《 What Are We?/A Festival? 》

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Tw: cursing

The duo had thought that it was a good idea to check on L'manber- Manberg, to see what was going down throughout the day.

The man, Schlatt, cleared his throat as he leaned into the mic that was given to him by Tubbo.

"Alright, um- So uh, our festival! That's what I'm here to announce, because we're gonna throw a party! We're gonna have a good time. It's gonna be a celebration of democracy. The VERY democracy that put me in power, that evicted the f-" Schlatt cut off as he started to give a dry raspy chuckle.

Wilbur kept glancing between Schlatt and Tommy quietly.

"I don't say this lightly, the dictator that was here before me."

Tommy then looked back over at Wilbur with worried emotions swimming through his eyes.

"The democracy that let Manberg live up to its fullest potential. And I reckon we get everybody down from all corners of the world except for those two that shall not be named. And we enjoy Manberg's independence, oh my God, look at that flag, j-just look at that flag."

The flag had looked like it was nothing like before.

It was pure black-made out of obsidian and magma blocks.

"Such a nice flag, it screams power. Maybe we'll have some fun mini games around the flag, so that people will be able to see it."

"Drinking games!" Quackity exclaimed.

Schlatt gave a confused look to Quackity, "Drinking games?"

"Yeahhhhh!" Quackity agreed with what he had said.

"You know, Tubbo is like- Hey, we'll make an exception!" Schlatt declared loudly into the mic that vibrated the ground a bit.

"Come on, sir! C'mon, please... There's a child present, you just can't drink on the podium," Quackity nervously laughed.

Schlatt took a long swig of his alcohol that he held in his hand seeing as it was a big bottle.

"He's drinking on the podium," Quackity points out, somewhat disappointed.

"Yayyy, our leader," a fox hybrid, Wilbur's son, huffed out in no amusement.

Wilbur was able to hear what his son had said and bit back a chuckle of amusement.

"Sir?" Quackity questioned.

"Woo, go Schlatt!" Tubbo called out.

"Manberg, let's go!" Schlatt hollered into the mic.

The small crowd started to cheer.

"I'd say we invite all our friends, you know? E red guy, you know him?" Schlatt asked.

"Yeah, I know that guy!" Tubbo answered from the crowd.

"Does Dream even head over here and visit?"


"Maybe he'll show up, yeah- but we'll get my good friend, Techno-"

Wilbur's eyes widened a bit.

"You know what? I really just want to drive home this idea," Schlatt states.

"No, don't drive! Do not drive!" Quackity exclaimed.

"I'm like that scientist from that funny show. I wanna drive home the idea that this celebration will be about Manberg. A celebration of democracy, of law, and of the new era of peace."

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