《 Friend or Foe 》

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The only sounds that could be heard in the cell was the (H/c)ette's gentle breathing and the chirping of the cicadas.

Blueish grey eyed male kept glancing over at the other that was a cell away from him.

Furrowed eyebrows decorated this male's figure as he tried to figure out why he was here while drawing figures in the small dusty areas on the ground with a stick.

'He looks like he could be my age? Can't really tell when he's sleeping like that. I can tell that he's a hybrid though, a powerful one at that too-'

The brunette shook his head as he got up onto his feet and reached his stick out-poking the sleeping (H/c)ette.

"Hey, wake up."

A groan of displeasure was heard.

An annoyed huff was released as the owner kept poking the other.

"I swear to DreamXD that if you don't wake up right now..." He had trailed off.

All the continuous poking seemed to wake up the (H/c)ette.

Confused and tired (E/c) orbs lifted up, giving the room a gentle glow.

"Jeez, finally you're awake despite being here for how long? I don't care anymore,"

The (H/c)ette gazed at the caged male.

"Who are you anyways, hybrid?" The brunette harshly asked.

"(M/n), and why are you here?" (M/n) replied while asking a question himself.

The brunette responded with a breathless chuckle.

"Honest answer? I'm used as a weapon...a weapon of assassination, really. Oh, and I'm Punz," the brunette, Punz, introduced.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Punz."

Punz just responded with a head nod as he looked over at a door.

"So, how'd you get captured? I'm pretty sure your kind despises Schlatt," Punz grumbled.

(M/n) nervously chuckled, "Honestly, I never lived in the overworld my whole life, so..." he had trailed off.

Punz's eyes widened as he looked over at his cell mate in surprise.

"Then where did you even come from if you've never heard of Schlatt?" Punz asked, kinda intrigued.

"E-the Nether," (M/n) quickly answered, almost realizing that he almost told the other where he originally had come from.

Punz clicked his tongue as he nodded his head in understanding.

"Sounds plausible, hybrids down there aren't really instructed or told to worry about Schlatt since he doesn't go down into that area," Punz agreed.

The brunette tossed the stick off to the side and leaned up against the cell's bars.

"So, what type of hybrid are you?" Punz continued to ask, somewhat curious of the other.

(M/n) held up two fingers, "Two, I'm a hybrid of two mobs," he replied.

This surprised Punz since being a double hybrid was unheard of unless one or both parents were also known as hybrids too.

"Then what mobs?"

"Enderman and magma cube."

Punz's eyebrows furrowed, he understood the height was from the enderman but for some reason, he felt as if there was a lie somewhere in the sentence but didn't say anything.

"Now I see why Schlatt wants you, a puppet, right? Well, good luck..." Punz mumbled.

"Quackity wouldn't tell me much, so...what happens when a hybrid gets turned into one of Schlatt's puppets?" (M/n) nervously asked.

Punz frowned.

"For short, you'll lose your memories and any feelings will be destroyed and deleted in a way," Punz answered with a shake of his head.

(M/n)'s face paled a bit.

However, there was one thing that Punz left out.

One thing that he knew would break the double hybrid right in front of him.

"How old are you, anyway? You seem my age," Punz pointed out.

The (H/c)ette mentally facepalmed at the other.

"I'm seventeen," (M/n) had answered.

"You're a year older than me..." Punz grumbled lightly in disappointment.

The brunette then pointed an accusing finger at the other.

"You're both older AND taller than me, share some height, you idiot!"

(M/n) quietly snickered when he heard the jealousy in Punz's voice.

Silence then echoed throughout the cells.

Punz pushed himself off the bars before going back to his own cell's wall and sitting up against it.

A gentle but barely noticeable breeze came flying in due to the fact of the door up the staircase opening.

Heavy footsteps went down the stairs before showing their owner.

(M/n) and Punz looked up and over before seeing a guard with two plates of food.

"Sir Quackity told me to give you two some food since our boss, Schlatt, might not want either of you dead yet,"

The guard slipped the two plates of food underneath both cells seeing as they were basically right beside each other.

The two caged males stayed silent as the guard said nothing else and left the area.

Punz was the first one to move as he picked up the piece of bread off the plate.

"You might as well eat up, tomorrow is gonna be a big day for you."

The brunette bit into the piece of bread after saying that.

Eyebrows furrowed, (M/n) picked up a piece of bread and also bit into it.

Whatever Punz's must've said must be true seeing as the (H/c)ette was clearly nervous for the future.


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