《 (M/n) Vs. Quackity 》

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Tw: fighting, blood

A blade and dagger clashed together as their owners took a step towards each other.

"You're really weird, you know?" Quackity questioned with a raised eyebrow.

(M/n) stayed silent as he fell to his hands and swiped his feet up in the air, kicking Quackity straight in the side of his head.

A painful cry left Quackity's lips as he stumbled backwards, dropping his blade.

The blade seemed to get caught on the (H/c)ette's leg and caused a small deep enough injury for a few blood drops to slip down.

Getting back up onto his feet, (M/n) placed the dagger into one of his shoes and kicked away the blade so that Quackity wouldn't be able to grab it once he stands up.

Quackity got up onto his feet and rubbed away the blood that decided to spill between his lips.

"Ooh, you know how to fight! That's a huge bonus!" The beanie male exclaimed.

The (H/c)ette just responded with a 'tsk'.

Quackity continued to smile with fake amusement.

"Hand to hand combat, I presume? Seeing as you did kick away my blade and put that dagger back into your shoe," Quackity points out.

(M/n) looked away giving the other male a silent answer.

Quackity saw the silent answer and grinned widely.

The beanie male got into a fighting stance while the enderman and magma cube hybrid stayed relaxed.

Quackity was the first one to move seeing as he sent a kick up at the taller one's head.

(M/n) ducked and elbowed the shorter male in his side.

Quackity was quick enough to catch his footing despite the small sudden stumble he had taken.

Quickly, (M/n) twirled his body with the ball of his foot, snapping his foot as he kicked the other in the back of his head.

Due to this, Quackity fell straight forward into the snow.

Quackity was breathing heavily when he realized that he was gonna have some trouble knocking out the hybrid.

Even if he wasn't a good fighter, he was able to do other things that didn't need fighting in it.

The beanie male stood up with his body trembling and shaking a bit.

Quackity turned towards the (H/c)ette and clenched his teeth.

The teen was clearly clever and quick on his feet as if he's done this million of times before.

"Just let me hit you!" Quackity angrily huffed out.

"Eh," (M/n) replied with a look of disappointment.

Quackity started to grit at his teeth angrily.

(E/c) eyes gazed at the male before them, disturbed at how bad the other was bad at fighting.

Quackity sent a quick punch at the other.

(M/n) clicked his tongue he ducked slightly and responded with a kick to the gut which sent Quackity flying and crying out in pain.

Quackity landed near his blade despite his back landing hard onto the snowy ground.

It felt like his breath was just taken out of him seeing as he was trying to get back to his normal breathing routine.

He quickly picked up his blade and placed it into his sheath so that he didn't get it kicked out of his hands again.

The male felt small.

He felt small underneath the gaze of the hybrid before him.

It was like he was the prey.

And the other?

A predator.

(M/n) was the predator in his eyes that wouldn't care if he got killed or not.

Quackity made another move at the other even though he knew that he was just gonna get kicked away again.

However, there was one thing that Quackity didn't notice.

(M/n) still had injuries from the fight with Dream that didn't get fully healed with the health potion that Ranboo gave him.

The (H/c)ette was moving a bit slower than when he was fighting with Dream since his body was still bruised and sore in some places.

Quackity bit the inside of his cheek as he gazed at the male before him that didn't seem bothered at all.

Glancing at his blade for a few seconds, an idea then popped inside of his head.

'Maybe I should cheat seeing as this fight isn't heading in my direction.'

The (H/c)ette could tell that the shorter was planning something but he didn't know what it was.

Although, a small voice inside his head mentally told him to be careful since whatever Quackity was planning wasn't good at all.

There was one thing that the two had to do.

They had to finish this fight quickly or they'd be there all day waiting for the last man to stand.

Quackity was the first one to move.

(M/n) took a step backwards when he saw that the other had brought out their blade.

The (H/c)ette quickly picked up the blade from inside of his shoe and stayed still despite holding a blade up and away from his face.

Quackity met face to face with the hybrid and slashed downwards with his blade.

(M/n) slashed the dagger sideways.

Blood went flying as the weapons met their targets.

With that, two bodies went falling straight to the ground, their blood staining the white snow.


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