《 A Child 》

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Tw: slight angst

The heterochromia eyed child glanced over at the teen that sat on their bed, gazing at them with curiosity.

"I uh...just a child trying to survive?" They nervously smiled with a sound of questioning if that's what he was really doing.

(M/n) blinked a few times before sighing as he leaned back but hissed lightly at the soreness his body felt.

(E/c) gazed at the other quietly and saw how it reminded him of an enderman.

"Are you an enderman hybrid?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

The child's eyes brightened and nodded his head, "Yep! I just don't know what my other half is, though..." they trailed off.

"Are you a hybrid, too?" The child asked with excitement.

"Yep," (M/n) answered with a nod of his head.

"Ooh, what's yours?" The child continued to ask.

"I'm part enderman like you and something else," the (H/c)ette replied with a deadpan look.

"Wah! That's so cool! I never met another hybrid before," they exclaimed while throwing their hands up into the air.

'This child...'

The child then tilted his head to the side before giving a bright closed eyed grin at the other.

(M/n)'s eyes widened a bit in surprise at the look filled with nothing but happiness and joy.

Although, he could feel the familiar feeling of loneliness behind the other two emotions that tried their best to hide it.

The heterochromia eyed boy opened his eyes in confusion as he felt a hand get placed on top of his head.

Tears gathered up the child's eyes as they darted into (M/n)'s sore figure.

(M/n) gasped out in shock and surprise as he felt arms wrap around his neck and tears hitting his exposed shoulder.

He could hear the gentle sobs leaving the child as their body trembled.

"Please don't leave me..." the enderman hybrid whimpered out as he rubbed his face into the crook of the other's neck.

The (H/c)ette could hear his heart break and felt his body stiffening.

He knew that he had to go back and check if Tubbo and the others are fine.

"Kid–" (M/n) was cut off.

"No...no...please...please don't," the child continued to whimper and sob.

The older male clenched his teeth and closed his eyes as he hugged the other in a brotherly fashioned way.

'He's like me...touch starved. He must've not been around any body for a long time if he's acting like this.'

Tears welled up in the corner of (M/n)'s eyes.

The teen placed his chin on top of the child's head, opening his teary hazed eyes.

The male could feel the pain that the younger was feeling seeing as he too had gone through it until he had met Phil and the others.

"Would you like a name?" The (H/c)ette gently questioned making the smaller sniffle and look upwards.

"You would...give me one?" The child nervously asked.

"Uh-huh, I sure would," (M/n) answered with a nod of his head.

The child felt happiness flood throughout his body as a small smile itched his lips, wanting to appear.

"Please..." he whispered out in a soft pleading tone of voice.

(M/n) plucked out a hidden stick from the pile of leaves underneath him and started writing in the dirt.

The child looked at the writing in curiosity.


Ranboo was the name that could be seen written in the dirt.

"Your name shall be Ranboo," (M/n) declared with a small victory smile.

The child, now named Ranboo, felt tears gather up in his eyes once more but quickly rubbed them away with the back of his fists.

Turning towards the other, he gave them a teary smile.

"Thank you, papa!"

(M/n) felt himself go blank when he realized what Ranboo called him.

He was too young to be a father, he was just seventeen almost eighteen for the sake of the land!

"Was that...too far?" Ranboo whimpered when the other went silent.

(M/n) hastily shook his head, "No, no...it just surprised me, that's all," he replied with a gentle smile.

Ranboo bit his bottom lip with furrowed eyebrows as he started to swing his legs back and forth, while clinging onto the other.

'Dang it... I just can't leave him here, he looks like Tubbo's and Tommy's age!'

The (H/c)ette was having a battle inside of his head before mentally sighing in defeat.

"I won't leave you, okay? I don't plan to anyway unless someone forces us to break apart," (M/n) sighed.

Ranboo felt relief and continued to hug the other, gripping onto their ruined shirt lightly.

The heterochromia eyed boy started calling the older 'papa' due to the fact of the said male holding that type of aura.

The other also held that older brother older too which he couldn't deny either.

Something burning caught the attention of the two causing them to look over.

The cooked rabbits had been burnt due to the fact that they weren't watching over it.

"Ah!! The food!" Ranboo cried out in disappointment at the only food he was able to catch.

(M/n) bit the inside of his cheek and thought for a quick second.

"Is there any pigs, chickens, or cows nearby?" He asked.

Ranboo nodded his head with a sad look on his face.

(M/n) forced himself to get up onto his feet, carrying Ranboo like an actual child.

"Woah!" Ranboo squeaked out in surprise.

"Looks like we're going out hunting for a bit," the teen mumbled.

Ranboo gave a look of excitement, "Yeah!"


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