《 Dream 》

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Tw: Taunting

(M/n)'s body could be seen tensing up as he kept giving small glances around them which confused Tubbo.

"What's wrong?" The brunette questioned with a slight head tilt.

"Someone or something is following us," the (H/c)ette simply answered.

This confused the child even more as he too looked around.

"I don't see anything, " Tubbo piped up.

Silence was the only thing that surrounded the two.

(H/c) locks went flying as their owner turned around and readied a pulled back arrow with narrowed eyes.

Tubbo felt nervous as he gripped onto (M/n)'s shirt.

(E/c) eyes danced about as their owner kept looking for the mysterious figure that has been following them since they've left the market.


(M/n) released the arrow from his fingertips and watched as it went flying towards a tree covered in snow.

A yelp of surprise was heard making Tubbo's widen in fear as he hid behind the taller's back but peered over.

A male around (M/n)'s age stepped around the tree in a green hoodie and a white smiley mask hiding their features.

"Quite an aim you got there!" The dirty blonde said, grinning behind his mask.

(M/n) reached for another arrow with a blank look in his eyes.

"Woah, woah! I'm not here to fight you two or anything, so put that weapon down," the other exclaimed.

A frown slipped onto the (H/c)ette's lips as he let go of the arrow before placing the bow on his back.

"Why did you follow us?" (M/n) strictly asked, keeping Tubbo separated from the mysterious man.

"Who wouldn't? I've never seen you before so you must be new! I'm Dream," the dirty blonde, Dream, introduced.

(M/n) clenched his teeth, "(M/n)."

Dream's shoulders shook in a chuckle.

Tubbo flinched at the sound, the male before them wasn't really a good person.

The brunette gently tugged at the other's shirt, causing him to bend slightly.

"That's Dream, he's one of the main rulers of the land," Tubbo whispered.

'So...anarchy time I guess?'

(M/n) wasn't a huge fan of anything related to royalty or government things due to past experiences when he was younger.

Power can change people and he's seen it multiple times that it could.

"A ruler, huh? Questionable, really," the (H/c)ette sighed, a small crazy grin was twitching a bit but was forced down into a lazy smile.

"So, where are you heading to, Tubbo?" Dream asked, directing his gaze onto the brunette that was hiding behind the taller.

"Seeing a friend," the brunette simply lied despite it being some of the truth.

Dream lifted his mask onto the side of his head, showing his green eyes that struck fear in the smaller.

(M/n) pushed Tubbo gently behind his back once more, "Following us is one thing but striking fear into those that are younger...a bit of a manipulator aren't ya?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Dream shook his head and laughed once more, "Dear, I'm not a manipulator," the dirty blonde responded with a grin.

(M/n) bit the inside of his cheek and turned towards Tubbo and went down onto a knee.

"Go, head straight, you should see Phil's house," the (H/c)ette whispered into Tubbo's ear, handing him the bag of clothes and the gifts for Phil and his kids.

Tubbo felt fear strike him hard and he shook his head quickly and left the area carefully so he didn't break any of the extra heavy weight but quickly at the same time.

(M/n) turned his attention back to Dream, raising his bow while slipping an arrow into his hand and onto the bow.

Dream felt a crazy grin lift up onto his lips as he unsheathed his sword from its sheath.

"A fight, really? You're really going that far just to give the kid some time, aren't you?" He cackled out his kettle wheeze like laughter.

The (H/c)ette felt his left eye twitch at the other's arrogance.

"An arrogant piece of crap, aren't you? You do realize that will get you killed one day?" He questioned as he brushed a thumb up against the bow's string.

"Oh? Arrogant am I? You're a hybrid, a dangerous one at that, too! I overheard your weakness, what was it? Water?" Dream replied.

The teen tsked and rolled his eyes at the dirty blonde male before him.

"So what type of hybrid are you? Which parent was human? Pretty sure that you would know," Dream taunted on.

The (H/c)ette could feel himself clenching onto his bow more than normal as the other ticked him off.

"You have the height of a young enderman, ya know? Oh! Does that mean one of your parents was also a hybrid? Hah! A lava mob and a mob of the night that can teleport. But by the looks of it, you can't teleport. That's why your parents abandoned you, right? You can't teleport at all to save your life," Dream continued on.

The (H/c)ette trembled in not fear and sadness but anger.

Anger towards himself, Dream, and his own parents.

The parents that he had wished to have received love and recognition from.

Parents that would love him for what he was.

Instead, he was forced to live by himself in the nether forever for how long without parents guiding him.

Dream didn't know what he was talking about.

Dream didn't know about the (H/c)ette and his parents.

(E/c) hues started to glow angrily with purple rings surrounding his now slitted pupils.

"You don't know me or my parents! You have NO right to say that to me in any way shape or form," the teen hissed.

Pulling his bow and arrow back, he snarled a bit while Dream smirked, finding the other's reaction amusing.

In a quick step, Dream's face was right in front of him, his blade reaching for the other's face.

(M/n)'s eyes widened as he went with his instinct of survival.

He hastily ducked and rolled before releasing the arrow from his fingers.

Dream reflected the arrow with his blade and gave a crazy grin towards the taller.

"Lets dance, shall we?"


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