《 The Voices 》

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Tw: Slight gore, blood, angst

Techno was forced to sit down on his bed as he gazed at the (H/c)ette in deep confusion.

(M/n) sat down on a nearby chair that was inside the room and narrowed his eyes straight at the pinkette in front of him.

Techno seemed to flinch when he saw how the other's glowed a bit even if there was light in the room.

The thing that caught his attention the most was how his pupils looked like there were purple rings surrounding them for a quick second before disappearing.

"Techno, please...tell me, what do these voices tell you?" (M/n) asked gently.

The pinkette tensed up a bit as he clenched his fists and bit the inside of his cheek.

"Are you sure?" He questioned.

(M/n) responded with a head nod.

"These voices... They scare me sometimes. Th-they tell me to kill people because they crave blood. They'll chant 'Blood for the Blood God' over and over." Techno's voice started to tremble a bit as his eyes gazed at the ground.

The (H/c)ette's breath hitched as he listened to the other.

"Have they ever...you know?" He questioned.

Techno turned his head away off to the side in shame and murmured a small 'yes'.

(M/n) stood up and placed his hands on Techno's shoulders making the said pinkette to look up at him.

"How far have these voices sent you?" He whispered.

Tears gathered up in Techno's eyes.

"They forced me to kill my whole family...my mother...my father...even a few neighbors. I can't remember much except for small clips. Crazed laughter and blood...lots of blood and bodies are the only thing I remember. I just don't know what I killed them with," Techno said as his body trembled.

(M/n) clenched his eyes shut allowing the glowing hues to disappear.

Opening his eyes, he could see Techno's scleras start to turn black as if the voices were trying to take over control by bombarding heavyset words into his mind.

The (H/c)ette thought for a quick second before crying out in shock as he was tackled and pinned to the ground.

Looking up, he could see unshed tears in the pinkette's eyes.

A (S/c) hand lifted up and placed itself on Techno's cheek.

Techno seemed to reel back a bit at the sudden motion the pinned had made.

(M/n) reached his other hand out, picking up some type of hat or beanie and placed it onto Techno's head, also blocking out his eyesight with the darkness that the accessory gave.

"Techno, listen to my voice, you're not alone. You have Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy. You have them and they have you, they're your family, right? Think about them, don't let the voices control you," (M/n) said gently.

Techno's body relaxed out its tensed form as tears could be noticed dripping down his cheeks and onto (M/n)'s shirt.

(M/n) pulled the hand he was using away from his face before moving the other hand off of the beanie.

Techno crumbled into the (H/c)ette's form allowing soft sobs and cries to leave his lips.

A (S/c) hand reached up and started running through Techno's long pink hair that was currently a mess.

"You're your very own person, Techno. You have people that care about you, people that love you, and me? I have nobody," (M/n) sighed out as he gazed up at the roof.

"Agh!" The (H/c)ette coughed up saliva from between his lips due the unexpected punch at his abdomen.

"Shut up, shut up! You have people that care about you, nerd! Your parents don't care about you! Don't you go running your mouth about nobody caring about you–" Techno heavily sobbed as he gripped onto the other's shirt while trying to calm down his crying and breathing.

(M/n)'s own eyes started to tear up as he listened to Techno.

"You have us, nerd! Even if you've only been here for barely three months, we care about you! Phil sees you as another son and Tommy thinks of you as an older brother! Wilbur and I see you as a friend that we know that will be able to protect us every step that we take," Techno whimpered and murmured out.

'Do you really think like that, Techno? You've been bottling up all your emotions for so long that they finally came crashing down on you all at once.'

(M/n) sat up, having Techno sit between his legs as he pulled the said pinkette into a hug.

"Techno, thank you so much," he whispered.

Techno tensed up and awkwardly hugged the (H/c)ette back before melting into the other's clear warmth his body radiated.

Tears dripped onto (M/n)'s clothed shoulder as Techno placed his face on the crook of the other's neck.

(M/n) stayed quiet as he listened as the quiet sobs turned into gentle breathing which indicated that Techno had fallen asleep in his arms.

Glancing over at the window, a soft smile appeared on his lips ignoring the sizzling pain that he could hear.

"I'll get them a gift tomorrow, I'll have to ask Phil if I'm allowed to go out to the nearest market," (M/n) whispered as he got up onto his feet, holding a sleeping Techno in his arms.

The (H/c)ette walked up to Techno's bed and placed him down onto it.

Lifting up the sheets and covers, a weak hand gripped onto his sleeve.

Techno was gazing up at him with barely open eyes and a small frown decorating his lips.

"Stay," he murmured.

(M/n) gazed at the tired pinkette before sighing, "Alright."

Techno scooted over and allowed the other to climb in bed.

Tossing the blankets over them, the pinkette cuddled up into the other's chest and fell right back to sleep.

(M/n) gazed quietly at the sleeping boy in his arms before closing his eyes as well.

"Don't worry, Techno, you're not alone anymore," he whispered before falling asleep.


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