《 A Story 》

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Tw: mention of manipulation and death

Punz listened to the gentle lullaby that the (H/c)ette was currently humming.

"Hey, (M/n)..." Punz trailed off causing a questioning hum to respond.

"Do you have a story to tell?" Punz asked.

Shuffling and movement was heard from the other side of the wall.

"Do you have a preference?"

'Maybe I should ask him about that one story,'

"Do you know anything about the cursed ender dragon prince?" Punz replied as he started to mess with his fingers.

Punz was always amazed at the story ever since he first heard of it.

It was usually depressing though.

What the brunette didn't realize was how the (H/c)ette stiffened up.

"Kind of? I mean, there are different versions that can be fake."

Punz hummed in agreement.

"Then, tell me the story on how you perceive it."

(M/n) could feel his breath hitch a bit.


Punz closed his eyes as he listened to the other.

"There was once a kingdom, a kingdom that loved every single villager and citizen. A king and queen, the queen... She was from a different place, while the king? The king had a job to do and that was to protect his kingdom and his child. A son, I might say. However, there was jealousy..."

Punz perked up a bit, this was nothing like every other story that he had heard of.

"This jealousy came from the king's brother, who was also the child's uncle. A message and final decision was made, the child of the king would take the throne at the age of eighteen...but the king's brother was extremely jealous. He was supposed to be the one next in line if something had to happen with the current king."

Punz sat up straight from where he was sitting while trying to imagine the situation in his head.

"That's when the king's brother made a plan. A plan to overthrow not just the king, but the king's child as well. So, the brother started to manipulate the citizens of the kingdom...this caused dishonesty and hate towards the family. The king had realized his brother's wrongdoing but it was too late,"

"Why was it too late?" Punz asked, curious.

A weak chuckle was responded.

"Why was it too late? Well, the king's brother had already manipulated over half of the kingdom, the remaining knew that the king's brother was lying since they've seen through his lies many times before," (M/n) answered.

A small 'oh' left Punz's lips.

"Keep going," the brunette hurried, acting like a little kid.

(M/n) just smiled at the ground.

"Due to this, the people that turned towards the king started to riot, a riot that would last a long time until something was brought to justice...the king had thought that it was a good idea to confront his brother for the first time in his life after however many years of being quiet and watching his brother's motions in the shadows."

Punz didn't seem to realize that he was drawing figures once again on the cold floor.

"Where was the queen? Why wasn't she there for all of this?"

"The queen? She was never born into royalty, she was brought into by marriage."


Punz's eyebrows scrunched up a bit.

"Anyway, when the brother of the king and the king himself met face to face, the king was disgusted to realize what the other had turned into. A dirty, cheating, and plain out horrible manipulator...the king's brother just laughed it off and told him that he would be taking over the crown."

"Isn't this where the king and their child get exiled or something?" Punz had asked.

"Yep," the (H/c)ette simply answered.

"It wasn't until a day later the king and his child were brought off the throne by the king's brother, because of this, the people that were manipulated became excited and cheered for the fallen royalty. And this is where both the father and child were exiled. The father had lost his life through a curse, a curse that had turned him into an enderman..." (M/n) trailed off to see if the other had any questions.

"What happened to the child?" Punz piped up.

"The last I heard of them through stories is that they disappeared after being placed into the curse as well, nobody, not a single person, knows where they are. They don't know if the fallen cursed prince had died just like their father or not."


"This is just a story, of course, but who knows if it's real or not? The prince could be dead for all we know, or he could be an enderman just surviving out in the wild," (M/n) finished off with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Thanks," Punz had whispered.

"No problem."

Punz heard the shuffling and then soft breaths indicating that the other had fallen asleep.

'That story...no, I should think about it tomorrow, it's getting late.'

Punz closed his eyes as he curled up on the ground and fell asleep.


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