《 Willow Tree 》

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Tw: angst

Ranboo hastily scrambled over to the cave, picking up a dirty and torn up leather bag as he entered.

A frantic look could be seen on his face as he grabbed potions that laid between a pile of rocks.

While frantically moving, his foot accidentally kicked something which caused it to skid.

Looking down, red and green eyes widened in surprise as he saw a small journal.

A journal that held his name on it.

Crouching down, the boy picked it up and ran a thumb over the smooth cover.

Flipping it open, tears gathered in his eyes when he saw his adopted father's handwriting.

For my dear son and the light of my day, Ranboo

- (M/n)

Ranboo closed the journal and brought it to his chest as more tears slipped down his cheeks which he ignored.

"Papa—" he had choked out with a sob and whimper as he laid down and curled up into a ball on the cave's stone cold floor while holding the journal protectively up against his chest as if it was some type of precious jewel.

Techno stared ahead with a blank look on his face.

Phil held a worried look seeing as he had just come back from the underworld barely over an hour ago.

He could feel the tension in the air.

He had come back with a solemn looking and tear stained Wilbur, a dazed Techno, and a sleeping Tommy who had dried tear stained marks down his cheeks.

"Techno?" Phil called out to the dazed pink hair hybrid.

Techno had stayed quiet but gave a small hum showing that he had heard what the older had said.

"What happened? I need to know," Phil said sternly with furrowed eyebrows.


The blonde had froze up at that name.

That single name that many hybrids had feared despite the said man being a hybrid himself.

Hybrids would always cower in fear whenever they heard Schlatt's name.


It's because they could either lose all their canon lives one by one or they could become a puppet.

Losing all three canon lives feared many since they knew that they wouldn't be brought back to life.

"What do you mean, Techno? Why does Schlatt have anything to do with this?" Phil urged on.

"Dream will give any information that sounds affordable to Schlatt. Which means Schlatt must already know about (M/n) because of Dream..." Techno trailed off.

Phil bit the inside of his cheek.

He knew that the pinkette was probably telling the truth since Techno and Dream were basically rivals and friends at the same time.

"Is there any way to get him back?" Phil nervously asked.

Techno shook his head.

"He does a hard bargain."

Disappoint flew around inside of Phil's chest.

He knew that it was his fault.

His fault for letting a teen to wander into enemy territory and get caught.

"I'll be inside cooking dinner, okay? I'll call you when it's ready," Phil gently said.

"Alright..." Techno whispered.

The pinkette could hear the footsteps of Phil as he entered the house and closed the door behind him.

His ruby red eyes gazed at the willow tree that sat in the yard with snow covering its roots.

A frown danced upon his lips as the gentle tugs of wind flowed through his hair.

He could remember all the time when he, Tommy, Wilbur, and (M/n) would either play hide and seek or sleep between the branches.

Tommy would always get caught by the (H/c)ette whenever he would accidentally roll off the tree.

Wilbur would always be making songs that the whole quad group could listen to.

(M/n) was always just beating his head while comforting Tommy if the young blonde ever had a bad nightmare.

And Techno?

He would always let the oldest out of the four to braid his hair before placing a yellow paper crown on top of it.

Techno would always fall asleep up against the (H/c)ette's figure whenever his hair was smoothed out and out of reach for a bit.

The pinkette could remember everything that he and the other three did in such short little time.

Those months were precious to him but he just couldn't say it out loud since Tommy and Wilbur would make fun of him while Phil would just smile and laugh due to the amusement that sparked up.

Ruby red eyes slowly lowered towards the ground as their owner subconsciously started to rub his hands together as nervousness struck them hard.

Techno glanced at the sword beside him that was currently leaning on the tree he had sat up against.

'Leave... I need to leave. I don't want to hurt them or myself...I'll leave and hopefully find (M/n) while I'm off.'

Techno stood up and picked up his sword before placing it back into its sheath on his hip.

"I'm sorry... Phil, Tommy, and Wilbur..." Techno had whispered before turning towards a random direction which caused his long hair to go flying behind him.

"We'll meet again, one day."

That was the last time that Phil, Tommy, and Wilbur were gonna see the pinkette for a while.

A while that could last for months or years.

Techno was gonna find (M/n) and bring him back safely even if he had to fail multiple times.

He will bring back the one that calmed him and the voices down.

Someone that he had thought of dearly.

Someone that he knew that would protect his back no matter the cause.

'(M/n), don't worry...I will find you.'


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