《 Situations On Board 》

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Tubbo stared at the tall double hybrid with a blank stare, while giving a side glance to Ranboo.

(M/n) stayed behind Ranboo's figure despite getting noticed easily.

"And why is he back here?" Tubbo huffed out while pointing at the (H/c)ette.

"Well..." Ranboo trailed off while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

The heterochromia eyed teen glanced over at his father with a worried look on his face.

After the small talk about the man blowing up a nation and being an anarchist, he decided to stay with him.


He wasn't gonna lose his father again.

Not on his watch.

"That promise you made me? Uh yeah, we need ideas," (M/n) bluntly states.

"Promi– Oh!" Tubbo cut himself off as a sound of realization left his lips.

"You're planning to get his memories back aren't you, Ranboo?" Tubbo excitedly said, looking up at the enderman hybrid.

Ranboo nodded his head nervously, while trying his best not to make eye contact with the shorter.

Tubbo seemed to realize and frowned a bit as he turned his head up to the (H/c)ette.

(M/n) could feel the tension that surrounded the three of them.

He knew that Tubbo didn't like his presence at all, but oh well.

"It was Schlatt's fault, right?" Tubbo asked, tilting his head with a questionable look.

(M/n) nodded his head as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Tubbo hummed as he turned his attention back to Ranboo.

"It's gonna be hard to find something that quick, so it will take me a few weeks to about a month or two!" The brunette declared.

Ranboo softly hummed as he nodded his head.

'He seems very charismatic to try and find this so-called cure.'

The (H/c)ette mentally deadpanned as he looked over at the new buildings with a blank look.

"You better not be planning anything," Tubbo hissed out, loud enough for only the (H/c)ette to hear.

"What do you mean? I would never," (M/n) sarcastically whispered back.

Tubbo narrowed a glare straight onto the other who acted like someone who wasn't secretly planning death and arson.

"Anyways, I heard that you know where Techno lives."

This caused the (H/c)ette to jerk his head back towards the short brunette.

His pupils narrowed which made Tubbo imagine a reptile's eyes.

"Yeah, so?"

Tubbo gave an innocent smile when he saw how the enderman hybrid wasn't listening into the conversation.

This gave the brunette enough time to try and get information out of the double hybrid.

"And you still work with Techno, right?" Tubbo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Why do you want to know?" (M/n) rudely replied, biting the inside of his cheek.

Tubbo continued to smile innocently.

"Oh nothing, just curious," the brunette replied.

(M/n) tsked as he looked away from the short brunette, not wanting to answer the said teen.

Tubbo pouted when he didn't get the answer that he wanted.

"Tubbo!" A ghostly voice exclaimed with happiness which caused the group of three to look over.

(M/n)'s eyes widened a bit in both silent shock and horror.


The ghostly figure was clearly seen through but you could tell what they looked like.

The ghost was pale in color with a pastel yellow sweater, black pants, and a pair of black shoes.

The figure was also wearing that familiar red beanie.

"Wilbur?" (M/n) asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Ranboo and Tubbo looked at each other.

"Wilbur? Oh! I'm Ghostbur!" The ghostly figure, Ghostbur, chirped happily.

"It was nice seeing you again, Ghostbur. I have to show Ranboo around, now!" Tubbo piped up.

Ranboo gazed at his father and saw the worried hidden look behind the blank stare of the (H/c)ette.

"I'll be alright, dad."

(M/n) frowned but sighed and nodded his head anyways.

"Take care."

"Got it."

Both Ghostbur and (M/n) watched as the duo walked off to check out L'manberg.

The ghostly figure then turned towards the (H/c)ette with a wide smile.

"I've heard about you from Tommy!" Ghostbur exclaimed.

"You've talked to Tommy?" The (H/c)ette asked with a questioning raised eyebrow.

Ghostbur laughed cheerfully and nodded his head.

"Yep! He really wants you to come and visit him, he's extremely lonely," Ghostbur replied.

'What the hell is Dream doing to him? I have to get Tommy out sooner rather than later. He deserves none of this.'

"Can you show me where Dream placed him at, Ghostbur?" (M/n) gently asked.

Ghostbur hummed and nodded his head quickly, "Of course!"

"Thanks, Ghostbur."

"No problem, (N/n)!"

Ghostbur quickly urged the (H/c)ette in the direction of where Tommy was staying.

"We'll have to take separate boats, just to warn you," Ghostbur piped up.

"We what?" (M/n) bluntly asked despite being a bit surprised.

"We gotta take boats!" Ghostbur repeated.

"And you didn't tell me until now, you stupid ghost?!" (M/n) hissed out.

"I'm sorry!" Ghostbur apologized while laughing in amusement at the failed attempt of being slapped on the back of his head.

"Stupid ghost," the (H/c)ette grumbled angrily.

Ghostbur giggled a bit.

The duo continued their destination of heading over to where Tommy lived.


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