《 (M/n) Vs. Dream Part 2 》

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Tw: blood, gore, fighting


Dream stared in fear at the hybrid before him, he knew that angering hybrids was a big bad no to those that met them face to face.


Well, sometimes it would lead that person to death depending if you anger them enough.

(M/n) held a dead look in his eyes which scared the other even more.

"Like you said, lets dance."

The (H/c)ette had placed the broken bow on his back.

Dream wasn't stupid and he knew that.

He could also tell that the other wasn't stupid either.

An insane grin appeared onto the (H/c)ette's lips as he disappeared.

Dream's body stiffened as he got into a protected stance.

"You can't even teleport so how do you keep on disa–" Dream was forced out of his talking with a cry of pain leaving his lips as he was kicked and slammed into the snowy ground.

Dream slowly looked up and felt as if his soul had left his body.

White scleras were now black which allowed (E/c) eyes to seem like they were brighter against the darker color.

'Crap, I shouldn't have messed with him or Tubbo!'

Dream was trying his best to think of a plan as he got up onto his feet.

The (H/c)ette didn't seem bothered at all despite the loud sizzling that left his exposed arms and hands.

That's when an idea popped into the dirty blonde male's head.

He had decided to use the snow as his advantage seeing it was basically water.

Dream swiped the other off their feet causing them to fall and hit the ground.

A hiss of pain left the teen's lips as he felt the back of his head hit the snowy ground a little bit too hard.

The slightly shorter male had an idea and mentally grinned as he placed his sword into his sheath.

"Gotta keep it fair, right?" Dream lied.

(M/n) tsked as he gripped onto Dream's ankle and forcefully pulled him down as he himself got up onto his feet.

Dream felt saliva leave his lips as he gasped for air once he slammed hard into the snowy ground.

The hybrid allowed the other to get up onto their feet before the two dueled it out with kicks and punches.

Dream thought it was a good idea to do something so that the fighting could keep going.

The male silently brought out a small dagger like sword and swiped it at the other's face.

Blood went flying onto the ground and Dream's face.

Panting left (M/n)'s lips as he felt the red liquid go down his face, blurring his vision a bit.

Before Dream could strike forward this time, the (H/c)ette stepped to the side a bit, wrapped a right hand around Dream's right wrist and gripped it.

Dream felt his eyes widened as he felt his body go falling forward due to the other taking him down from a scissor position of a defense attack.

The dirty blonde male was clearly trapped.

A loud gasp of pain left his lips as a hard kick was felt onto the back of his head, causing him to break his nose as his face slammed into the ground.

(M/n) got up onto his feet quickly and kicked the small weapon away from them.

Dream was sitting on his knees with a shaking and trembling body.

'How can he even see!? His blood literally blurred out his eyesight!'

Despite not being able to see much, (M/n) was still able to make figures of his opponent.

Dream kissed his teeth angrily as he darted forward with a punch.

(M/n) was quick enough to block the punch and grab onto the other's hoodie.

Rolling onto his back, the teen threw Dream over his body, forcing the other to roll and slam into a tree.

Dream felt himself choke on his breath as blood dripped down his lips after coughing it out.

The dirty blonde male rolled over and trembled slightly as he got up onto his feet once more.

(M/n) could be seen kicking at the snow.

"Who knew that you could still be standing despite taking hard hits," he points out with a click of his tongue.

Dream rubbed away the blood off of his lips which was now staining the top of his hand and knuckles.

"You've taken a lot of head trauma, you know? I wouldn't be surprised if you wake up with some type of concussion tomorrow," (M/n) states with a shrug of his shoulders.

Dream ignored the other and appeared before the other.

The (H/c)ette moved his head off to the side but his eyes widened as he was sent flying backwards into the snow below him.

The blood on the hybrid's face was now dripping and staining his already bloody shirt.

'He lost a bit of blood, but how is he still standing?'

The (H/c)ette could feel the pain consuming his entire body, but he couldn't stop now, he had to get back to Phil and the others.

The dripping blood on his hand seemed to slow down a bit but not by much.

"You will never touch Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, or Tubbo...you hear me? If you do, I WILL kill you with my own two hands with or without a weapon of my own," the hybrid hissed while baring his fangs a bit.

Dream could tell that the other was telling the truth, this hybrid could really kill him if he wasn't careful.

(M/n) could feel his uninjured palm get stabbed with nails and break through the skin which allowed small drops of blood to pop out.

Both of them were bloody and beaten up.

Dream could barely even stand.

He probably had like one or two broken ribs, a slight possible concussion, a twisted ankle, and a sprained wrist.

(M/n)'s injuries were about the exact amount but a bit more life threatening.

"We should end this, now, don't you think?" Dream questioned.

"Sounds fine to me," the (H/c)ette answered.

The snow kicked up hiding the two figures from the views that were nowhere to be found.

The only thing that could be seen was a figure falling and being struck in the abdomen with blood flying.


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