《 Hide Away 》

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Tw: blood, slight cursing

(M/n) glared at the male that was currently standing in front of him and Ranboo.

Ranboo was trembling and shaking as he stuffed his face into his adopted father's back as he tried his best not to cry since he had tear stained scars going down his cheeks.

"Who are you?" (M/n) hissed out as he made sure to keep Ranboo away from the weird looking man.

"Ah! I'm Quackity, it's nice to meet you!" Quackity cheerfully said despite a weird glint being in his eyes.

The (H/c)ette stayed quiet as he watched Quackity take out his weapon that was on his back and held it out to the side.

The blue shine of the sword reflected off due to the sun.

Ranboo allowed a whimper to escape as he huddled closer to the other.

"You're (M/n), right? Dream told me all about you!" Quackity exclaimed with fake happiness.

(M/n) stayed silent as he continued to glare over at the shorter.

"You're wondering why I'm here, right? Well... Schlatt wants you as a puppet ya know? When he heard of you because of Dream, he just couldn't but tell me to come and get you! It's a pleasure to work underneath Schlatt if you've been there for quite some time." Quackity rambled on.

"Why does this Schlatt person want me?" (M/n) questioned behind clenched teeth.

Quackity responded with a smirk.

"It's because you're a hybrid, a rare and dangerous one at that. For short, Schlatt sees you as a valuable chess piece that would take down the foes that stood in your way," Quackity answered with a shrug of his shoulders as if it was easy to understand.

"He sees me as valuable? That's rough, buddy. I'm my own person with my own circle of life that I decided to go through," (M/n) replied as he bit the inside of his cheek.

Ranboo kept his head down as he clenched tighter onto (M/n)'s shirt.

Quackity just continued to smile at the two hybrids before him.

"I would love to take you both to Schlatt, but he just wants one of you." He sighed in disappointment.

"Two endermen hybrids although one of them being half lava mob. So, what's your other half? I would really love to know!" Quackity continued.

"Magma cube."

Ranboo looked up at his father figure in surprise and awe.

(M/n) was half enderman and half magma cube.

Quackity grinned widely which showed his pearly white teeth.

"A magma cube, huh? Resistant to fire due to the side of a magma cube but weak to water because of the enderman side."

(M/n) gazed at the male in silence.

All of a sudden, it was as if the hold of Ranboo had disappeared.

He looked down and felt fear go through his veins when he realized that Ranboo wasn't behind him.

The (H/c)ette jerked his head back towards Quackity which made his blood run cold.

Quackity was holding a teary eyed Ranboo by his hair with a sword up against the heterochromia eyed child's neck.

"Papa!" Ranboo cried out in pain as his hair was jerked upwards.


Deep anger was the only thing that the seventeen year old male could feel.

"Let him go," (M/n) ordered as he clenched his hands into fists which caused his fingernails to dig through the palm of his hands.

"How about... No." Quackity chuckled.

"Let him the fuck go," the hybrid repeated as he walked up to Quackity and Ranboo.

Quackity stayed stilled as Ranboo struggled in his grasp.

"Oops," the beanie male chirped as he dug the sharp blade into Ranboo's neck, causing blood to slip out the injury and drip down onto the blade.

"Papa!!" Ranboo cried and whimpered out as the stinging pain on his throat.

(M/n) saw nothing but red when he saw Quackity injure Ranboo.

Instead of black scleras, it was pastel (E/c).

His pupils turned into extremely thin slits, almost non-existent.

"You bitch..." (M/n) hissed in anger.

Quackity laughed as he released Ranboo.

Ranboo stumbled and ran over to his father figure.

"Do you still have your daggers, Ranboo?" The (H/c)ette asked.

Ranboo nodded his head nervously before taking one out of his shoes and handed it over.

"I want you to hide, Ranboo. Run and hide away," (M/n) ordered.

Ranboo was about to say something but stayed quiet when he saw the look that he was being given.

"O-okay," he whispered before running off to hide while putting pressure to the wound on his neck.

(M/n) gave Quackity a death glare.


Quackity smirked as he pointed his blade at the other.

This would surely be an exciting match.

Especially with canon lives being at stake.


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