《 The Beginning of a Puppet 》

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Tw: cursing, slight angst

Punz gripped onto his shoulder as he glared hatefully up towards Quackity as he watched the said male forcefully drag an angered double hybrid out of the cell that they had resided in.

"Stop! Stop this nonsense, Quackity, you don't have to listen to that damn ram's orders, you know that...right!? He's done everything that you don't even agree to! And you're his right hand man!" Punz exclaimed before laughing out.

Quackity's figure was all stiffened up as the other spoke the truth.

The male turned towards the other while keeping a grip of the hissing (H/c)ette.

"Shut up, shut the fuck up, Punz! You don't know what's going up in the upper floors!" Quackity exclaimed.

Within a short time, Quackity knew that Punz had seen the hybrid as an older brother figure.

Punz's shoulders were trembling and shaking with the laughter he had introduced to the dull room.

"Oh? YOU think that I don't know what goes on up there? I've been trapped down here for five years, Quackity. FIVE FUCKING YEARS AND YOU SAY I DON'T KNOW!?" Punz snapped with angry scrunched up eyebrows.

Quackity flinched back a bit at the sudden anger that the other had established.

Punz gave an unamused but crazed smile.


(M/n) had gone silent as he listened to Punz scream and yell at the beanie male.

Quackity replied with nothing as he forced the (H/c)ette out of the cell room.

Punz fell to his knees and ripped off the cloth that surrounded the arm he was gripping onto.

He glared at the metal band that sat comfortably around his upper arm.

The brunette knew that he wouldn't be able to make Quackity change his mind.

He had seen how Schlatt had turned people into his puppet for the last five years.

Five painful years of experiencing things that broke a person.

Punz had given up on trusting people since he knew that nobody would come to save him.

But of course, (M/n) just had to come into his life yesterday.

The brunette had craved for an older sibling's love or protection that he hadn't had in the last five years.

His eyes softened for a bit as he remembered the shock and surprise that had decorated the hybrid's figure before the other had been continuously dragged out of the room.

Blueish grey eyes turned towards the now empty cell as a small frown lifted upon their owner's lips.

He knew that his arm would be sore sooner or later due to the surprised but meaningful and somewhat painful shock that Quackity had given him.

"I should've told him... I should've...damn it, if I could help him, I would, but I can't..." Punz whispered with furrowed eyebrows.

He clenched his hands into fists as he gripped onto the hem of his shirt.

Punz quickly blinked away the unshed tears that wanted to fall.

Assassins weren't supposed to cry...

Assassins weren't supposed to become soft and familiar to a possible victim if they were ever ordered to.

Punz had broken one rule he was told and almost broken the second.

The brunette lifted a fisted hand up and slammed it hard into the wall beside him.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I could've helped him but I didn't! The first person that saw me as an actual human being instead of a weapon is now gone and is probably gonna lose their memory because of my stupidity!" Punz ranted.

Quackity dragged and tossed the hissing and baring of teeth hybrid to the ground.

(M/n) landed on the ground causing a grunt to leave past his lips.

Looking upwards, (M/n) bared his teeth even more when he saw the ram hybrid before him.

"Fuck off," he growled, his pupils turning into barely noticeable slits.

Schlatt just smiled in amusement as he saw the double hybrid on the ground like some type of mutt in the need of training.

"One of the guards overheard you telling a story last night, the cursed ender dragon prince...right?" The ram hybrid had asked as his smile became nasty due to a grin.

(M/n) didn't move at all as he continued to stare at the older hybrid in hate and disgust.

"I'm guessing you missed a part on purpose, am I right? The part where the prince holds an Eye of Ender, THE Eye of Ender in his position? Oh but of course you would, seeing as the stories tell of the prince having it hidden and covered as a different color."

"Why should I tell that part when it's not even important? The Eye of Ender is just a myth, it can't do shit unless the last mythical eleven are together!" (M/n) snapped.

Schlatt chuckled in amusement as he gripped onto the (H/c)ette's chin roughly and ran a thumb underneath the left eye.

The (H/c)ette cringed back and slapped the hand away while jerking backwards so that he wouldn't have to feel the thumb and hand on him again.

"Well, today is your beginning to be my dear puppet."


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