Ranboo murmured.

Realization went across his face when he accidentally dropped the book which landed onto the ground and opened to a certain page.

The words stuck out like a sore thumb.

Ranboo sniffled a bit as he finally got rid of the falling tears despite his eyes still being glazed over with them.

"Oh... Hey, dad? I forgot to mention this, I guess. So, Dream's in prison. You don't have to worry about him anymore! I know how much you hated him even if you didn't show anyone," Ranboo laughed as he got up onto his feet while picking up the falling book on the ground.

The male glanced at Wilbur's gravestone for a quick second before looking back at (M/n)'s.

"I hope that you and Wilbur are having the time of your lives up there. Having no worry about the fact that you guys don't have to fight anymore," Ranboo threw his arms over his head, and stretched.

A gentle neigh was heard from (P/n).

Ranboo rolled his eyes quietly in amusement, "You may be my father's horse, but that doesn't mean you can boss me around."

(P/n) just replied with a stink eye.

The heterochromia eyed male felt his hands curl up into fists.

"I love you, dad. Without you, all of our lives are a mess. I'll talk to you tomorrow too, okay? Bye," he whispered.

Ranboo placed his book into his bag before heading over to (P/n).

The said horse ignored their dead owner's non-biological son, and allowed him onto their back.

"Let's hurry to Techno and Phil's house," Ranboo murmured as he lightly nudged (P/n)'s side.

(P/n) neighed lightly before trotting off.

Ranboo looked over at the graves once more and gave a smile.

"See you later."


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